How can I get rid of a Csection Belly???

pink_butterfly Posts: 83
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I had an emergency C-Section in Jan 2009 when I welcomed my baby girl into this world. Anyone out there have a Csection belly or had one and know some good tips on how to get rid of it?! If you had a Csection then u know exactly what I'm talking about. Its awful and it seems like it'll never go away (bikini cut by the way).. And from the rush of cutting, (and I had a bad infection after and was hospitalized), somehow the nerves and muscles on the one side often hurt, for no reason at all.. Docs say only way to fix it is surgery, and im not having that done.. So I need something I can do and at the same time not hurt the muscles too bad! Any advice?!?! Or can a csection belly never go away???


  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    I am afraid in some cases that a time machine or surgery is the only way to truly get rid of it. I have had three and it disgusts me. I have lost 30 pounds and while it has definitely gotten smaller that nasty flap of skin is still there, if anyone else has had proven results, I would gladly like to know how.
  • fun_mom
    fun_mom Posts: 54 Member
    Hate to break it to you but once those muscles are cut and you have that "mother's apron" your doctor is right. A tummy tuck is about all you'll ever be able to do to get a truly flat stomach again. I had an emergency c-section in 2007 and they cut me vertically and then basically ripped my stomach open to get my son out (they lost his heart rate) and while I can do sit up after sit up and lose weight and it'll definitely get flatter, I will ALWAYS have a bulging ares of skin and hanging skin. I hope in your case that I'm wrong but I know in my case my only option is a tummy tuck which I fully intend on getting once I lose all the weight.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    2 csections here!

    You have to just keep pushing - it's tougher for us but it is possible w/o a tummy tuck
    (although I don't knock down that option either)

    I seen two results video of women who have been through 2 csections and used Insanity/PX90/Brazil Butt Lift to shrink it down.

    This is my progress pics mid way through the Insanity program - today is my last day so I haven't taken my photos yet - I have one more workout to complete =)


    Day o vs Day 53

  • I have had 4 c-sections, 21 years apart, and am definately going the tummy tuck route once i get to my goal!
  • Oh sorry, by the surgery my doc said, I was referring to fixing the nerves that are causing the pain I get.. Now to the tummy tuck, I don't think I could ever do that, have surgery when its just to change my appearance.. And actually, I do plan on having one more lil one, and because of all the complications last time, it is a definite Csection.. Not saying its bad to get tummy tucks, for me, I just know that anything sugical I get freaked out.. So if I dont have to, I wont..

    And yes, the flap, its AWFUL!!! I keep hoping that once I lose weight, that it'll all tighten up and won't be as bad.. I'd just hate to hit my goal weight and still feel disgusting because of the Csection. Don't get me wrong, we sacrifice our bodies and lots for having our lil ones, and if it meant having a perfect belly or my daughter, I'd chose my daughter no matter what.. I'm sure we all would! I'd just really love to not have it AS bad..

    Do those muscles never get back together? They stay cut forever? Meaning, like how when a cut heals, our skin goes back together.. Can't our muscles work that way?! lolol
  • Cina, is that u in the bikini bottoms?
    That is awesome, ur belly looks so tight... I dont see it "hanging" over or anything.. And u did that without surgery.. Thats awesome.. Thank you!!!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    Google "Loose your mummy tummy" It is a program developed by a nurse specifically for healing Diastisis, that is the seperation of the abdominal muscles during pregnancy and childbirth...there are special specific exersizes she has you do. Also, ive been told that certain exersizes can make it worse if your diastisis is pretty bad....but, ive done these said exersizes and they have only helped me! I recommend yoga & pilates, the pilates especially will help with your abs! But starting with the mummy tummy exersizes would be best!
    Good luck!
  • jlizgar
    jlizgar Posts: 104
    Here is the website for you
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Cina, is that u in the bikini bottoms?
    That is awesome, ur belly looks so tight... I dont see it "hanging" over or anything.. And u did that without surgery.. Thats awesome.. Thank you!!!

    yep that's me
    I still have the the pooch/layer of fat on my abs but it is getting smaller

    I know it'll take a few more rounds of Insanity to get it flat.

