Anyone having a hard time giving up soda??

andeeinevansville Posts: 98
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
I am doing good on my eating, but I am having a hard time giving up soda...I am down to 2 cans a day and I have been making myself drink 2 glasses of water before and after a soda..I'm wondering if this is gonna mess up my weight loss as long as I'm staying under my daily calories??


  • Amber030583
    Amber030583 Posts: 490 Member
    I am right with you! However, I have gotten down to one soda a day. I use to drink much more! lol. I know it is bad for you but my thoughts are if you can budget it into your calorie allotment then it is ok. I am screwed without my caffeine. I don't like coffee so soda is my coffee! :)
  • are you drinking diet or regular soda?
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    If I were you I would definitely keep aiming for no pop each day, but I am a firm believer in NOT giving up something completely. Pepsi is my vice, and I would rather not drink it at all than switch to diet, I've tried. For now as long as you still have enough calories for it, don't push yourself too hard to give it up, but aim for just one a day after so long, and once you hit that goal aim for none a day except for as an occasional treat. If you try to give it up completely you'll likely snap and drink a whole case at once :smile:
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I still drink diet soda on occasion, but the sugar and caffeine in regular soda can definitely have a negative effect on weight loss. It's an extra few hundred calories that don't add any nutrition to your diet. If it's diet soda, the artificial sweeteners and such aren't great for you either, but at least you're not drinking your calories. If you haven't already switched to diet soda, you may want to consider it. If it's already diet, then maybe try to drink tea or something instead.
  • macbikegeek
    macbikegeek Posts: 23 Member
    If you are really staying under your daily calories, it probably won't stop your weight loss. But it will affect your overall nutrition. If you can switch to a diet soda or flavored soda water, you'll get back some calories to devote to something else. Fruit might be a good choice to substitute - still a sweet treat but more food value. It's good you are staying under your calorie count but if you can keep cutting back it would be good. If gradual reduction helps, you could switch to the little half cans as the final step down. Good luck!
  • crc822001
    crc822001 Posts: 19 Member
    It's hard to give up for me! I have decided to allow myself 5 a week. This has been working b/c I know on the weekends that I will want a Pepsi so I steer clear of them during the week. On the weekends I hardly ever drink all 5. It feels like a small victory but I know the best answer is none at all :)
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I got to the point where I decided to go cold turkey, and honestly I don't miss it. I still allow myself an occasional soda from time to time (like a sprite when my stomach is upset), but otherwise I drink water.
  • dom98se
    dom98se Posts: 4 Member
    Cutting out soda is a definite necessity to losing weight. It's hard, I know 1st hand. I was drinking a 12pk a day easily and completely cut them out about 3 years ago. It was very hard but something I had to do. I still drink a diet soda every now and then. I could tell a difference after cutting them out. Weight was falling off a lot faster and I didn't feel bloated all the time. Try cut it down to one a day and before you know it, you'll be cutting them completely out. Good luck!
  • jrich1
    jrich1 Posts: 2,408 Member
    I still drink diet sodas, no desire to give them up
  • ♥Faerie♥
    ♥Faerie♥ Posts: 14,053 Member
    I have to have my diet cherry coke zero, I have tried to give it up, went about 3 months without it, but gave in and I usually have 1 a day, makes me feel like I am having a little treat without the added calories!
  • What worked on me was drinking the carbonated water The original sparking water Canada Dry, it help me stop drinking sodas
  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    I have lost weight (40lbs) and I still drink Diet Pepsi. At least one a day. I see no reason to cut it out of my diet. (I'm going to die of something and if aspertame kills me, so be it!) I drink a crazy amount of water every day so I figure a little aspertame isn't a big deal.
  • ballsuper
    ballsuper Posts: 1 Member
    I experiment in the kitchen with seltzer water, trying to drink tea with seltzer and juice with seltzer instead of soda. I found that I really like a little bit of grape juice or lemonade mixed with mostly seltzer water. I also found that I can sweeten my tea with fruit juice instead of sugar.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i have been drinking diet soda foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
    i used to drink well over 80 oz a day but have pretty much cut back to one can or one 32oz fountain drink a day...some days i dont drink any, some days i drink more...

    i think again anything in moderation is up something you love will only make you have a "slip" and then that is a failure you have to recover from......

    if you can work regular soda into your daily calories and you are getting all the real calories you need, than do it....
  • Great tips and advice everyone...Thanks so much!!
  • I drink only water unless I'm out for coffee with my girlfriends, I even order water in restaurants too, but once a week I get myself a bottle of Pepsi Max and enjoy sipping it over the weekend. It's pure bliss :D
  • I pretty much gave up all soda's. I occasionally treat my self to a diet cherry pepsi...maybe once a week. My main drinks now are water, coffee and tea. I really don't miss the soda at all.
  • I used to have a problem, but then I discovered G2. It's a low calorie Gatorade drink. I mix it with water and drink that instead of soda. Now I am down to one soda a week. And It's usually because I miss the bubbles.
  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    I was having a really hard time until I saw the amount of Sodium that my Diet Pepsi was on my food log. I stopped cold turkey, I really have learned to love G2 Grape, and I've gotten so much better at drinking water since I quit pop. =)
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    When I first started this lifestyle change, soda was one of the first things I gave up. But recently (since summer started) I've become "addicted" again, having 1-2 cans almost everyday. I find I weigh 1-3 lbs more on days after I drink soda even when staying within my calorie and sodium goals and drinking 8 glasses of water. Now given that you are actually drinking more water to balance the effects of the soda you might be okay. My goal is to move to 1 every other day then to once a week or only special occasions. I'm down to my last 8 pounds to lose, and the soda is definitely deterring my loss right now :ohwell: Are you wanting to cut back and have support from others going through the same? If so, I'm in.
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