I just binged.

I had over 1,000 calories worth in cinnamon bread alone. I feel so sick and disgusting. I know I didn't "gain five pounds in one night" like some people stress over, but I am ashamed and sickened none the less. What do you guys do after a binge? I'm just curled up with some tea and planning my healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow.


  • wideeyedla
    wideeyedla Posts: 138 Member
    Reflect on what was going on right before it started. Think about HALT (hungry, angry, lonely, tired). Then forgive yourself. This journey is about progress, not perfection.

    Sometimes this Mom sends herself to her room for a time out with a box of tissues.

    You've got a plan for tomorrow, and that's a good place to be. Let today go.
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    preplan your meals tomorrow and perhaps talk to your Physician about the binge eating
  • NadineSabbagh
    NadineSabbagh Posts: 142 Member
    I always feel terrible after a binge but, thankfully, I don't do it all that often nowadays. When I do, I log what I've eaten so I can see the damage, and then I try to make up for it the rest of the week. I'll eat at a slightly greater deficit each day to try and offset the binge day, or I'll work some of it off in the gym. As long as I meet my weekly calorie goal, then I don't worry too much about one binge :) Try not to feel too bad about it - just get back on track tomorrow, like you're planning to do, and the binge will soon be long forgotten! :)
  • MaDwItNeWfLaVa
    MaDwItNeWfLaVa Posts: 78 Member
    Have those days once in awhile dont kill yourself over it...just move on and still stick with it dont give up because you binged :) But yes i do the same thing i always say how gross i feel and how much better i would have felt if i ate something healthy, so its funny you said that.
  • misssixty60
    First off, hats off to you to admiring it. If I were you, I'd track this episode, this way you can see what time it was, which meal it was before (or after) and try to see the pattern. Maybe there is something you can do right before the time that you have the binge that can offset the feeling? Also-maybe you need to REMOVE those triggers completely from your view. Don't have it around until you feel that you have mastered that food. Sometimes we think we are in control but we are not. I am on my weight loss transformation and I do NOT ALLOW CRACKERS in my house-at all. It is a trigger food. Hope this helps. :)
  • tiffanypacino
    tiffanypacino Posts: 57 Member
    The best thing is that tomorrow is a new day. No one is perfect and we all fall off the wagon. Pick yourself back up and start again. You are already on track with planning tomorrow! :)
  • _Waffle_
    _Waffle_ Posts: 13,049 Member
    I had over 1,000 calories worth in cinnamon bread alone.

    Where did you obtain this sugary goodness? Remember the 3 golden rules to protection.

    1. Time

    2. Distance

    3. Shielding.

  • fitocordon
    fitocordon Posts: 22 Member
    we all have those moments, just keep your head up and remember how you feel right now before next time :) I do that and its helped (not every time, but a lot)
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Acknowledge it and move on.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I had over 1,000 calories worth in cinnamon bread alone.

    Where did you obtain this sugary goodness? Remember the 3 golden rules to protection.

    1. Time

    2. Distance

    3. Shielding.


  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    don't hate yourself for it. wipe the slate clean and vow to do better tomorrow.

    on long term diets, I schedule a day a month, not for a binge but for some things I really enjoy but can' thave. basically it's a carb day ( I am a low carber) Might go out for a waffle for breakfast and have a slice of pizza later for lunch and pasta bread and wine for dinner. terrible calorie day but once a month won't kill anything at all
  • peanutbutterrunna
    The bread was from Costco. My mom brought home a new loaf too hahahah oh god. I think I'll be able to say no the it though, I've had my fill of it!

    Edit: Thanks for the kind words, guys!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Sometimes I find my binges are less emotional and more that the food was just really friggin' good. You may just need to stay away from cinnamon bread. It sounds so good...
  • goldiejoe
    goldiejoe Posts: 121 Member
    I had over 1,000 calories worth in cinnamon bread alone.

    Where did you obtain this sugary goodness? Remember the 3 golden rules to protection.

    1. Time

    2. Distance

    3. Shielding.

    Love this! I'm putting it on my facebook page. Not that my average weight friends will understand. <3
  • peanutbutterrunna
    Sometimes I find my binges are less emotional and more that the food was just really friggin' good. You may just need to stay away from cinnamon bread. It sounds so good...

    Right? I put peanut butter on some of the slices too. ugh. I ALMOST made french toast with some of the slices, but decided not to...then ate cereal. hahah...I mean I ran 5 miles today so it's okay right? (jokes)

    Edit: Why is bread so good? Why?
  • chefstew79
    chefstew79 Posts: 30 Member
    I just did the same exact thing! I was doing great all day and was 300 calories under my goal. I finished an hour long cardio workout (walking 4 miles up and down hills) but was starving to death almost shaky. Broke down and tried fur pretzels to make the stomach growling go away. That quickly turned into 8. Next had almonds in an effort to keep it healthy. Finally just hit the leftover buffalo chicken pizza in the fridge. I was even avoiding watching diners drive ins and dives and bizarre foods. Need to find a way to quell the hunger pains or find a zero calorie food to much on.
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    I had over 1,000 calories worth in cinnamon bread alone. I feel so sick and disgusting. I know I didn't "gain five pounds in one night" like some people stress over, but I am ashamed and sickened none the less. What do you guys do after a binge? I'm just curled up with some tea and planning my healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow.

    This is not cause for such negativity. Take a look at these numbers for a littler perspective:
    Cinnabon, Classic, 880 calories.
    Cheesecake Factory (Dulce de leche caramel cheese cake) 1 slice, 1080 calories (personal favorite)
    Cold Stone - Like it sized = SMALL Founder's Favorite, 1020 calories

    Not implying these splurges should be the norm, just that eating a bit too much sweet stuff shouldn't make you feel "sick and disgusting". You should never feel that way about eating, ANYTHING. It happens. You have a plan for tomorrow, so it doesn't look at all like are 'derailed'. One day won't reverse your progress, I promise.

    Put it behind you and start fresh tomorrow.
  • lovelaughrun
    lovelaughrun Posts: 45 Member
    Don't beat yourself up too much, as someone else said take note of you weekly calorie count for the week and cut back a little over the next few days. We all have binges, chocolate is the worst for me, I'm one of those people that can't have any because there's no way I can stop myself at one piece. I just try to gain back with exercise and a little less calories over the next few days.
    It's a journey and a little set back won't throw you off totally. You're already getting back on track by planning your next meals and wanting to stop it from happening again :)
  • sarahstrezo
    sarahstrezo Posts: 568 Member
    I had over 1,000 calories worth in cinnamon bread alone. I feel so sick and disgusting. I know I didn't "gain five pounds in one night" like some people stress over, but I am ashamed and sickened none the less. What do you guys do after a binge? I'm just curled up with some tea and planning my healthy breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow.

    This is not cause for such negativity. Take a look at these numbers for a littler perspective:
    Cinnabon, Classic, 880 calories.
    Cheesecake Factory (Dulce de leche caramel cheese cake) 1 slice, 1080 calories (personal favorite)
    Cold Stone - Like it sized = SMALL Founder's Favorite, 1020 calories

    Not implying these splurges should be the norm, just that eating a bit too much sweet stuff shouldn't make you feel "sick and disgusting". You should never feel that way about eating, ANYTHING. It happens. You have a plan for tomorrow, so it doesn't look at all like are 'derailed'. One day won't reverse your progress, I promise.

    Put it behind you and start fresh tomorrow.

    Completely agree.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    That's not a big deal at all. Sometimes you just need to stuff your face. I call it a carb refeed and then lay waste to the gym the next day (amazing what a bunch of carbs can do to your lifts).