Help! I'm hungry!



  • sucking on sugar free candy helps me.
  • Buy a bag of natural almonds; serving size is about 24 I eat them between lunch and dinner it does the trick.
  • I think I've tried every "trick" listed up there except for the coffee, and I'm still hungry all the time. Good luck and let me know what works best for you! Maybe I just need to start drinking coffee! :drinker:
  • Hi guys! Thanks so much for your advice. I'm consistenly over on my daily protein limits, and I was told my a friend who is an athletic trainer that your body can only metabolize so much protein before it turns it into fat, just as it would excess carbs; so I have tried to stay within my daily protein goals, but I almost always go over. I try to eat egg substitute instead of regular eggs because I save so many calories that way. Is this still considered protein? Like I said, the water trick just isn't doin it for me. And yes, I do excercise most days, but not until the evening, and the calories I burn doing the many activities that I do vary all the time, so I'm always scared to eat more calories during the day, just in case I don't burn them all off at night when I work out. Ahh, I know it's not going to be easy losing this last 20, but I don't remember experiencing as much hunger when I lost my first 40 lbs. I wish my body would just forget that I lost all of that weight so the last 20 comes off as quickly and easily as the first :(

    Again, thanks for all of your help! If you can think of anything that might help, I'm getting desperate over here!

    You may be going over your daily protein limits, but what are your limits? (sorry if I sound too personal) I eat 1280 calories per day and my goal is 50/30/20 which is 160g protein, 96g carbs and 28g fat. And, I too workout each night after dinner for an hour to an hour and a half (P90X classic program). I also eat breakfast at 7:30am, snack at 9:30-10am, lunch at 12noon, snack at 2:30-3pm and dinner at 5pm. Snack is usually a nectarine or an apple. I used to eat one string cheese and 15-16 almonds, but they were taking me over my daily fats (depending on what else I eat during the day). I unfortunately I do not drink enough water during the day, otherwise like yourself, I too would be in the bathroom half the day .. LOL! I'm not hungry during the day as long as I keep up with 50/30/20 ratio. It is really very challenging and I so very much understand. There seems to be so many options and opinions and you need to do what is best for you, your goal and your health. I hope anything I may have noted here is of help! I wish you the best of luck and keep up all your hard work!!!!
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    I posted something REALLY similar to this a few weeks ago, and here's what I've found:

    A HUGE breakfast (like, as much as you can eat) say, 2 apples and an egg or two or some peanut butter and some almonds (About 450-500 calories) takes care of me for the day. I can eat normally/ lightly the rest of the day and I'm not hungry!

    Also, I know you said you're eating vegetables: are you getting a little bit of fat with them? Olive oil, a bit of dressing, meat? They won't stick without it. You'll burn them in two hours at the most.

    I try to eat about 6 times a day, so that might have something to do with it, but often, it's a small banana or a plum or a few almonds.

    ALL that said, if you're hungry, you need to eat more. Your body is telling you it needs fuel, and all the tracking and formulas and experts in the world don't trump that.
  • Hi i eat carrot stick with low fat hummus while i am cooking. this will keep me busy and satisfied. Hope this helps.
  • You should look into wonderslim. I had the same problem as you and I had to get me some of these. 100 calories, 0 Fat, 4 Sugars and 15 protein. I start my breakfast with one and after lunch before dinner I have one and it truly helps.
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