Things that make you feel fat



  • Jarreduniverse
    Jarreduniverse Posts: 5 Member
    Living less than a mile from the beach, the whole being in a tankini and cover-up while everyone else is in a bikini is definitely one of those moments. Also, any time my tiny roommate makes a comment about her being/getting fat. I also just did laundry and seeing the size of my clothes hanging to dry next to hers is also quite the reality check...
  • mommypennylane
    mommypennylane Posts: 67 Member
    totally agree... pictures from the past few yrs make me feel fat because i am fat in them and pictures from before make me feel fat because i was so tiny before... my husband married arm candy and i am no longer that so now he makes me feel fat... in my head i look ok but pictures tell another story... it hurts the most though when i see pictures of me in a moment that I thought I looked really good and the pics let me know once again i had fooled myself......... but i can basically agree w/ what everyone has said.
  • Having my spare tire stick out further than my chest when I'm sitting & look down. :(

    Took the words right out of my mouth.

    Me too!
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    When your 7 year old pushes on your upper arms and laughs at the way the skin ripples!
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    1. Pictures. My fiancee snuck up on me last year on my birthday and snapped a pic of me. In our 4 years together, there have been a total of 3 pictures of me taken. I REFUSE to let ANYONE take a picture of me.

    2. Clothes out of the dryer. Just. Plain. Depressing.

    3. Getting dressed up and thinking you look great, only to get outside and see yourself in the sunlight in the rearview mirror and cry....thereby ruining your makeup.

    4. See above and add when you ask your significant other how you look and he says "fine" while checking out the gum wrapper on the floorboard of the truck.

    5. And my personal latest peeve, when your bra band gets lost in your back fat rolls. And this is just when you were boasting to your Mom about how you need to go bra shopping because all of your bras are too big.

    6. When your belly sticks out more than your boobs.
  • rcatr
    rcatr Posts: 374 Member
    my side profile

    my huge fat head next to my bf's small (is mine unusually large or is his unusually small?)

    my excess skin (AND FAT) hanging down when i do the plank. ugh.
  • It's photographs for me as well - I've recently come back from a fabulous holiday in Egypt and when I uploaded the photographs, I look fat and old and my supposedly miracle swimsuit and matching sarong just look terrible. In the pictures where I'm laughing, my double chin is more prominent than my smile.:frown:
    Next year, I swear my holiday photos will be something I will be proud to show to people, instead of filtering out all the ones with me in. And I'll be wearing a bikini. I promise.
  • Kminor67
    Kminor67 Posts: 900 Member
    Walking past a mirror or other reflective surface - I don't actually "see" myself as big as I am in my minds eye (probably why I haven't done anything about my weight for so long tbh!) so it always shocks me!

    I have this same problem! Glad I'm not the only one!

    My contribution is when you're doing aerobics or calisthenics and you have to adjust your bra and its STILL not enough to prevent shiners!
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    How no matter what size I am my stomach always has rolls when I sit. It makes me cry sometimes! I just want a flat belly!

    DITTO!! It seems I'm going to have to get skinnier than I'd like, just to get my waist down to a reasonable size. I swear if I didn't have allergies to chems I would seriously have it liposuctioned off. :frown: The rest of me is behaving - it's just this damn spare tyre!
  • weaverc
    weaverc Posts: 158
    Pictures get me everytime. I don't think I look so bad until I see myself in a picture...then I just want to crawl into a hole.
  • ArchyJill
    ArchyJill Posts: 548 Member
    1. Getting legs can feel EVERY molecule of fat jiggle when they rip that wax off!
    2. Boot camp class at the gym...the instructor is crazy-insane fit and about 10 years older than me
    3. Smaller boobs...makes the rest of me look fatter now that they are so small!
  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    1. Getting legs can feel EVERY molecule of fat jiggle when they rip that wax off!
    2. Boot camp class at the gym...the instructor is crazy-insane fit and about 10 years older than me
    3. Smaller boobs...makes the rest of me look fatter now that they are so small!

    Having smaller boobs SO makes me feel like me tummy is that much bigger, couldn't agree any more!!! lol

    I also feel fat when I'm sitting down because its harder to suck the gut in!
  • Mesmereyes
    Mesmereyes Posts: 83 Member
    Seeing the drawer full of all of the equipment I have spent money on and used in the past to cover or manipulate my fat. Waist Slimmers, girdles, Body Magic, corsets, power panties, and on and on.....
  • 1.) I workout like a crazy person for months and finally start seeing results. I think that it is a great thing since I lost 23 (almost 24) lbs since June 21, 2010... My husband doesn't change a thing about his exercise habits and he lost over 60 lbs in about 5 months. :0(

    2.) When I lose weight it seems to come from the places I don't wanna lose it from... (T&A)
  • hellokatee
    hellokatee Posts: 211 Member
    Trying to do OnDemand workouts in front of my boyfriend! I feel like I'm going to bring the house down around me while I'm dancing around!
  • shannonpatton
    shannonpatton Posts: 299 Member
    Only being able to run for a min at a time.....
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    today when i did my cardioX video and my belly was doing more jumping around then i think i was... at least i have a bra to restrain the rest lol
  • Honestly - most of my friends are frickin' pixies. And they're also MUCH shorter than me. Standing next to a 5'2" twig... I feel like a giant in more ways than one. And don't get me started on the photos.
  • Squooshing into an airline seat - or any public seating. (Bus, stadium, theater...)

    I have to comment on that one. Airline seats were designed for people who are under 5'5 and 110 lbs. I am FAR from the largest guy out there, but can't fit comfortably in an airline seat. Even when I was "thin" I was uncomfortable, and I'm short.
  • Squooshing into an airline seat - or any public seating. (Bus, stadium, theater...)

    I have to comment on that one. Airline seats were designed for people who are under 5'5 and 110 lbs. I am FAR from the largest guy out there, but can't fit comfortably in an airline seat. Even when I was "thin" I was uncomfortable, and I'm short.

    Good god! If that's true no wonder my back hurts so much - I'm 5'10"!!!! All the back support (if there's any left after all its use) is completely out of whack for me!
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