Beginning future runner?

I'm contemplating on running outside instead of the treadmill (since I can't, it keeps jerking)
My questions are..
Where / How do I start?
I need something a little slower than the couch - 5k.

What's the proper way to start running, too?
Proper foods..
and if running is actually good for keeping fit?
I've always wanted to be known as a 'runner' since running was always my weak point. I want to concur it.
I'm not fit yet, and some people say I should wait till I lose a few more lbs until I start running.



  • wrentrotter
    Why not do couch to 5k but repeat each week a couple of times if you feel you need to do it slower? It begins with 60 seconds of running in intervals. Make sure you have decent shoes, and get an app for your phone, there are quite a few free c25k ones. I used 'C25K Free' .
  • 03fb
    03fb Posts: 1
    Couch to 5k is a fantastic program for many people including beginners. It starts of slow but keep going at it, your body adapts quickly to cardio

    I myself was amazed at the progress I achieved in a matter of weeks.
    Just keep a steady pace you feel comfortable at.

    Not sure what foods are suitable but anything healthy and eaten a while before running to avoid getting a stitch (long deep breathing will relieve it if you get one)

    I would highly recommend buying running shoes, best to check specialist stores as they can find the right shoes for you. It is worth the money
  • _meesh_
    _meesh_ Posts: 73
    I'd say start with walking. Then tell yourself you're going to jog from one street light to the next. Give yourself as much walking as you need to recover, then do it again. Start with a 10 minute walk/jog. Then build up time and distance.

    You can do it!
  • sylnova
    sylnova Posts: 100 Member
    What about Galloway's run-walk-run method? I have always hated running, but with this method I feel comfortable and can go longer distances, my longest is 10K so far.
  • mperrott2205
    mperrott2205 Posts: 737 Member
    C25K - Best thing.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    C25k, as many have suggested, is a great way to start running. I built up from gasping at half a mile to running 10 miles at a time without feeling any the worse for it. The C25k is nice because it is a structured program, so there is no guesswork about whether you're pushing too hard. The biggest thing is to watch your pace. People want to go too fast too soon. When you run, you should be able to carry on a conversation with someone next to you. You might need to pause at weird places to breathe, but you shouldn't be gasping so hard you can't talk at all. The more you run, the faster you will be able to go while still being able to breathe properly.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    I found C25k quite annoying and rather restrictive also I don't like running with this in my ear. I just did my own run walk routine for a few weeks. Remember though run slow. Slower than you think you should be able to hold a conversation. Speed will come in time
  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Trainers on, kit on and one foot in front of the other and boosh you're away, nothing more to it than that. Listen to your body and remember to breathe. Start slow and gradually build up both speed and distance it's no race and there's no exact science it's all trial and error what works for one doesn't always work for another.

    Good luck and keep trucking :)
  • Penjobe
    Penjobe Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with the people suggesting couch to 5k (C25k) I have been doing it for just over 2 weeks now and I repeated week 1 twice and will do that with each week. I have never been a runner and like you it was one of my weakest sports as well.

    I am mixing the running with some gym classes - Zumba and CX Worx and just eating healthy.

    Good luck it will get easier :)
  • SquishyVicki
    SquishyVicki Posts: 280 Member
    Hi - welcome to the world of running!! :smile:

    You need to: (i) find some decent trainers - look after your feet and they will carry you for miles!, (ii) put them on and (iii) you go!! It's as simple as that and although you will find it tough at first, if you reach a stage where you enjoy it I promise you will love it for life.

    However - make sure you start SLOW!! When I started I couldn't even run for a minute without gasping for breath so just start with walking for 90 seconds and running (and by running I mean jogging!) for 30 seconds and repeat. Before you know it those walks will get shorter and the running periods longer. Just remember most people are not running snobs......we may find times and distance interesting but all that will come with time. For now you will run and therefore you will become a runner regardless of how fast (or in my case slow!) you need to go.

    If you are completely not sure where to start though the NHS in the UK do some great resources which even if you are not based here I am sure you can access it:

    Good luck and feel free to add me if you need a cheerleader in the backgroud!!!

    Ps. You've made the decision to start....well done however the next bit is the hardest which is actually doing it.....keep reminding yourself that you can though!!

    EDIT - you DO NOT need to loose a few lbs to start running. Look at some of the people who complete half and full marathons....there are all shapes and sizes as well as ages. Running is for everyone! :smile:
  • 2013holidaybody
    If anyone is looking to get not just thinner for FITTER and STRONGER too, join my new page! :D I need motivation

  • blackNBUK
    blackNBUK Posts: 58 Member
    I accidentally ended up using the Ease into 5K app as I thought it was the same C25K programme as all the rest. In reality it seems to be a bit easier when you get into the meat of the programme (weeks 4,5 and 6) The C25K programme looks like it ramps up more quickly during those weeks.

    Where to run really depends on what you have available nearby. I'm lucky enough to have a river with a good, flat path running byside it. So far I've been going up or down the river and then simply turning around when the app says that I've got half-way through the session. Is there anything like that near to you? One thing I would really try to do is find somewhere to run that you can get to quickly and easily. Being able to get going by simply walking out the door makes starting a lot easier.