Gained 30 lbs in 3 wks? Extreme Weight Loss

Did anyone see Extreme Weight Loss last night? I was watching it between doing other things, but saw the part where she gained 30 pounds in three weeks.

Falling off your diet is one thing, but gaining 10 lbs a week? How is that even possible?


  • bballpoetress08
    bballpoetress08 Posts: 13 Member
    yeah that was crazy. Saw it while I was at the gym. Lol and she tried to play it off by shaking her head and acting like it was because she drank 2 bottles of water that morning. Glad she was able to get back on track in the end though.
  • semarsh12
    semarsh12 Posts: 77 Member
    Do WHAAAT?
  • lovetotravel04
    lovetotravel04 Posts: 29 Member
    I didn't see it, but I'm really good at gaining weight so I could easily see myself gaining that much (unfortunately).
  • kristen6022
    kristen6022 Posts: 1,926 Member
    Yes, my BF and I were amazed...but if you were following a stringent diet and exercise plan (I mean she lost 107 pounds in 6 months...), then stopped, you would put on weight fast. I can't see how she gained 32 pounds back - but then again did you see what she ate? It's just proof that going back to your "original" habits can erase all that hard work in a matter of weeks or months...

    On an other note...I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle her mother and I'm not a violent person. People like her should be tarred and feathered...
  • fougamou
    fougamou Posts: 200 Member
    I just got off a cruise where I ate dessert, drank etc. But the things was, after 6 months of watching everything I ate, there was a true limit to what I could actually eat. I could not have physically over indulged to the point where I could gain 10 pounds in a week -- let alone do that for three weeks straight.

    I honestly cannot comprehend how that could happen.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I saw that, too. She had to be eating non-stop and all complete junk.

    I generally don't advocate violence, but I would gladly have made an exception for her mother. I was really hoping that by the episode she would have told that disgusting excuse for a mother off or threw a weight at her head or something. Instead they just kind of let it drop.

    Hopefully they got her some therapy for her binge eating. If she can backslide that badly after almost a year, I can't imagine how he's going to keep it off long term.
  • Krista916
    Krista916 Posts: 258
    I gained 18 lbs in 10 days on my honeymoon. :) It is possible if you do nothing but eat and drink.
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    She admitted to eating pizza, cake, donuts, etc. It's entirely possible if you completely crash. I don't think I've heard Chris curse that much!

    What I don't get is the other nurses. The one was like 217 and lost 80 some pounds in a year, yay! The heaviest was over 400 lbs and lost only 14. What happened there??
  • workaholic_nurse
    workaholic_nurse Posts: 727 Member
    Saw that too.:grumble: Inspired me to do 100 pushups and 100 body weight squats during the next 4 commercial breaks. I will not back slide!:drinker:
  • LaserMum
    LaserMum Posts: 133
    I didn't see the programme but from what's on here I would say that her binge eating may be for emotional reasons. If her mother is not supportive it could possibly be triggered with trying to do better for herself while dealing with her mother as well. Poor woman. If that's the case, she doesn't stand much of chance.
  • chaines7169
    chaines7169 Posts: 25 Member
    Watched it too, She is a little like me, committed sometime, but keeps falling off the wagon and going back to former weight. The trick for me is to keep plugging along. I hope she keeps plugging along. but I was impressed with her walking the grand canyon with all that weight on her. It is something I want to do, I was there 3 years ago but felt even the donkey ride was too strenuous. Letting weight get in the way of life and what you want to do is NOT the way to live.
  • loriwhitefaith
    loriwhitefaith Posts: 116 Member
    I COULD RELATE TO HER SO WELL. I was crying hysterically all during the show and at the end of it too. I pray she keeps the weight off long term. Her mother is toxic poison in her life. If she lets her mother continue to emotionally beat her up the rest of her life I have a feeling she may backslide on her new healthy life in just a matter of time. Lesson learned for me which I struggle with everyday of my life is no matter what anyone else says or does I am only responsible for my actions alone. Even if others around me are critical and negative it is up to me ALONE TO do what is best for me. That means never give up and keep going no matter what comes my way.
  • chaines7169
    chaines7169 Posts: 25 Member
    Watched it too, She is a little like me, committed sometime, but keeps falling off the wagon and going back to former weight. The trick for me is to keep plugging along. I hope she keeps plugging along. but I was impressed with her walking the grand canyon with all that weight on her. It is something I want to do, I was there 3 years ago but felt even the donkey ride was too strenuous. Letting weight get in the way of life and what you want to do is NOT the way to live.
  • ks4e
    ks4e Posts: 374 Member
    She admitted to eating pizza, cake, donuts, etc. It's entirely possible if you completely crash. I don't think I've heard Chris curse that much!

