Newbie here with 50+ pounds to lose

OMG, just returned from a wedding and I am done with being the fat relative. I look huge in the pictures. This has been a big month for my husband and I, we took a 5 night cruise to Canada two weeks ago. Just returned last night from a 4 day weekend in Dallas for the wedding. I committed at the beginning of the month to start today and here I am. I waited for the trips to be over because I knew it would be to hard to commit to a new healthy lifestyle with so much traveling in our schedules. Trips are over time to get healthy.

Looking for friends that also have a lot to lose, especially women in the 40-60 age range. I need your help and motivation as I begin this journey.



  • Mishinmite
    Mishinmite Posts: 43 Member
    Hi. I'm 43 and have 50lbs. to lose. I'm also new here and looking for friends. I've been on my diet for two weeks. I laughed when I read your post because now that two of my relatives have had weight loss surgery, I am now the "fat" one. Let's do this!
  • I am 5-1 and need to lose 50 lbs also. I'm 33 but have always had weight issues. I had been using MyFitnessPro a few months ago and had lost about 20 lbs, but I had to move and it was unexpected so I had to move into my mothers house for 3 weeks until my new place was ready. I had to eat out practically every night because my mom is crazy and we couldn't use her kitchen much. Not only did my wallet take a huge hit but so did my butt! I gained all the weight I had lost, so now I'm back at it at full force! I used to weigh about 300 lbs and I lost 180lbs! I kept it off for years but just recently have bee very depressed as life changes occur. I am now about 170lbs and I need to get back to about 115lbs. I had always been the fat relative and then the not fat relative, and now I'm the fat one again. I just need to shed this extra weight so I can feel like myself again.
  • warddm
    warddm Posts: 4
    Adding you :)
  • I as well have been counting for 2 weeks... It really hasn't been that difficult, but a support group would be wonderful. I just turned 40 in may, and im disgusted in myself. the pictures were horrible... they had a surprise party for me, and im ashamed of how I looked... I promised myself I would do this, and throw myself a 41st birthday where I can really feel like the star!! and SHINE!!
    Nice to meet all of you!!!
    ps.. I honestly have a good 100 pounds to lose.. that sounds just ridiculous to say!!
  • inkydnk3
    inkydnk3 Posts: 62 Member
    Responding to your post. I just turned 49 in July, and have about 35lbs left to loose. I originally had 50 lbs to loose.
    I'm not perfect and honestly could be done with my weight loss by now if I would have stuck with it but life got in the way.
    I'm back at it and making progress....
    Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • tmalikia
    tmalikia Posts: 22 Member
    Well I'm not quite 40 but I have more than 50 lbs to lose. I no longer take pictures for that very reason. Add me it's easier to stay on track with company to help.
  • eandbmom
    eandbmom Posts: 51 Member
    Sending friend request. I am 49 with about 70 pounds to lose. I just started about 10 days ago, but I can already tell that it helps to have a group of friends who can help encourage each other.
  • kirstenmouse
    kirstenmouse Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I am 36, two children (5 and 2 years) and need to loose over 100+ pounds which seems like a HUGE task, I have been using my fitness pal for a week and so far loving it, its so useful. Today I went to the gym and really really struggled and my motivation went out the window. I got so over faced with with the task ahead - but one step at a time there is a health young lady inside wanting to come out - this fat girl wont keep stuffing chocolate down her throat.
  • kimkim2014
    kimkim2014 Posts: 29
    I'm 35 with one child and have 90+ pounds to lose. Feel free to add me