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Daily sodium limit

I just realized that my daily sodium limit is 2,500. Doesn't that seem a little high to anyone? Why is it so high?


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  • Posts: 186 Member
    I have mine set to 1500mg/ day. You can change yours. Just to go the "My Home" tab, then "Goals", then to "Change Goals."
  • Posts: 6
  • Posts: 117 Member
    I was reading yesterday that the CDC has said that Salt does not have as big of an effect when it comes to heart Disease and high blood pressure. People that ate more 7,000mg of sodium per day and those that ate under 2000mg of sodium, were more likely to die than those inbetween. also new research says that under 2300mg might not be good for you

    I am personally keeping mine at 2500 but I do not feel so bad when i hit 3000 some days.
  • Posts: 550 Member
    I hit anywhere from 1,000-10,000 mg a day... Why are you worrying about salt? Salt has no calories! :D
  • Posts: 586 Member
    I have never changed my settings but I aim to keep it at 1500 a day and try not to go over that. I have finally been able to go off my blood pressure meds after being told I would never get off of it for the rest of my life. I have been able to do this with weight loss, controlling my sodium, and exercise.
  • Posts: 428 Member
    Only those people who have high blood pressure or are at risk for heart disease need to limit their salt intake.

    For the rest of us, it's more dangerous to NOT get enough salt than to get too much. I never come close to the salt limit, which worries me.... gonna start added salt to stuff.
  • Like everyone else said, sodium doesn't matter and doesn't really need to be tracked unless you have high blood pressure or other related health issues. There is salt in everything, it has no calories and your body needs it. Just don't go overboard on purpose but eating too little salt is actually worse and will give you headaches and other negative effects... I've had the misfortune of suffering from low sodium effects from a past diet... Before I had the knowledge.
  • Posts: 9,834 Member
    no that does not seem high at all
  • Posts: 8,980 Member
    I get like 6000 or so. I don't like things super salty
  • Posts: 2 Member
    I never get near my sodium level per day, should I add salt to things to get up to the level? I wasnt consciously eating low salt, just eating healthy and very little processed food. I was astounded at how low my daily amount was. Im a bit concerned after seeing some of the comments on here!
  • Posts: 1,690 Member
    Focus your energy on calories and macronutrients. If you get your caloric intake and macro's perfected then maybe you could consider tracking your salt as well. But salt intake is not anywhere near as important as body composition.
  • Posts: 1,690 Member
    I never get near my sodium level per day, should I add salt to things to get up to the level? I wasnt consciously eating low salt, just eating healthy and very little processed food. I was astounded at how low my daily amount was. Im a bit concerned after seeing some of the comments on here!

    No. The study previously quoted was observational, and therefore you can't draw conclusions on causality from it. The results are may be due to the fact that many of the people eating very low salt were doing so because they had been diagnosed with HTN, heart dz, etc.
  • Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks :)
  • Personally I keep mine at 1500 because I find that if I eat 2500 or more I retain a lot of water and that is not good for me since I am already on a baby dose of a diuretic for blood pressure. It is personal choice, but I think that 2500mg is the daily recommended based on a 2000 calorie diet.
  • Posts: 234 Member
    Don't worry too much about salt intake unless you have specific health issued related to salt consumption. I keep mine at 2500 and don't worry when it goes over.

    However, I do try to drink even more water on days when I go over or eat something particularly salty. Pork chops, canned soup and v8 are all things I eat regularly that have high amounts of sodium and hot dogs occasionally in the summer. I find if I don't drink a lot of water after eating those things, I retain a lot of water and have gained quite a bit of water weight by the next day. That can discourage me on the scale when I see a couple extra pounds on there, as well as make me feel bloated and yucky. If I bombard myself with water though, this doesn't happen.


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