Are You Being Watched...By Strangers?



  • Hanfordrose
    Hanfordrose Posts: 688 Member
    There is a lot of good in the world to go along with all the bad you hear on the news. I often look at women that remind me of my mother. SHe has passed and I miss her and it is nice to see someone who reminds me of her as you do. :)

    My mother died of cancer at age 66. I still miss her, little Sis. No matter how old you may be, there will always be a part of you that misses that Mama that you loved and who loved you; and I am sure that she is still 'watching you' and proud of what you have become. :heart:
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    Sometimes I hope so

    I always leave my window curtains open just an inch or so...

    I don't even have those.

    I encourage the looking
  • healthymelisa
    healthymelisa Posts: 166 Member
    Yep, I cried. That is an awesome story.
  • jennwren77
    jennwren77 Posts: 76 Member
    Great story! Congratulations and thanks for sharing
  • WDA4655
    WDA4655 Posts: 91 Member
    Great post again! I know what you mean though. Some people DO think bad things about others and it's sad. My own brother & sister in law, a few years back, made a commit that when ever they saw a fat person they would make this crazy squeaking sound and laugh. At that time I was at my heaviest weight and they had no clue how much they had hurt me. I'm over it now and have learned to forgive and move on. But some people can be very insensitive.

    And we then think up all these things that people "must" be thinking about us, not realizing there are good decent people that do care. It's funny how our mind works. But thank God that He has given us a way to change our thinking.

    And look you found out that people don't think badly of you. I bet that made your day sister! And you "have" you to thank. You worked hard to get to this point and you are worth it! You are worth awesome compliments! You were worth it before you even started your journey.
  • This was really beautiful. Thank you for sharing, and congratulations on your accomplishments :flowerforyou:
  • laurynwithawhy
    laurynwithawhy Posts: 385 Member
    Awwww awesome! Thanks for sharing. This is something I need to remember too, that people aren't always thinking the worst of me. I think we are usually our own biggest critics. Keep up the great work!
  • Elliehmltn
    Elliehmltn Posts: 254 Member
    Love! Love! Love!
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    This made me feel so happy, and I hope it gets a lot of attention here on the forums........

  • bbbgamer
    bbbgamer Posts: 582 Member
    good for you... and them!
  • mistyj7
    mistyj7 Posts: 12 Member
    What an amazing story, and a good reminder to not assume we know what others are thinking about us. And, look how far you've come with your laps..that's amazing in itself!
  • Pelly57
    Pelly57 Posts: 169 Member
    Your story is the kind of thing that keeps me here on MFP. This is support and encouragment. Bless you.
  • Rosplosion
    Rosplosion Posts: 739 Member
    What a great story thank you for sharing. I'm one of the cheerleaders for sure. Whenever I see people working hard I wanna encourage them. When people see me "running" with my face beet red and my breath labored at the very least they can tell I'm pushing myself. I do my best not to project my judgements of myself onto others.
  • dsanford55
    dsanford55 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks Sue for sharing your story. I think a lot of us always think that people are judging us when they look. I think you probably made a lot of us realize that sometimes the people are actually admiring us for trying to live a healthier lifestyle. I used to be very shy when I went into the weight room but now I don't let it bother me. I choose to give people the benefit of the doubt...maybe they are respecting me (Grandma almost 58yrs old) for getting in there and trying!!

    P.S. Swimming an hour!!!!! I remember when you wrote your post "Terrified of a swimsuit".....and LOOK at you now!
  • saroknight
    saroknight Posts: 19
    This is so beautiful. Just goes to show that we are our own worst critics. :)
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    Sometimes people are judgey and do have negative thoughts about others, strangers. These thoughts usually come from their own insecurities, jealousy or just a downright nasty place. Equally there are probably just as many people who have positive thoughts and don't voice them.

    When someone is looking at you it could be either really. I find I usually project my own thoughts and feelings about myself on that particular day onto them. If I'm having a 'fat' day and feeling down, I will assume they are thinking something negative. If I'm wearing a new outfit or just generally feeling great I often project positive thoughts onto them.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    I love reading everything you post. You are an amazing writer and always have me tearing up a bit! Your progress is awesome and I'm so happy for you :)
  • sunnyhlw77
    sunnyhlw77 Posts: 204 Member
    You are amazing! Keep it up! Your posts are amazing!
  • jessready
    jessready Posts: 129 Member
    How wonderful! I have a hard time thinking that others may be thinking positive things. Thank you for sharing!
  • gourmetgal77
    gourmetgal77 Posts: 73 Member
    Excellent story!! And congrats on your weight loss.... :happy: