New Beginnings

Hi there! I'm new at this, the healthy eating, the exercise, nutrients...the whole nine yards. I haven't really worked out since high school, some 30 years ago. Hoping and praying I will succeed at this. I want to set small goals for myself, because the end goal is massive. I hope to reach a weight loss of 80 lbs. Wow! That seems intimidating just thinking about it. But I'm doing it for my health, my grandkids, so I can enjoy my life, and most importantly, for ME! So I will feel good about ME! Wish me luck and just maybe if you have the time, say hello. Everybody knows a journey is so much better traveled with friends than alone!!


  • vpleblanc
    vpleblanc Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, welcome, and Good Luck! I'm new to the whole thing, too and am trying to find my way. It's always better with friends!
  • yvonnerenee
    Welcome :) I know the feeling....I lost 19 lbs here from July 2011- Oct 2011 and then somehow got off track. I just came back today to this site to loose the remaining 100 lbs. Just keep tracking on here and be accountable for everything you eat. We can do it ! It may help to set small goals (I do mine 5 at at time). Good Luck on your journey!
  • pascogirl95
    pascogirl95 Posts: 15 Member
    Well, here I am again, I first started this post in January 2012, got discouraged really quickly and quit. Now it's July 2013 and instead of 80 pounds to lose, it's 90. Wow, intimidating yes, scared yes, can I do it with enough help and motivation, YES!!!!!

    We all know a journey traveled, is much better traveled with friends. I, for one, could use all the encouragement I can get.:wink::smile:
  • eandbmom
    eandbmom Posts: 51 Member
    I just started about 10 days ago and could always use more friends to go on this journey with. Sending friend request.
  • judgestacy
    judgestacy Posts: 32
    Don't give up! But don't expect it to be easy either. I've really been struggling too......I lost about 40 lbs a couple years ago, started on fitnesspal to keep it up and then promptly fell off the wagon. At least this time I've only gained about 10lbs where in the past I've gained 60 when I had given up!

    As of today, I am really trying to go gung ho on this and would love extra interaction with others too! Staying engaged with other people who understand some of your difficulties is so helpful!

    Feel free to add me if you are looking for more friends!
  • churchchipmunk
    churchchipmunk Posts: 83 Member
    Hi there and Welcome!!! MFP is the greatest place and you will find tons of support here!!!! Feel free to send me a friend request. I would love to share encouragement along our journey!!!! :)
  • Patcam1
    Patcam1 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome back!! I have been with this program a while, and have tried other programs in between with the hopes of achieving my goal. Now what started out as 25 lbs has advanced to 35 lbs! Remember that you are never alone on this journey, and that it's better to keep moving ahead towards your goal. Journaling definitely helps and setting smaller goals that are more achieveable. Even if it's only 15 minutes, try to incorporate at least 30 minutes of some form of exercise every day.

    Hang in there, and let's make this year the one where we made it happen!