What's your exercise schedule like?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It's variable depending on time of year and where I am in respect to my racing season. Currently, I train (running) 3x weekly and I lift 3x weekly on different days. On my lifting days I also do some recreational cycling or swimming, but nothing too intense. In the winter, I put a lot more focus on my lifting and just do enough endurance work to keep my aerobic base up. Next year should be interesting because I'm doing a triathlon in May that I'll start training for intently in February...then I just figure I'll round out my racing season with a couple 5Ks and maybe a cycling race thrown in there for good measure.
  • samonmission
    samonmission Posts: 62 Member
    My schedule

    Run -Walk. - Tu/Th/Sun (30-45 min)

    Cross Training (Biking /Weights/Elliptical) - Wed/Fri/Sat. (30-45 min)

    Monday Rest day
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Monday at lunch, I do about 20 minutes of lifting and 30 minutes of cardio at the employee gym
    Tuesday evenings I do an hour of Taekwondo, then an hour of hard calesthenics
    Wednesday gym (same as Monday)
    Thursday Taekwondo and calesthenics
    Friday gym
    Saturday, it depends on what all is going on
    Sunday I usually rest however I've been doing some extra walking in the evenings throughout the week with my husband as he is not a self-starter and I'm trying to get him moving.
  • corgicake
    corgicake Posts: 846 Member
    Technically my riding habit burns calories but I treat it like just another means of transportation since my neck of the woods is insanely bike-friendly. Between riding to work and such, I probably average at least forty miles a week during the school year.
  • ladyluch99
    ladyluch99 Posts: 264 Member
    I do Zumba 3x a week. Hip Hop Abs class 2x a week and I try to get in the gym to work on the Elliptical and Treadmill machines at least once or twice a week. I need to get back into strength training and specifically, weight lifting. I also walk on my breaks at work most days. I always try to get in my 10,000 steps everyday except Sunday which is my rest day.
  • ChangingAmanda
    ChangingAmanda Posts: 486 Member
    Well, up until I sprained my ankle really badly last week (working out no less), I did a circuit training class M-Th at 6:30pm and Sat at 11:30am. The class incorporates cardio and strength training. Some days we're outside running laps around the building, throwing medicine balls against walls, and flipping tires. Others we're inside with bit more focus on core and balance. Some days it's more upper body stuff while other days it's more lower body. I've gotten to have fun with tractor tires, sledge hammers, kettle bells, bar bells and plates, dumbbells, ViPRs, bosu's, battle ropes, and my own body weight. No two classes have been the same since the instructors have been allowed to design their own workouts. It's been great.

    Now, starting this week I'm relegated to the pool doing water aerobics until my ankle heals. :grumble: (not that I have anything against water aerobics, I'm just going to miss the tractor tire for a while... :wink: )
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I'm also a teacher, in England. I work part time now as I have a 2 and a 4 year old, so I exercise on my days off, fitting it round my husband's shifts, or use the gym crèche, or I go straight after work before collecting the kids from nursery. My school finishes at 3. I workout 5 or 6 times a week.

    We break up for Summer this Wed, and go back on Sept 3rd. I bet you get longer off! I'll be running round after my kids the whole time, as well as exercising, so hopefully will go back to work slimmer in Sept!

    Before kids, when I was full time, I used to go to the gym straight from work most days (unless we had a meeting) and do classes some evenings.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    I believe in exercise in moderation. I only want my body to adjust to workout levels I know I can maintain all year round.

    3 days a week: circuit training (weights or body weight) + HIIT for about 45 minutes
    1 day a week: steady state or endurance (right now I have a goal to row a 10k, so I have a rowing workout)
    1 day a week: walk or a class (optional)

    The other days are rest days. But it might be an active rest day, as I try to convert some errands to walking ones as I can. No 6/week or 2 a days for me. That isn't maintainable as a lifestyle choice. I am shooting for 10k steps a day! This is a new goal.

    If things slow down, I'll go harder not longer! Planning to do C25K in a few weeks, so I'll change up some of my workouts to fit this in.
  • Greygrappler
    Greygrappler Posts: 4 Member
    Monday/Wednesdays - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu 1 hour then treadmill (HIIT) at home for 30 mins
    Tues/Thurs/Fri/Sat - Weight Lifting for mass and shaping
    Sat Morns - Brazilian Jiu Jitsu flow training (light rolling)
  • ingeh
    ingeh Posts: 513 Member
    At the moment its three 1hr sessions on my exercise bike cycling as fast as I can (a speed I can keep with constantly without thinking is about 90-100rpm) whilst watching tv. Im going to add in some Fitness blender workouts once or twice a week, but this heatwave in the UK is making it tough so im just stationary cycling right now as its easier to cope with in the heat
  • Ya'll are making me tired just reading this thread! LOL!!

    I'm a beginner .... and I'm 61 with fibro, cfids and other health issues. I'm walking on the treadmill for 25 minutes right now, and hope to get up to 30 minutes soon.

    If I do too much too soon, I'll pay for it for many days and sometimes weeks, so I have to start slow and work my way up.

    I walk at a leisurely pace for 5 minutes, then brisk for 15, with a 5 minute slow down.

    I'd love to start weight bearing exercises, but I can't afford a gym right now, and not sure how to start.

