Why are people so discouraging



  • MattLBennett
    MattLBennett Posts: 24 Member
    I read the OP as just the family being concerned and nothing negative about it. The scenario sounds quite familiar. I was 278lbs and had been putting weight on for the better part of a decade, before that I was pretty active, fit and within the healthy BMI.

    I have lost almost 4 stone and my wife and mum are concerned when i say i have 1 more to go. This will still place my BMI 10lbs above the top end of healthy but they are just used to seeing me overweight and are worried that I will go too far. It's kind of sweet really and it does make you look carefully at yourself and what weight you want to be.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    I have come to learn that usually these kind of comments come from people who are overweight and not at a healthy weight who want to bring everyone else down. Usually they are extremely jealous and don't want anyone to have any sort of success. These are the kind of people who can give you backhanded compliments. It's at the point, where I have said Gee I guess you would rather me be 200 lbs. and on lots of different medications and miserable, and they shut up, or then they think about it and apologize. It's like your not a doctor or a nurse or someone in the health field, be quiet! What's worse are the food pushers who you should be able to say no thank you to once. It's like they want to see you unable to move much and to be overweight, unhealthy, and very unhappy. It's so sad, and strange. It's like eat til your satisfied and do your moderation thing, and try and eat a nutritionally balanced diet.
  • Beautifulbridgittlee7
    Beautifulbridgittlee7 Posts: 352 Member
    What's worse is when people say why even bother, you'll just gain it back and won't even keep it off. Plus people have different builds, and it's no ones business if they have 10 or 151bs more to go, that could be a healthy weight for a small or medium frame. It's like they want to see you have to go in for gastric bypass. It gets ridiculous, people need to have their own little support group of more like minded people.
  • Moya6512
    Moya6512 Posts: 53 Member
    For me I have seen this mostly with guys/dating. They seem to like the "extra" chub, and will tell me to put the salad down and eat a real meal. It really gets under my skin, because in my opinon.. a well balanced salad with lean meats IS a real meal... Not the smothered cheddar fries and cheesesteak they are having across from me.
  • drojen
    drojen Posts: 203 Member
    I simply refuse to discuss it with anyone unless I'm 100% sure they're supportive (that leaves me with 1 person to confide in, BTW). I just don't talk about it. If I'm ever asked, I simply state I'm watching both sodium and sugar for health reasons (this is true - have high BP and had been borderline diabetic and on cholestrol pills). Because I'm watching my food intake for these items, i happen to be losing a little weight. That's it. I don't encourage any further conversation. If someone were truly interested and genuinely wanted to know what I was doing and how I was doing it, I would tell them, but I find, for the most part, people aren't that interested.