How can I get rid of a Csection Belly???



  • literarylin
    Thank you everyone for sharing!! From this thread, I have received some valuable info. I am a mother of three... my last two osns were born via c-section. In May 2007, I had my first c-section - my son was transverse breach (sideways). Because of his position, all my abs separated and recovery was difficult. I even attended a post-natal physio for core development. In Jan. 2010, I had my second c-section, which was planned, as my baby was in position, but my uterus and cervix were not ready at 41 weeks. My dr. couldn't even strip the membrane... I recovered well from the c-section, but my core is weak... I try to work on it everyday ... crunches, tightening, planks, etc.

    I do have the "mommy apron" ....:wink:
  • renae5
    renae5 Posts: 393 Member
    3 c-sections, the last one infected, abcessed and ruptured. It had to be packed with gauze and saline for 4 weeks until it slowly healed from the inside out... needless to say, scar is U G L Y, flap is crooked and funky looking, and I am not-at-all happy with the appearance. The good news is, after my first 2, I had only a pencil thin line and a flat tummy after I lost the weight, so there is hope for others. Me, I haven't given up yet. I have heard of different muscle exercises to help with the underneath and wraps to help with the extra skin and if all else fails (and I mean all else) I might even look into surgery... not for anyone else, just me.
  • jenlhugg
    jenlhugg Posts: 141 Member
    My first c-section was a rush job, post op infection, two week stay in the hospital. They had to open up my wound and stuff it with gauze so it would heal from the inside out. I still have a burning and pinching sensation, and like a phantom incision pain. I lost all sensation in the skin and never got it back. I am hoping I can get some reconstructive surgery done to correct it in the future, cause with the last baby the insicion healed kinda inside out. It is weird. But I would definitely wait to do anything till after you are sure you are done having kids! Best of luck and I hope you find some answers
  • courtneysmith3212
    I have had 2 c-sections (neither of them emergency) with my first I would not dialate past a 2 but an emergency C-section was not needed...they just didn't want me to have to wait any longer.. it had almost been 12 hours and never left that 2.. anyway with my C-section they didn't cut through my muscles.. they moved them... I specifically asked my dr. cause I was wondering when I could start a really good workout on my abs, becasue I thought they cut through the muscles.. but she said they didn't cut through my muscles.. anyway... I do still have that flap though.. and am working hard to get it smaller and smaller.. I just think it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get it to be what it was before you had the baby(ies).. I am hoping I don't have to have surgery..but I guess when I am at my goal weight we will just have to see right?? Good luck to you guys!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I have had 2 c-sections (neither of them emergency) with my first I would not dialate past a 2 but an emergency C-section was not needed...they just didn't want me to have to wait any longer.. it had almost been 12 hours and never left that 2.. anyway with my C-section they didn't cut through my muscles.. they moved them... I specifically asked my dr. cause I was wondering when I could start a really good workout on my abs, becasue I thought they cut through the muscles.. but she said they didn't cut through my muscles.. anyway... I do still have that flap though.. and am working hard to get it smaller and smaller.. I just think it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get it to be what it was before you had the baby(ies).. I am hoping I don't have to have surgery..but I guess when I am at my goal weight we will just have to see right?? Good luck to you guys!

    Courtney!! You are the first person I've come across who had the exact same problem as me - didn't dilate. After 20 hours of being induced, had my water broken, and trying every trick up my doctor's sleeve, I got to a whopping 4 cm. :huh: We finally went with the C-section. For my second baby, we did a scheduled C-section. I often wonder what women like us would do if the C-section had not been invented!

    I'm having some luck with getting rid of my belly - a lot of hard work through exercise. I'm close to my goal weight, so I'm finally seeing some progress. I really don't want to go the surgery route, had enough of them with the two C-sections!

    Oh, and Courtney - my college roommate was named Courtney Smith, and there was a guy at college with the same name. Great name!!

    Good luck, ladies!!
  • jessdawn1982
    jessdawn1982 Posts: 31 Member
    I have had 2 c-sections (neither of them emergency) with my first I would not dialate past a 2 but an emergency C-section was not needed...they just didn't want me to have to wait any longer.. it had almost been 12 hours and never left that 2.. anyway with my C-section they didn't cut through my muscles.. they moved them... I specifically asked my dr. cause I was wondering when I could start a really good workout on my abs, becasue I thought they cut through the muscles.. but she said they didn't cut through my muscles.. anyway... I do still have that flap though.. and am working hard to get it smaller and smaller.. I just think it takes a lot of hard work and dedication to get it to be what it was before you had the baby(ies).. I am hoping I don't have to have surgery..but I guess when I am at my goal weight we will just have to see right?? Good luck to you guys!

    Courtney!! You are the first person I've come across who had the exact same problem as me - didn't dilate. After 20 hours of being induced, had my water broken, and trying every trick up my doctor's sleeve, I got to a whopping 4 cm. :huh: We finally went with the C-section. For my second baby, we did a scheduled C-section. I often wonder what women like us would do if the C-section had not been invented!

    I'm having some luck with getting rid of my belly - a lot of hard work through exercise. I'm close to my goal weight, so I'm finally seeing some progress. I really don't want to go the surgery route, had enough of them with the two C-sections!

    Oh, and Courtney - my college roommate was named Courtney Smith, and there was a guy at college with the same name. Great name!!

    Good luck, ladies!!

    I hate to say but I got that beat. I was induced and in labor for 40hrs and only dialated 1.5-2cm. my daughter was so larg I don't think she could move down far enough to push on my cervix to make me dialate. NO Fun!!!