    Nice to meet you all. :)
  • missbis
    missbis Posts: 116 Member
    I went to a gym and met with a fitness trainer to set up my program. I do strength and cardio every day and wake up early enough that I can get to they gym before work. Mondays and Thursdays I work on lower body strength for an hour then do 30 minutes of cardio, Tuesday and Friday I do upper body strength followed by 30 minutes of cardio and Wednesday I start out with cardio and then finish with core training. This is because I planned to go 5 days a week.

    I tend to be the most energetic in the morning, so this works out well for me. It also allows me to have my afternoons to myself for whatever I want. I don't work out on the weekends because I'm always busy.

    I told my trainer I wanted to focus on strength and I am so far very happy with the results. I feel like I have more energy throughout the day now.

    Wow, I'm such an airhead. I didn't think to ask my trainer! To be fair, he doesn't live in the area anymore, but we're Facebook friends and I can still ask his advice, lol.
  • missbis
    missbis Posts: 116 Member
    I believe in exercise in moderation. I only want my body to adjust to workout levels I know I can maintain all year round.

    3 days a week: circuit training (weights or body weight) + HIIT for about 45 minutes
    1 day a week: steady state or endurance (right now I have a goal to row a 10k, so I have a rowing workout)
    1 day a week: walk or a class (optional)

    The other days are rest days. But it might be an active rest day, as I try to convert some errands to walking ones as I can. No 6/week or 2 a days for me. That isn't maintainable as a lifestyle choice. I am shooting for 10k steps a day! This is a new goal.

    If things slow down, I'll go harder not longer! Planning to do C25K in a few weeks, so I'll change up some of my workouts to fit this in.

    Yeah, good point. Sometimes I get afraid that I won't be able to work out as hard as usual and gain weight.
  • missbis
    missbis Posts: 116 Member
    Ya'll are making me tired just reading this thread! LOL!!

    I'm a beginner .... and I'm 61 with fibro, cfids and other health issues. I'm walking on the treadmill for 25 minutes right now, and hope to get up to 30 minutes soon.

    If I do too much too soon, I'll pay for it for many days and sometimes weeks, so I have to start slow and work my way up.

    I walk at a leisurely pace for 5 minutes, then brisk for 15, with a 5 minute slow down.

    I'd love to start weight bearing exercises, but I can't afford a gym right now, and not sure how to start.

    Nice to meet you all. :)

    Good for you! It's not a contest between you and everyone else, but between you and yourself! Some days I count just getting off my butt and moving as a success. Best of luck to you with your fitness endeavors! :wink:
  • Karinlin25
    Karinlin25 Posts: 11 Member
    I have always read/heard that it's best to work out in the morning. I see a lot you guys get up before 5am. How do you do it??? I'm a chronic snoozer and have a hard time getting a good work out in. Ever.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I get up early before school and do a video (JM 30DS, RI30, aerobics, yoga, pilates, whatever) or rebound or a combination. After school, I will do 2 days cardio on the treadmill and 2 days lifting with machines. Saturday or Sunday might be a long run or another video.

    Right now its summer, so I still try to do a video most days, but on Tues/Thurs try to swim laps at the pool for 25 min. I also walk or walk/run my dogs 2x/day for about 20-25 min each time. I have dumbbells and a pull-up bar at home, but no heavy weights or machines.
  • Aemylue
    Aemylue Posts: 5 Member
    I work out daily. I am not an early morning person, so lunch and after work is when I fit in the time.

    M,W, F I do interval training for cardio at lunch. M. W after work i lift for about 1 hr. Fri, i only do the lunch time routine

    T, Th, i do a high intensity aerobics class that combines conditioning with cardio. Tue is based on step aerobics and Thu i s a sort of kettle ball routine.

    Saturday it depends on what i am in the mood for, sometimes it is an active play date (hiking, biking, swimming) or I go to the gym for a few hours. Sunday is the day off.
  • minijuggernaut
    minijuggernaut Posts: 98 Member
    I work a 9-5. I work out 6 days a week, very occasionally before work, usually after, from 6-7.

    Only weight lifting, no cardio.
  • minijuggernaut
    minijuggernaut Posts: 98 Member
    Ya'll are making me tired just reading this thread! LOL!!

    I'm a beginner .... and I'm 61 with fibro, cfids and other health issues. I'm walking on the treadmill for 25 minutes right now, and hope to get up to 30 minutes soon.

    If I do too much too soon, I'll pay for it for many days and sometimes weeks, so I have to start slow and work my way up.

    I walk at a leisurely pace for 5 minutes, then brisk for 15, with a 5 minute slow down.

    I'd love to start weight bearing exercises, but I can't afford a gym right now, and not sure how to start.

    Nice to meet you all. :)

    You're doing great. Especially with your health challenges. Plenty of people would use those as an excuse to quit, and you're not...should be proud of yourself.
  • ericcumbee
    ericcumbee Posts: 117 Member
    Tu, Thurs, Sat 5:15pm is what I have on my Google Calendar in my work email. being that my Cal is open to my co-workers I find that it helps keep me accountable that they can see it, and they ask if I actually went to the gym.

    Although I rarely actually go at those times. I put that on my Calendar thinking I would bring workout clothes to work with me, then change in my office and go to the RAC(Gym) before i left campus. that has yet to happen though. But I do make a point to go at least 3 times a week. Most weeks its more like 4 1hr sessions.