Strech Marks!!!!!! UGH!!!

Well its a little embarassing but I have a question for everyone. After my pregnancy I now have terrible stretch marks and well probably some from just being overweight. I am wondering if anyone has ever found anything that can help get rid of them? It makes me sad to think even if I do reach my weight loss goal I won't ever be able to wear a bakini anyways because of my god awful stretch marks UGH! PLEASE HELP!


  • pink_butterfly
    If you figure it out I'd love to know too! With my daughter I gained almost 70lbs.. No one could believe there was only one baby in my belly.. As I was this tiny thing when I first got pregnant. As I would say, it looked like Freddy got me.. Well now that they arent purple, they are white, deep and so wide.. I WOULD LOVE TO SEE THEM GO.. or atleast get smaller. If I find anything I will definitly let u know!
  • karleen
    karleen Posts: 260
    i've got them too. i wish i knew about this product when i got pregnant and not AFTER! Not sure if it really had anything to do with it, or they woulda gotten better on their own... theyre still quite visible. but faded dramatically after a year. ill also never wear a bikini though...

    anyways here it is:

    i rub ot all over my stomach after a shower. just one of many things i use from this company but this ones just for my lovely mommy marks
  • nopeekiepeekie
    nopeekiepeekie Posts: 338 Member
    I have had stretch marks since the age of 12 on the back of my thighs and my "girls" from the horrid growth spurt I had over the summer, they are not anywhere near as noticeable as the ones on my belly from pregnancies. They do fade over time, and I have never found anything that will make them go away.
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    I wish I had good news for you but those stretch marks are scars. No creams or products you can buy will help them go away. I had/have them also. And when I lost weight, they actually got worse because instead of being stretched across my fat belly, they hung all together on my new loose skin, making me look even more wrinkly. I actually had a tummy tuck to remove my loose skin and 95% of my stretch marks. I'm not sure it's worth it yet as now I have a scar hip-to-hip but the scar is below the bikini line so that is good. There are laser procedures that are supposed to help. They are expensive too but not as invasive!

    Sorry that I can't provide better news. There are some really cute one piece bathing suits out there!:wink:
  • wannabthatgirl
    I guess, sorry I always knew they were scars and couldnt magically disappear. I suppose I was wondering if anyone found anything that would drastically reduce them other than time LOL,. I have heard of that bio oil before and of course cocoa butter creams etc.
  • JodiGirl82
    No cream or oils can get rid of stretch marks, I think the only solution would be abdominoplasty (A.K.A tummy tuck), and the rest of them, maybe laser.
  • Dellie22
    cocoa butter always worked for me, and even if they don't work for you, they will make you smell nice :smile:
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Well its a little embarassing but I have a question for everyone. After my pregnancy I now have terrible stretch marks and well probably some from just being overweight. I am wondering if anyone has ever found anything that can help get rid of them? It makes me sad to think even if I do reach my weight loss goal I won't ever be able to wear a bakini anyways because of my god awful stretch marks UGH! PLEASE HELP!

    Try MEDERMA, an over the counter crean that is supposed to dimish scars and strech marks. You will have to be very consistent in applying the cream twice daily for several weeks. I don't know how effective the cream is for strech marks, but it did help a little with the scars that I got after shoulder surgery.

    Now, if anybody out there knows how to get rid of cellulitis, let me know and I will nominate you for a Nobel Prize...I know what cellutis is, and that is independent of body weight since very skinny people has them (Nichole Kidman is one), it is also genetic (darn family!), and since as we grow older the skin gets thinner, the dumpling shows more. But I thought that asking could bring some good responses, symphathy and company.

  • jusniq
    I've heard bio works only diminishing them. I've never tried it. I have them on my arms mostly. I use to be so embarassed about them, that i would never wear tanks, or shirts with no sleeves, or really short sleeves, but over this summer....I've just gotten this, "they are not going anywhere attitude, so oh well" attitude, and have worn tops that show em off lol

    Its frustrating though,
  • x3chipmunk
    I really don't know much on the subject (although I do have some stretch marks on my boobs & hips) I just haven't ever researched or tried anything, but right when someone said they're scars, I thought to myself, maybe try a scar reducing cream or whatever they would be called.. Maderma I think is one? I could be wrong with that name haha, but I know they're out there! It's helped a lot of people I know on scars that come from surgeries or cuts, etc. so maybe it'd work on stretch marks if they're scars too? Just a thought, maybe it's worth a shot?!
  • jonsie3488
    jonsie3488 Posts: 12 Member
    You know, I had some bad scars on my back from acne at one point, and I used Mederma, and it worked WONDERS!! You really cannot even tell that I had them. It was a little pricey for a small tube of ointment, but it was well worth it to be able to confident in wearing back baring clothes again.

    I noticed a commercial the other day that Mederma now has a cream out for stretch marks, and I'm hoping that it works just as well! Though I haven't had children and don't have stretch marks for that reason, I do have some on the upper thighs and my sides from weight gain :( Ugh! Once I lose a little more I plan on giving it a try!!
  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
    I've Heard that STRIVECTIN SD Intensive concentrated for Stretch Marks works really well.They sell it at Target.I haven't tried it yet myself.It's kind of pricey.