Women with a nice snatch



  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    OMG, I can't believe you posted this.

  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 697 Member
    One can't help but admire good form!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    ...are sexy. :love:


    When I grow up, I want my snatch to look just like hers!
  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    My gym doesn't allow snatches in the weight section :sad:

    That's sexist and misogynistic. I'd rage quit.
    I allow snatches in my bedroom.

    I certainly hope so or you'd be sleeping on the couch a lot.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,275 Member
    stalker_zpsb4e2c76e.gif \m/
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member

    I've been told I have a pretty good snatch.

    But I'm still a novice lifter so...
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Working on my clean and jerk skills before I get a deep snatch like in the OP. It is sad that the snatch takes so much work.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    No reason for a lock. Nothing dirty here except your minds. :laugh:

    erik. love you!
  • I hope one day to have an excellent snatch too
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Nobody likes a sloppy snatch
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I get in trouble on here every time I talk about my snatch, but I'll tell you that it impresses all the boys in the gym.
  • PBsMommy
    PBsMommy Posts: 1,166 Member
    I work on my snatch about 2, maybe 3 times a week. It is high maintenance and needs a lot of work. :laugh:
  • jivitasa
    jivitasa Posts: 150 Member
    just be sure to use the bathroom first


    For sure... snatch fails aren't good for anyone.
  • Shananigans_
    Shananigans_ Posts: 785 Member
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I only do single hand snatch.

    I suck
  • shutupandlift13
    shutupandlift13 Posts: 727 Member
    KD has one of my favorite snatches...

  • dirtnap63
    dirtnap63 Posts: 1,387 Member
    I only do single hand snatch.

    I suck

    I bet you're very popular at the gym.
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    I'm so confused!!!! lol
  • chadraeder3
    chadraeder3 Posts: 279 Member
    Don't forget about the clean and jerk, just as important as a nice snatch.
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