Halloween 2013 Weight Loss CHALLENGE!



  • Doraboyes
    Doraboyes Posts: 98 Member
    I'm in this will get me going again.

    SW: 152
    GW: 140
  • keyboardwench
    keyboardwench Posts: 121 Member
    Count me in!

    CW: 153.6lbs
    GW for the challenge: 140lb
    - Waist size : 28.5 in
    - Hip size: 39in
    - Upper arm (right and left) R 12.5 in L 12.75in
    - Thighs (right and left) R: 21in L 21.5 in
  • jamie_teresa
    jamie_teresa Posts: 20 Member
    I LOVE halloween! I'm totally in - I just took my measurements today and will post them when i get home from work :)
  • tj1376
    tj1376 Posts: 1,402 Member
    What is this challenge about? Are there weekly goals, activities that need to be completed?
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I'm in. I need a challenge. I'm trying to get under 200 by Christmas so this will giv eme a big start.

    Are you planning to do daily/weekly exercise or food challenges? i.e. eat ate least 3 veggies each day or do 100 squats in a day.

    CW: 226
    GW: 210

    Will add measurments later. I have been meaning to update htem anways.
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    This was totally what I was looking for!! Are you going to start a group in the groups section for the challenge?
    I need some serious motivation, Hoping to lose weight but my main goal right now is to just get out of my funk and get exercise back into my daily routine.

    Me stats:
    Weight: last check in may... 226lbs.
    height: 5' 7"
    Me: 2 young daughters and a full time job and a husband that doesn't get home til almost 8pm most nights!

    What I plan to do: strength training and exercise bike, maybe turbo jam on weekends if I get time
  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    I am in. Hopefully I can stick to it. Maybe this will be the motivation I need lol
    My starting weight for the challenge is 243.5lbs.
    My goal weight for the challenge is 228lbs
    My height is 5'6
    My starting measurements for the challenge are:
    Waist size: 47inches
    Hip size: 53inches
    Upper arms: 16inches(left & right are same)
    Thighs: 30.5inches(left & right are same)

    I hope I can get through this and hopefully see and make a difference. :smile:
    Starting picture.
  • sophayz
    sophayz Posts: 592 Member
    i am in!

    current weight 121 lbs
    waist : 26"
    hip 33.5"
    chest 38" (under boobs 29")
    thigh 19 "
    arm 10"
    neck 13"

    my goal weight : 115
    i wanna lose mostly in my chest area and thigh ...
    chest around 36 and thigh around 17 would be perf

    but most of all i wanna get toned and be able to run 12k
  • I dont have my surements ready, but i am willing to partake in your challenge. I'm on my way torwards my goal of -85 lbs to be at my desired weight. I am 26, 5'1, hispanic and currently doing P90X and im trying to implement Insanity but two workouts might be too much to take on.. With that said I think -40 to -50 lbs is my goal for Halloween 2013 Weight Loss CHALLENGE! :D

    Hope im not too late to join!!
  • ridi222
    ridi222 Posts: 9 Member
    I want to join! My birthday is October 28th.

    It's been years since I could wear something nice! I lost 80 lbs so far and I have another 30 to go.

    Height: 5'7

    Pre-pregnancy weight on 9/5/11 - 130 lbs - size 4
    Post pregnancy weight on 6/7/12 - 238 lbs - size 18!!
    Plateaued at 158 lbs - size 10
    Goal weight 130 lbs - size 4/6

    Measurements on 7/24/13

    Chest 34'' - is that under the boob? lol
    Arm 11''
    Waist 36.5
    Hips 41''
    Thighs 22.5''

    Ultimate goal weight is 125!

    I'm staying under 30 net carbs/day until Halloween. Add me!
  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member
    can I join late??? I have been looking for a challenge to keep me honest!!!!! only have 7 or so pounds to lose and I am ready to finally do it!!!!!
    Havent taken my measurements in a while but here are my weight stats

    SW- 197
    CW- 147
  • adioschubs
    adioschubs Posts: 384 Member
    I would really like to join too!

    I bought two costumes last year so I will definitely be re-using one this year. They were definitely tight last year (and I was about the same weight as right now) so I want to look so much better in one of them this year!

    SW 246
    CW 225
    GW 210
    UGW 140

    Waist 38
    Hip 45
    Thighs 28.5 ish
  • Dandeliiondreams
    Dandeliiondreams Posts: 116 Member
    Im in ill post measurements and all friday =) !!!!!
  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member
    can't seem to find the group that was mentioned in earlier post....is it private or too late?????
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    I missed your first post of this challenge!! My last challenge ended a few weeks ago and the accountability went out the door. Though I don't have a lot left to lose poundage wise I need to work on my measurements and body fat %. I'm 5'4".

    R Thigh: 20.25
    Hips: 36.75
    Waist (narrowest point): 26.25
    Waist (at belly button): 29.75
    R Bicep: 10.5

    BF% about 22

    CW: 125.2
    GW: 121

    Goal BF% 19
  • mommahix
    mommahix Posts: 189 Member

    just brings me to the groups page but not this specific group....
  • Diastrophus
    Diastrophus Posts: 2 Member
    I know I'm late to the party but would love to join..can anyone explain how? I can find a Halloween group that began in June but not this one :(
  • micheleld73
    micheleld73 Posts: 914 Member
    Send the OP a message and she can send you an invite to the group.
  • Diastrophus
    Diastrophus Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks! :)
  • ADRsmama
    ADRsmama Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in! My goal is my birthday too ;) I'll be going back to see my family and friends in Alabama for Thanksgiving, my sons, and my husbands birthday LOL all in November.

    SW: 190
    CW: 189
    GW: 155
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135
