
Did my first zumba class last night! LOVED IT! ... Curious who has seen results with doing it, tried out the dvds at a friends house I just might have to buy it :)


  • Westly
    I've actually been looking into that as well. I was really thrilled when they broke down the complex looking steps into parts.

    I can actually roll my hips now!!
  • nikicoleman
    nikicoleman Posts: 55 Member
    That's really awesome to know - I start Monday night. I'm coordinating the start of it at our church building-as well as a 'weight loss group' and I'm EXCITED!!!!! I hope I love it - I really want the group exercise now - you know, now that I"ve lost a little and don't feel as self-conscious as I did in my body before.
  • smhunnicutt
    smhunnicutt Posts: 19 Member
    I haven't tried it yet but I want to sooo bad!
  • Vivest
    I've done Zumba at home and now I do it at the gym with a class. It's awesome!!! You will see results if you do it at least 3x's a week for 45 mins. Smaller waist line was my first result, I was very pleased.
  • Breenee
    Breenee Posts: 6 Member
    I've wanted to do it...but they only offer two classes at my gym one in the AM and one in the PM....can't do the AM...and the PM class is packed from wall to wall...not a lot of room to move around in :(
  • Vivest
    I hear you Breene, we are experiencing the same problem at our gym with both classes that are available. Not sure what they are going to do because it seems that many like it and there for are willing to do Zumba more than just once or twice a week.