Extra calories from exercising

I am currently on a 1400 calorie diet and every time i exercise it shows that i gained perhaps 577 EXTRA calories is it bad for me not to consume those calories since i am trying to lose weight...or should i...Please help...and if you can please review my food diary and see if i am doing ok for my weight loss journey..Thank You!!


  • jcramer1227
    jcramer1227 Posts: 85 Member
    MFP is set up so that the 1400 they give you is already a deficit. The point of eating back calories is to ensure your deficit isn't too large. Feel free to eat.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    MFP already figures in a deficit when it figured 1400 and expects you to eat back your exercise calories. I'd be careful though - almost 600 calories for less than a hour of walking is pretty high. It would take me a couple hours running to burn that - MFP tends to be generous with exercise calories.
  • mahanaibu
    mahanaibu Posts: 505 Member
    My advice is to see how things work for you. There are all kinds of reasons why eating back the calories might not work...for example, MFP's database on calories burned exercising is wildly optimistic. We often don't weight and measure our food with great exactness. Even when we use labels on packaged foods, studies have found that packaged foods are off by an average of 8%, almost in the direction of having more calories than the label shows. Restaurants tend to be off by more. So if you're losing fine by eating back the calories, terrific, and if not, my advice would be to leave them on the table. I do, unless the exercise has made me hungry, in which case I eat some more.

    Everybody has theories galore about the only right way to do things. The only right way to do things is the way that works for you.
  • Lovely122506
    Lovely122506 Posts: 4 Member
    Ok Thank You!!! Now i completely understand how it works =)
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Yes, eat back SOME of your cals. MFP is overly generous, I'd suggest 25-35%, no more than 50% unless you know it was a strenuous workout.
