What can I do to lose weight in my stomach?

icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
edited September 18 in Fitness and Exercise
What can I do to lose weight in my stomach? I’ve been doing lots of crunches but they don’t seem to help.

There is no way to target weight loss to a specific area of the body because your body decides where it wants to put on weight and where it wants to take it off. The midsection is a common "problem" area for many people.

The best way to lose fat is through cardiovascular exercise. It is important to do a variety of abdominal exercises (including crunches) to keep your core strong, but until that excess fat is gone, you will not see the muscle definition. So if you’re not doing cardio, crunches are not going to help get the six-pack you’ve been hoping for. Regular cardio exercise at a level that’s challenging for you is your best bet.

Written by Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer and Nicole Nichols, Certified Fitness Instructor


  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    What can I do to lose weight in my stomach? I’ve been doing lots of crunches but they don’t seem to help.

    There is no way to target weight loss to a specific area of the body because your body decides where it wants to put on weight and where it wants to take it off. The midsection is a common "problem" area for many people.

    The best way to lose fat is through cardiovascular exercise. It is important to do a variety of abdominal exercises (including crunches) to keep your core strong, but until that excess fat is gone, you will not see the muscle definition. So if you’re not doing cardio, crunches are not going to help get the six-pack you’ve been hoping for. Regular cardio exercise at a level that’s challenging for you is your best bet.

    Written by Jen Mueller, Certified Personal Trainer and Nicole Nichols, Certified Fitness Instructor
  • Razboo
    Razboo Posts: 439 Member
    It's a fact. :wink: Although I think this part's balogna:

    "So if you’re not doing cardio, crunches are not going to help get the six-pack you’ve been hoping for. "

    You can get the 6 pack with the ab exercises and a correct diet. It if took cardio to lose fat, then those poor 3rd world folk would all be chubby. :smile:
  • katiechakos
    katiechakos Posts: 348 Member
    Raz, I agree with you. My brother NEVER exercises and he eats whatever he wants. He's super thin and has great muscle definintion. WE HATE HIM!!! :wink: So, I agree that cardio is important, but most of it is diet...
  • I agree. They say crunches are a waste of time until you strip that layer of fat. A few close friends of mine are personal trainers and they said that cardio is your best bet. Also, strength training for the entire body, and of course, dieting.
  • finkkm
    finkkm Posts: 27 Member
    You don't have to do cardio to have abs... you just have to have a low body fat percentage... that is why ppl that are skinny that do crunches & have little fat have a well defined stomach.... so ppl such as me need to worry about losing the weight, before toning...
  • rtamayo
    rtamayo Posts: 85 Member
    the problem is you can't focus weight loss on anyone body part, it comes off where it comes off. all you can do is work out to tone your body. the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn, and the more you work out the faster your metabolism.
    you will start to see the difference all over, including the parts you are most worried about, I am!
  • jenken99
    jenken99 Posts: 564 Member
    Raz, I agree with you. My brother NEVER exercises and he eats whatever he wants. He's super thin and has great muscle definintion. WE HATE HIM!!! :wink: So, I agree that cardio is important, but most of it is diet...

    i understand this ,, my exhusband has great muscle defintion and we had a son together that is not almost 15 and he will never have to work out to get that six pack or popeye legs and chest,, he has the form already if he works out it will just add to it which the girls will like im sure!!!!
    some people are just lucky i suppose
  • :drinker: I don't have a flat stomach by any means...but its not chubby either. My entire family is over weight so I have to fight to be a size 10 and I am only 5'3. I don't wiggle, but I will never be able to wear skinny jeans. I have notice that if I eat less "bad" sugar / carbs and do any form of Pilates, I can get a slimmer stomach. I power walk every day for 60 minutes at lunch...and my stomach stays the same, unless I incorporate pilates and less sugar. Try drinking more water, eat less bad sugar and maybe the 10 minute solution Rapid Results Pilates. This DVD has 10 minute intervals..its awesome.
  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Hi Icancoit...its all about the diet and you're getting so close to your goal...my abs are well defined but still have a layer of fat because my diet isn't there yet...I need to loose about 40 pounds...bellydance and abwheel are great ab exercise when you get bored with crunches...like you said, you still have to tone the muscles even if they don't show through the skin yet...diet and cardio are the fat burners.

    Fat Dancer
  • modernfemme
    modernfemme Posts: 454 Member
    When I started gaining weight, my body started storing everything on my gut. As I got heavier, it spread to other areas.

    When I started losing weight, my arms, boobs (damn) were the first to shrink, then my stomach, then my face. I lost close to 10 inches in my stomach and I only lost about 14 pounds so far.

    I do a ton of yoga, including routines that are meant to reduce "trouble" spots. Some people say it's a myth but I gotta tell you, I think it works.

    Maybe I've been lucky, but I think Yoga is amazing. It really reduces and tones. If yoga interests you, I would definitely give it a go.
  • marnijojo
    marnijojo Posts: 235 Member
    Modernfemme, do you do yoga at a gym or videos? I have not found a good yoga DVD yet - would appreciate any recommendations?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Wow, talk about digging up a post from the past. I vaguely remember when she first posted this. :cry:
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