Hi Everyone

Hi - I'm a mum of two trying to lose 28lbs, not loads, but I'm really struggling, so could do with all the motivation I can get :)


  • Tootsiebee
    Tootsiebee Posts: 5 Member
    I've heard the last of the weight is hard.]
    Just remember how far you've came.
    Veggies Veggies Veggies their your friend! Also if your working-out push yourself a little harder.
    For me, I make a playlist of my favorite upbeat songs & sometimes gives you an extra push. I also carry around something I want to fit in. Have that in front of you at all times & you'll be great!

    Luck :heart: :heart:
  • MrsDWhiting
    Thanks so much. I lost and put this weight on earlier in the year, I've had some really bad back problems too, which have made exercising difficult, but trying to power through. Luckily I'm a vegetarian, so I'm getting plenty of veg. Going to try and go for a simple bean curry tonight, the hubby will love me!