
hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
Hey everyone!

This might sound like a really crap thing to ask, but i wondered where you all stood on drinking coffee during your diet? I have a significant amount to loose and i drink 1-2 cups of coffee per day (semi skimmed milk, 2 artificial sweetners) should i cut this out and try peppermint tea?

Thanks everyone!



  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Ive lost about 120lbs and I havent given up my coffee!! =)

    I did however changed from sugar to sweetener and use mainly milk/almond milk, which I mesasure out!

    You dont have to give it up! =)
  • RuthP92
    RuthP92 Posts: 11 Member
    As long as you log the calories there's no need to cut it out! I have 3 a day (used to have about 8) couldn't cope without it! Haha, you could start drinking peppermint or other herbal tea as well as though there's no harm in that! :)
  • hbb86
    hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
    First off, congratulations on your amazing weight loss!!! you look fantastic in your display picture!

    Glad i dont have to give it up, its one of my little pleasures! i only have 1-2 a day :)

    Thanks for the advice!

  • DJsmom129
    DJsmom129 Posts: 24 Member
    I drink at least 5 cups a day, I've lost roughly 100 lbs and I use half and half as well. You don't have to give up the coffee! Coffee runs through my veins!:drinker:
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I drink 3 cups per day...real sugar and half & half. In my opinion, you should not give up anything you like. Moderation is the key. For me, I need something that is sustainable and cutting out foods ( there are no bad foods ) is a non starter for me.
  • hbb86
    hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
    As long as you log the calories there's no need to cut it out! I have 3 a day (used to have about 8) couldn't cope without it! Haha, you could start drinking peppermint or other herbal tea as well as though there's no harm in that! :)

    Thanks for your advice!! if i had 8 cups i would be climbing the walls haha xx
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Do not touch my coffee lol I'm drinking my 3rd cup of the day already. Because I drink a lot of coffee I did switch to drinking it black with a sweetener. I average 4-6 cups a day, and I've been consistently losing. If you add milk or sugar just be sure to log it.
  • hbb86
    hbb86 Posts: 63 Member
    I drink at least 5 cups a day, I've lost roughly 100 lbs and I use half and half as well. You don't have to give up the coffee! Coffee runs through my veins!:drinker:

    Thanks for the advice! congrats on the weight loss!!! you look amazing xx
  • countryclowgirl
    countryclowgirl Posts: 31 Member
    Coffee it self is not bad for you. it is all the cramp we put it is. with what you are doing is good. but always count the sweet self too not just the coffee.
    I love my 1-2 cup in the morning, w/ cream and sugar, but what I did was cut the cream and sugar back.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Have 1 or 2 a day and mine always has pure cane sugar and International Delight Hershey Chocolate and Caramel creamer and it hasn't hurt my weight loss, coffee is something I make sure fits into my day...... Best of Luck
  • MrsWillard13
    My 10 oz cup is 40 calories. It's going NO WHERE
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    There is no way I would give up coffee. I use half/half in my coffee to keep sugar grams down. I DO log these calories. I log all calories.
  • MrsWillard13
    I log the ones I'm not ashamed of LOL
  • _Moose51_
    _Moose51_ Posts: 86
    DIeting alone will make you cranky, take coffee out.. pffft, fogetaboutit!
  • 92joann
    92joann Posts: 67 Member
    I wouldn't even consider cutting out coffee! But I am more of a regular coke drinker. I can not stand the diet or zero stuff, has to be regular. I will fail if I have no coke, sweets, chocolate and cake I could care less about, but I can't give up coke. It's a lot worse for you, sugar wise, than coffee obviously but it's my one weakness. Coke and avocados actually. So keep drinking! Just don't put 5 sugars in and you'll be fine ;]
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    sure! gotta have coffee,
    I am having Belgian chocolate toffee coffee right now.
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    You would have to pry my coffee out of my cold dead hands to get me to give it up. :)

    Especially if you already use skim milk and such as you mentioned, I see no need. Now if you are my co worker who orders a large with 6 creams and 12 sugars, you might have a problem.
  • CandelLife
    CandelLife Posts: 127 Member
    Who can live without coffee? I drink it as much as I like, when you drink it black you don't have to worry about all those extra calories.... not from the coffee but from what you add to it.
  • michelejoann
    michelejoann Posts: 295 Member
    yes, have some.

    1 or 2 cups a day, 2 TB of half and half, and 2 packets of raw sugar.
    I cannot function without it.
  • Chadomaniac
    Chadomaniac Posts: 1,785 Member
    yes, have some.

    1 or 2 cups a day, 2 TB of half and half, and 2 packets of raw sugar.
    I cannot function without it.

    This is 100% fine even during weight loss , just make sure you log it .

    A big cup of coffee can be around 150cals with 2 sugars and milk so 5x a day 750cals just on coffee .