All this hard work for what? My stomach ruins it!!!



  • agdyl
    agdyl Posts: 246 Member
    If that isn't you though then I would second the "cut back gluten and dairy for a bit" recommendation to see if that helps.

    Just FYI, the OP seems to know this already, but you can't just cut back on gluten. If you are really sensitive to it, you have to eliminate it 100% or you'll still get a reaction. That's why even a little soy sauce is a big deal, crumbs of regular bread are a big deal, etc. That's the deal with the oats too - oats themselves don't have gluten, but if they're processed in a facility that processes wheat, they get the dust from wheat mixed in and it causes a reaction. (That's happened to me with regular non-gluten free oats).

    It's a bit of a hassle to eat gluten free, especially when you're just figuring it out, but it's worth it to feel good!
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    Make sure you're getting all of your vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Some deficiencies can cause bloating and water retention, and the same holds true with toxicity. My advice would be to see a nutritionist or dietician and have them look into what you're eating so that you're taking care of your body.

    Otherwise, doll, the only thing that comes to mind is that you're hypercritical and look fantastic. Either way, I wish you the best!

    Thank you so much sweetie! I've honestly never been to a dietician, I am going to look into seeing one.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    If that isn't you though then I would second the "cut back gluten and dairy for a bit" recommendation to see if that helps.

    Just FYI, the OP seems to know this already, but you can't just cut back on gluten. If you are really sensitive to it, you have to eliminate it 100% or you'll still get a reaction. That's why even a little soy sauce is a big deal, crumbs of regular bread are a big deal, etc. That's the deal with the oats too - oats themselves don't have gluten, but if they're processed in a facility that processes wheat, they get the dust from wheat mixed in and it causes a reaction. (That's happened to me with regular non-gluten free oats).

    It's a bit of a hassle to eat gluten free, especially when you're just figuring it out, but it's worth it to feel good!

    I totally agree, it's going to be a hassle at first. But, if I can figure this out it will be so worth it.
  • I just had all my allergen tests done and they are all negative. I had an endoscopy, colonoscopy, scratch test, bloodwork... I still went gluten free, against my doctors wishes.

    And you know what? after 2 weeks, I'm FINALLY starting to feel better.

    If you have any questions just PM me. I've been suffering with severe abdominal cramping for 5 months now, along with other digestive issues to the point I've been in the ER, urgent care, doctors offices every few days and everyone told me nothing was wrong.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I know the feeling. I'm petite, and I notice the difference in my abdomen before and after eating.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    It's all in your head...12% body fat is so lean for a woman should be 15-25....your so lean as soon as you eat it may appear that way but it's food not fat...Thats sounds like a way a anorexia person thinks seriously...when I was 17yrs old I thought I was fat (110lbs)because of my curves then when I had kids and drank alot and realized back then I was not fat and the new me was.Sometimes in in your head honestly ask around for others opinions.I have never been happy with my body for one reason or another...We are our worst critic sometimes please don't let it get to're Beautiful.

    this is what i thought as well, i'm afraid. I actually did hit 12% bf one time (i've been weight training since the early 90's), heavy training, mix in HIIT/cardio etc) eating lean and my stomach would still pooch out after eating. i think that's what our stomachs do when it's busy holding what we just ate. my stomach would look lean as hell in the morning but let me eat something and relax my stomach....hey i got a little snack baby in there :noway:

    i sure would take that 12% again LOL but it was too hard to maintain and i'm old these days ha

    This makes sense too. Maybe because I am on the leaner side, everything I eat shows. But, then I look at so many fitness competitors who are way leaner than me & they look amazing after eating 6 full meals. I don't get that :sad:
  • kariannmbc
    kariannmbc Posts: 144
    That happens to me when I drink almond, or rice milk, or anything soy based (including tofu). If it turns out not to be gluten or the cottage cheese, you might want to look at other things.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    I know the feeling. I'm petite, and I notice the difference in my abdomen before and after eating.

    It's very frustrating!
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    At 12% BF and wanting to lose another 10 lbs I sense an eating disorder and body image issue. No woman at 12% BF needs to lose more weight. You probably think you look bloated after eating because you can actually see the food moving through your system. You are drastically under eating and if you're seeing a doctor and they aren't recognizing that then shame on them.

    All the thoughts on gluten and other sensitivities might work for the average person but I think this issue goes way deeper than a gluten sensitivity or any other allergy. Seek some professional mental help for your body image disorder instead of trying to eliminate even more foods from your life.
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    That happens to me when I drink almond, or rice milk, or anything soy based (including tofu). If it turns out not to be gluten or the cottage cheese, you might want to look at other things.

