I NEED Support! HELP!!



  • utterlydisgusting
    LIKE :)
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    I kind of have the same issue....my husband LOVES all foods junk lol...and so do my kids(my 3 year old is underweight and the dr told me to give her that stuff)...both my family and my hubby's family eat out all the time and eat junk all the time...thats all they keep around....they are always trying to get me to eat junk and fast food....i also have found healthy kid/hubby friendly recipes that they will eat....but they dont always want to healthy stuff so....i usually end up cooking separate meals...which im fine with...it was HARD at first..cause i wanted to eat what they were....but now im used to it and it does not bother me anymore....ive developed a bit of will power...lol....sweets seem to be my weakness though..lol...one thing that helped me was adding people on here and seeing success stories...it keeps me pumped and motivated...i noticed that once i added more people i stayed inspired longer...the support helps...feel free to add me if ya want =)
  • ginagiannone4
    You will get there. I come from a big Italian family, so most of my family is overweight, and eats lots of pasta which equals lots of carbs. My grandma thinks that a veggie pizza is better than a pepperoni pizza..MAYBE! but..still not a choice I would make. It is all about choices. Now that I see how many calories are in foods, and how long it takes me to burn off calories (i have a watch that shows how many calories i burn while working out) i realize what foods are worth and what ones aren't. Just remember, you did not put on 45 lbs overnight, so it wont come off overnight. You will get there. Positive thoughts and vibes coming your way!:smile:
  • echotrufaith
    echotrufaith Posts: 10 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I just had baby #2 nearly three months ago, and I still had 40 pounds from baby #1 on me (granted she's 7 now). My fiancee is trying to be supportive, but he's not very knowledgeable about healthy foods. I also have to figure out how to ensure my 7 year old doesn't lose weight since she is very skinny. It's been difficult since I couldn't work out and it was easier to eat out rather than cook during my pregnancy and after (I had a c-section so no working out for a while). However, I'm learning to love cooking and my fiancee and daughter love my food. I've made little changes like using ground turkey in the place of meat, Greek yogurt in place of sour cream, non-fat milk, and more veggies so everyone is healthy. It's also helped to watch re-runs of the Biggest Loser on Hulu while putting the baby to sleep. I can go to the gym after she's sleeping (fiancee doesn't mind watching her), and it helps me work harder.

    I also have to remember that any downward movement is a good thing even if it's not always really big numbers :) Keep that in mind and you will get there :)