    But def watch those videos, I always watch them to get me motivated again and give me back hope
  • kendra1976
    kendra1976 Posts: 90 Member
    I am slowly losing my mommy tummy, but I doubt I will ever get back to the way it was. The more weight that I lose, the better it looks. I had my c-section in November 2006. I am doing pilates, an ab class and a total body class at the gym. It seems to be working.
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    Oh and with Insanity my ab muscles are getting stronger - again it's going to take us a bit longer and we have to push extra hard.

    The first month of Insanity when there was ab work I could barely do them but second month it's getting better. My husband also noticed they are getting stronger when he presses on them lol

    I had my csections in March 2008 (emergency) & Dec 2009(planned) - so I knew my muscles were so weak.
  • 2 csections here!

    You have to just keep pushing - it's tougher for us but it is possible w/o a tummy tuck
    (although I don't knock down that option either)

    I seen two results video of women who have been through 2 csections and used Insanity/PX90/Brazil Butt Lift to shrink it down.

    This is my progress pics mid way through the Insanity program - today is my last day so I haven't taken my photos yet - I have one more workout to complete =)


    Day o vs Day 53


    WOW! Your abs look awesome!! Where can I get that intensity workout is it expensive?
  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    just google beachbody

    you can either pay in full or in payments

    Next I'm doing' Brazil Butt Lift and see how effective this program is.

    I use to be so skeptical of trying out stuff you see on TV cause of the $$ but I was ready for a change and the workouts I was doing and my lack of motivation got me no where except more depressed about my body.

    I love Shaun T as a fitness instructor. I have Hip Hip Abs but never completed the program. Owned it for almost 3 years (got it for 10.00 from Craigslist). I went ahead and updated my Hip Hop Abs so that I have level 2 . I also plan on doing this program along side w/ Brazil Butt Lift.

    Both programs are a month long than after that month back to Insanity round 2!!!
    Insanity helped me lose 15lbs and 26 inches off of my body in 60 days
  • jessdawn1982
    jessdawn1982 Posts: 31 Member
    I had a c-section 2years ago and it was verticle because my daughter was so large and had already moved down so far that was the only way to get her. I am not sure what a bikini cut would look like but I can only imagine it would look much better than what I have. The doctor ecpected a large baby but not as large as she was(10lbs 12oz, 22.25in) and the cut was not large enough and it ripped a bit so my stomach at the top of the scar hangs on one side and looks normal on the other. I can only hope next time around it could be fixed other wise no matter how small my belly gets it will look bad and tummy tuck will be my only option to make it look normal again.
  • Holy Moly Jess!! what an ordeal!
  • fun_mom
    fun_mom Posts: 54 Member
    I had a c-section 2years ago and it was verticle because my daughter was so large and had already moved down so far that was the only way to get her. I am not sure what a bikini cut would look like but I can only imagine it would look much better than what I have. The doctor ecpected a large baby but not as large as she was(10lbs 12oz, 22.25in) and the cut was not large enough and it ripped a bit so my stomach at the top of the scar hangs on one side and looks normal on the other. I can only hope next time around it could be fixed other wise no matter how small my belly gets it will look bad and tummy tuck will be my only option to make it look normal again.

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. Mine was very similar and I have a horrible scar that goes from belly button to beyond. I call it my front butt! LOL I'm so happy so many women who have had c-sections report being able to get that flat tummy look again but I"m afraid that's never going to happen for some of us who had very extensive cutting and tearing and not your standard bikini line c-section. No amount of working out will fix that.
  • okay-i was told by many people that i would not lose my c-section belly and i really thought that was true. I have been running and i finish INSANITY the middle of august...i am still running and doing insanity on my off days, as well as cindy whitmarsh incredible abs( on comcast on demand) belly is looking AWESOME.....seriously awesome, I feel proud to walk around in my sports bra and shorts!
  • I just had my 2nd c-section in 2009....and I am currently in process of losing all the weight I gained and then some :) but with my first c-section... Once I lost a lot of weight, I barely could see the flap, my stomach was almost "Flat" and I loved it, Yes the muscle can heal, dont be afraid to work your stomach muscles as you are losing the weight you will tighten up that area. I believe you will be please with the results, considering having a child.... I would like one more also, but right now I just want to get my body back and enjoy it before i begin the process all over again. The things we do for our :) Be Bless
  • Just wanted to let you know that you have inspire me...Im bout to workout for real thanks
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