    What I don't get is the other nurses. The one was like 217 and lost 80 some pounds in a year, yay! The heaviest was over 400 lbs and lost only 14. What happened there??

    I was thinking the exact same thing as you about the nurses. I hope Chris reaches out to that particular nurse that hardly lost any weight.

    This episode really made me tear up. The woman was super sweet and you could tell she had a lot of hurt and pain in her life. It also PISSED me off at how her children and husband didn't try to keep her accountable and active while she was home. She kept saying what a wonderful family she had but why didn't they say something when they saw her spiraling back down???
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    A lot of it would be water weight, if she was on a very strict diet before. Dieting depletes glycogen, glycogen is stored with water. Eating way too little results in your body burning up all its glycogen stores, which means you lose a lot of water in the process. I don't know exactly how much glycogen the body stores, but you get rapid gains and losses of scale weight as your body stores and burns glycogen.

    If she's gained that much, there's probably a fair bit of fat gain in there as well, if she's totally binged for 3 weeks then she will have done, but a large proportion of the gain will be water/glycogen.

    Moral of the story is, don't aim for extreme weight loss. Aim for 1-2lb a week fat loss (or a little more if you're extremely obese) through sustainable lifestyle changes. The aim is to burn fat off and not gain it back again, not see how much scale weight you can drop in the shortest possible time. And it's not just about physiology, it's also about behaviour. If any animal is deprived of food, when it gets food again it will eat as much as it can. Humans are no exception and while humans can choose to attempt to override this basic biological drive, it's at the root of a lot of binge eating and even if you have cast iron will power, why set yourself up to be constantly battling your body's basic survival instincts...? it's much better to do things slowly and sustainably and not be in battle with yourself all the time.

    I find it really disturbing that TV shows set people up for such failure. Extreme weight loss is not healthy or sustainable. They're just damaging people's physical and mental health for entertainment and to make money.
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member

    I find it really disturbing that TV shows set people up for such failure. Extreme weight loss is not healthy or sustainable. They're just damaging people's physical and mental health for entertainment and to make money.

    Do you watch the show? It's completely different from Biggest Loser. Chris Powell does it over the course of a year, not just a few months. This particular woman took 3 months off work to focus on herself. Chris does a lot of good work with people and most of them sustain.
  • binor
    binor Posts: 77 Member
    I saw that too and had to rewind because I couldn't imagine gaining that much wieght in such a short amount of time. WOW!
    Her mother is a piece of work, she should have gone out with the old furniture. It is sad she needed her mothers support and kept asking her mom questions about how she was doing. And then the mother would crush her feelings. I cried the whole time.
    I was freaking out about that nurse too! I would have never wieghed myself on camera if I wasn't serious. I guess she just isn't ready yet.
  • SkinnyMsFitness
    SkinnyMsFitness Posts: 389 Member
    Didn't watch, but that's insane! Someone once told me you need to consume 5,000 cals a day to gain 1 lb. 1 freaking lb!!! Idk how 10 a week is possible, but I've heard of it happening before.

    My new rule of thumb...when I get to my goal weight, if my clothes happen to start feeling tight...I will get my *kitten* moving!! I refuse to buy bigger clothes again! =))

    Hope all is well!
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    Guess this goes to show that losing weight is not the greatest accomplishment - but losing weight gradually because you are making good choices for the rest of your life.

    I think people like this would say "diets dont work' when its really the person choosing to go back to old habits.

    i can imagine that once she got off the weight loss drudgery, when she put that food in her mouth, it was so delicious and she probably was feeling so deprived of it that she went nuts. I know i could possibly do this if someone told me i could. I'd be eating all the food I have been missing all these months - pizza, tacos, italian beef, cake with buttercream frosting,etc.
  • daswo
    daswo Posts: 6
    Trina posted the following on her FB page irt her mom:

    "The most frequent question I am being asked about my show is about my mother. I wanted everyone to see this picture of my mom and I. My mom is my mom, and I love her. Although my mom doesn't live with me, she does live nearby. I have learned on my journey to set boundaries with my mom, and I no longer allow her negative comments around me or in my household. If you go to my blog, I am going to be writing about the struggles of my journey. To access my blog, go to my website at and click on blog. I will be posting that sometime today, so stay tuned! Thank you all for the unconditional love and support! Hugs to you!"