
Hey - how good is walking as exercise? I have a dek job, but I've been managing to walk about 5 miles a day (hate the gym...I know i should go but in this heat i do struggle!) - I'm supposed to be on 1200 cals a day but tend to average 1350..is there any chance the walking can counter the extra cals im having? Eek!


  • jesindc
    jesindc Posts: 724 Member
    Yes! Especially if you weren't doing any form of exercise before. I went down two dress sizes by just walking and watching my diet. As I got closer to my goal weight, I took the exercise up a notch and added weight training, but I'm a huge fan of walking -- it burns lots of calories, but is easy on the joints.
  • arlenem1974
    arlenem1974 Posts: 437 Member
    I have lost 58 lbs. since September 1 2012 and most of my exercise is from walking.
  • Needachange84
    Needachange84 Posts: 310 Member
    Its very good! With a diet change and walking only I have lost 14 lbs since June 3rd. Its easy on the joints and can get your heart pumping :)
  • homeschoolmama
    homeschoolmama Posts: 3 Member
    My husband and I walk about 6 miles a day, and over the last year have each lost about 50 lbs. Of course, along with walking we have been more careful with what we eat, but walking is our main form of exercise.
  • irunoveru
    irunoveru Posts: 38
    Walking is a great exercise. Especially if you are just starting out. But even if you are not new at cardio its still good. I walk my dog almost everyday, we walk anywhere from 2-5 miles. I run and bike before I take her out though to mix it up. I have lost inches and weight from doing that.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    Yes it's a good exercise. I started running last summer and now run 3-4 days a week but from everything I've read you burn approximately 100 calories per mile no matter the pace. So the main difference would be that it takes longer to get to 5 miles walking vs. running but you are still burning approx. 500 calories in those 5 miles. If it feels good and you enjoy it do it. :) Hope this helps.
  • siquettewilliams
    What's a good speed to walk is my question not really sure how to measure that on the street.
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    Walking is great & there are a lot of people out there who cannot do much more than a walk (due to age, weight, health etc.). Keep it up.
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    Walking is amazing... the best part is it doesn't really stress your body, and it burns mostly fat.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    What's a good speed to walk is my question not really sure how to measure that on the street.

    I think any speed is fine if it's comfortable. The more you do it the easier it will be and you will probably notice that you start walking faster. You could even do spurts of speed walking mixed with comfortable walking. A pedometer would tell you the speed you are walking, the distance and time. Not all have those features but most do.
  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    You don't have to go to a gym to exercise. There are plenty of websites with home workouts if you want to add that in.

    Walking is great for cardio, it's very important that you do something in the way of exercise for at least 30 min a day. How fast or how far you walk is up to you. Some people love to walk fast, almost a sprint, others just a leasure walk with the dog.

    If you really want to kick it up, all out sprint for 30 seconds, walk for 2 minutes, all out sprint for 30 seconds, walk for 2 minutes. Do this over an over for a total of 20 min each day and you will definitely get a good workout.
  • kitza101
    kitza101 Posts: 99 Member
    I lost 25 kg (around 50ish pounds) from January this year from eating well and walking every day, I walk about 8-10 km in total a day. A walk before work and a walk after. For me it's become an exercise in mental health as well as my general health! It's great to clear my head before and after work each day.

    As for how fast, that will vary depending on your level of fitness and health, your aims, etc. For me, I aim to walk at a pace where it isn't easy to carry on a normal conversation, e.g. pressed for breath. But it depends on what you are looking for out of a walk. If you are looking to relax your mind, pushing yourself to go extra fast may not be what you need right then. It's up to you really!
  • Melissa22G
    Melissa22G Posts: 847 Member
    Eat at 1350 and prancercise.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Walking is fantastic. I highly recommend it. Especially in an area that's scenic.
  • Dechant63
    Dechant63 Posts: 59
    I do walking on Sundays (my easy day) and when my knees and shins bother me. (From old sports injuries) definitely low impact for your joints. I usually walk for like 45 minutes at a pretty brisk pace
  • chuckabiddy
    Aw brill! Thanks guys x
  • babybs
    babybs Posts: 48 Member
    What's a good speed to walk is my question not really sure how to measure that on the street.

    My goal is to walk at an average speed of 3.8 MPH. I use a free app on my cell phone called Pedometer. This app records steps, calories burned, time walked, distance and speed. I wear an armband with my cell phone in it when I walk.
  • Dechant63
    Dechant63 Posts: 59
    Yes I try to be at 4 MPH minimum