Stuck so soon?

I haven't been dieting that long, but I feel like I have hit a plateau already. What should I do? I have never gone over my allotted calories for the day, usually way under but over the 1200 recommendation. I also run/walk about 4 times a week.

What can I do to really get the ball rolling? Am I doing anything wrong? Please help!


  • brilovely
    brilovely Posts: 2 Member
    Hi - sometimes changing up your routine can help, such as trying a new exercise. The same thing has been happening with me, but I noticed that a new exercise wakes everything up for me! Last year I tried belly dancing and lost 30 pounds. Now I need to figure out what new exercise I'll try - thinking of zumba or some type of aerobic exercise.

    Good luck and keep positive even if you don't see any results right away.

    Positive energy!
    Don't feel along I have the same problem, I go under calories almost every day I workout (walk and dance), I eat low fat, low calories food, drink more than 64 oz,. of water and this morning I weight myself 195lbs not up not down, but it is sometime is king of discouraging. I think that as long as you feel healthy and energize you will be fine!! Stay encourage!!

  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    There are a couple things I see in your post right off. First, you should never go way under your 1200 recommended calories. This is the minimum you should eat.

    Also, are you weighing ONLY or are you gauging by how your clothes fit and are you measuring yourself?

    It's ONLY a plateau when you're not losing inches, NOT seeing a change in your body, and are not losing weight. Measure yourself and keep track of those numbers every couple weeks or every month and after at least a month, if you see ABSOLUTELY no changes while you're sticking to the recommended #s MFP has laid out for you, THEN change your work out routine. Increase your cardio and strength training. If you're not strength training, START. Building muscle burns fat for you and is a GREAT way to help you lose inches and fat. A couple other things:

    Sodium - if you're not tracking it, it should be no more than 2400mg. Eating a lot of sodium leads to bloating and holding water, which is pretty heavy so if you're bloated, you may go up a few pounds. Once you drink a lot of water (divide your current weight in 2 and drink that many OUNCES of water per day at the least) you'll see that number go down.

    Protein - 25-30% of your diet per day, get it!

    Fiber - 25-30g per day.

    To change any of these numbers, go to My Home / Goals / Change Goals / Custom. Protein will be a dropdown, fiber and sodium will be fill-ins. Sugar should be no more than 40g per day and that's ADDED sugar.
  • meganrae1988
    Thanks Arielle0489. I may have written it wrong, but I never go under 1200 calories a day. Actually I am usually at 1500 a day. I am also measuring myself but it's staying the same.

    I think I will try adding strength training and watching my sodium. I am pretty sure I am doing well on protein and fiber.

    Thanks everyone for the help.