    Really? I drink at least 8oz of almond milk a day. I like to mix it with my protein shakes. I wonder if that is part of the issue.
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 504 Member
    How frustrating that must be for you! I wish i had a better suggestion, but really what your Dr is asking you to do is really the best way. Gluten and dairy are the usual suspects, but it can be a myriad of things. If after the month of going minimal gluten and dairy you still have the same issue, try removing legumes or seeds, if still no luck try one fruit at a time, and on and on until you find the culprit. Hope the process isn’t too long
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Maybe you should look into allergy testing. I had this exact same problem until I did the test, they told me to cut out lactose, raspberries and blackberries, and processed sugar. I did all that and really minimized gluten (didn't cut it out entirely, but I avoid it when it's not too inconvenient or expensive to do so) and it really made a difference.
  • lydtorres
    lydtorres Posts: 1
    Have you tried a parasite cleanse? It is too soon for me to talk about it, I just started dieting and just did my parasite cleanse like a week ago, but I've been feeling so much better, I used to feel tired all the time, and every time I ate, my stomach bloated tremendously and nothing seemed to digest correctly, even if I was eating something healthy or non fat, I was bloat and with stomach pain all the time. I changed to non dairy milk and yoghurt but that didn't help. So I was at the drusgstore and saw the Vermox little box and started to dig into the whole parasite amoeba symptoms, and well, I believe it is recommended by doctors to do that kind of cleanse twice a year, so I bought the little box, and let me tell you, I've been feeling so much better. Check with your doctor if she recommends doing that, and there are a lot of natural options that you could try.
  • Nige_Gsy
    Nige_Gsy Posts: 163 Member
    As someone diagnosed with food intolerances (wheat, gluten, gliadin, eggs, dairy, and ginger) I know the difference cutting these things out can make. It certainly made a huge difference for me.

    Having said that, I'm still left with the spare skin in that area ... not sure what's cool about that look either!
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    Have you tried a parasite cleanse? It is too soon for me to talk about it, I just started dieting and just did my parasite cleanse like a week ago, but I've been feeling so much better, I used to feel tired all the time, and every time I ate, my stomach bloated tremendously and nothing seemed to digest correctly, even if I was eating something healthy or non fat, I was bloat and with stomach pain all the time. I changed to non dairy milk and yoghurt but that didn't help. So I was at the drusgstore and saw the Vermox little box and started to dig into the whole parasite amoeba symptoms, and well, I believe it is recommended by doctors to do that kind of cleanse twice a year, so I bought the little box, and let me tell you, I've been feeling so much better. Check with your doctor if she recommends doing that, and there are a lot of natural options that you could try.

    Wow, I've never heard of that..I'll talk to my Dr. About it. I'm fascinated!
  • nyla2120
    nyla2120 Posts: 370 Member
    As someone diagnosed with food intolerances (wheat, gluten, gliadin, eggs, dairy, and ginger) I know the difference cutting these things out can make. It certainly made a huge difference for me.

    Having said that, I'm still left with the spare skin in that area ... not sure what's cool about that look either!

    Lol I know all about spare skin, I have a 7 year old who stretched me out pretty good while I was pregnant with her.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I'm just going to say that due to the workout schedule you have and the fact that you are so close to goal weight you probably aren't eating enought. This might also be throwing your body out of whack.

    Just saying

    how would not eating enough lead to stomach bloat?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Have you tried a parasite cleanse? It is too soon for me to talk about it, I just started dieting and just did my parasite cleanse like a week ago, but I've been feeling so much better, I used to feel tired all the time, and every time I ate, my stomach bloated tremendously and nothing seemed to digest correctly, even if I was eating something healthy or non fat, I was bloat and with stomach pain all the time. I changed to non dairy milk and yoghurt but that didn't help. So I was at the drusgstore and saw the Vermox little box and started to dig into the whole parasite amoeba symptoms, and well, I believe it is recommended by doctors to do that kind of cleanse twice a year, so I bought the little box, and let me tell you, I've been feeling so much better. Check with your doctor if she recommends doing that, and there are a lot of natural options that you could try.

    if you have parasites in your body then go to a dr...

    parasite cleanse.??????? really ..LOL

    OP ignore this...
  • jenilla1
    jenilla1 Posts: 11,118 Member
    Hey, my doctor had me do an elimination diet to find out what was causing my intestinal problems. I didn't lose a single pound (I wasn't trying to because I'm on maintenance), but I went from size 8 jeans to a loose size 6 within a week just from the abdominal bloating disappearing.

    It turned out that gluten, dairy and eggs cause me problems. It actually took me several weeks before all my symptoms eased, but the bloating went away pretty quickly. Hope you figure out what's causing your bloating and get it corrected. It's so nice to have flat, defined abs. (Mine have been there all along, but the bloating made me a little "puffier" than I liked.)
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I'm not saying you can't be 12% body fat, but if it was me, I'd get that verified by a DEXA scan. 12% is essential body fat for a woman, so you would literally have to lose muscle to lose 5-10 pounds.

    (There's no way in hell I'm sacrificing ANY of my muscle for a scale weight loss, and I have about 65 pounds of fat! I'll just keep carrying it around until I can slowly shed it while holding onto my muscle. If that means stay "overweight" by BMI for the rest of my life, so be it.)

    If that's still what you want to do, that's your prerogative. I personally want to encourage you to make sure that you have enough muscle to get through your daily activities and enough fat to maintain healthy bodily functions.

    But I'm 100% certain that when you're working with tiny tiny margins like you have, you definitely need to enlist the help of some professionals. (DEXA scans, RMR testing, heart stress testing, registered dietitian consultations, personal trainer, the whole nine yards) I think you're worth it! :bigsmile: