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Gained 30 lbs in 3 wks? Extreme Weight Loss



  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    My deal was...she kept making insane excuses for not going to the gym. Her shot of it "snowing" and not wanting to go out in that weather.

    Seriously, if I didn't go to the gym in "that weather" I'd miss a day at the gym at least once a week.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    It's possible. When I visited my grandpa in Colorado for 10 days and ate out at fast food places or restaurants for breakfast, lunch and dinner and tried a new dessert at his restaurant every night, I managed to gain 9lbs. And the pictures don't lie lol. My stomach bloated out like I was pregnant.
  • WoWkat
    WoWkat Posts: 48 Member
    My deal was...she kept making insane excuses for not going to the gym. Her shot of it "snowing" and not wanting to go out in that weather.

    Not to mention she HAD A GYM IN HER HOUSE. Come on..
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    Anytime I am put on IV fluids for more than a day I gain 25 - 30 lbs. Despite doctors saying it's water and will come right off it never does. Takes me at least 6 months to get rid of it. The last time I had an IV gain I was put on a 6 month exercise restriction and I had a great deal of difficulty getting rid of it. I think my fat cells are filled with more water than fat sometimes.
  • fleetzz
    fleetzz Posts: 962 Member
    Remind me again how much glycogen the liver can store and the water needed for it? Did you really say that it was 30 lbs of water weight? How much did this person weigh, and how dehydrated did she get? Please.
    A lot of it would be water weight, if she was on a very strict diet before. Dieting depletes glycogen, glycogen is stored with water. Eating way too little results in your body burning up all its glycogen stores, which means you lose a lot of water in the process. I don't know exactly how much glycogen the body stores, but you get rapid gains and losses of scale weight as your body stores and burns glycogen.

    If she's gained that much, there's probably a fair bit of fat gain in there as well, if she's totally binged for 3 weeks then she will have done, but a large proportion of the gain will be water/glycogen.

    Moral of the story is, don't aim for extreme weight loss. Aim for 1-2lb a week fat loss (or a little more if you're extremely obese) through sustainable lifestyle changes. The aim is to burn fat off and not gain it back again, not see how much scale weight you can drop in the shortest possible time. And it's not just about physiology, it's also about behaviour. If any animal is deprived of food, when it gets food again it will eat as much as it can. Humans are no exception and while humans can choose to attempt to override this basic biological drive, it's at the root of a lot of binge eating and even if you have cast iron will power, why set yourself up to be constantly battling your body's basic survival instincts...? it's much better to do things slowly and sustainably and not be in battle with yourself all the time.

    I find it really disturbing that TV shows set people up for such failure. Extreme weight loss is not healthy or sustainable. They're just damaging people's physical and mental health for entertainment and to make money.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I gained 18 lbs in 10 days on my honeymoon. :) It is possible if you do nothing but eat and drink.

    "Nothing but eat and drink" for your honeymoon? Something doesn't add up here.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    My deal was...she kept making insane excuses for not going to the gym. Her shot of it "snowing" and not wanting to go out in that weather.

    Not to mention she HAD A GYM IN HER HOUSE. Come on..

    That too. I just laughed at the 2.5 inches of snow as "I don't want to go out in this".
  • LosingMyMarbles
    LosingMyMarbles Posts: 168 Member
    Did you really say that it was 30 lbs of water weight? How much did this person weigh, and how dehydrated did she get?

    Here is the run down of the episode:


    She was 149 lbs at her 9 month weigh in. She was told she could do the skin removal surgery (had lost almost 50% of her original body weight), but she gained 32 lbs in the following 3 weeks. She claimed it was because she drank two large bottles of water before the doctor appointment, which was, of course, yet another excuse.
  • challenger9509
    challenger9509 Posts: 286 Member
    I was in shock at the gain. I noticed how they did not focus very long on the nurse that lost 14lbs. I was expecting to see her come out with some huge transformation as well. Just glad to see they all had the scale moving though. Hopefully Trina can keep this group motivated for some long-term results. Her weight gain scared me though..i would hate t know I have been working this hard for that much to come back on that quick. She did look amazing at the end of the show.
  • bethjpsu
    bethjpsu Posts: 33 Member
    I couldn't believe the 30 pound weight gain in 3 weeks- I have had some binges but wow! I don't understand why therapy was never discuss- I think on an earlier season he offered to pay for some therapy and the person agreed and of course helped a long way towards the emotional eating. I am not sure how she will succeed long term if she couldn't succeed w/ 3 weeks until skin surgery as her goal...

    Also - did she have the surgery after the 1 yr mark- I was wondering as she def. would have benefited esp in her ab area.
  • debaloo
    debaloo Posts: 129 Member
    I saw it...so crazy! Worse than the the guy the week before!
    1) it takes your body a year to stabalize after a major loss. Your body wants to put the weight back on.
    2) I read some stuff online that Chris Powell sends the clients emails telling them how to do a flush before the weigh in. Not that I see anything wrong with that necessarily because it's for television but the 9 month weigh in number could have been a false weight by 10lbs which means she may have only gained 20 lbs.
    3) i love Chris Powell! I am following his program righ now and have lost 4 lbs a week!
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    She admitted to eating pizza, cake, donuts, etc. It's entirely possible if you completely crash. I don't think I've heard Chris curse that much!

    What I don't get is the other nurses. The one was like 217 and lost 80 some pounds in a year, yay! The heaviest was over 400 lbs and lost only 14. What happened there??

    I was thinking the exact same thing as you about the nurses. I hope Chris reaches out to that particular nurse that hardly lost any weight.

    This episode really made me tear up. The woman was super sweet and you could tell she had a lot of hurt and pain in her life. It also PISSED me off at how her children and husband didn't try to keep her accountable and active while she was home. She kept saying what a wonderful family she had but why didn't they say something when they saw her spiraling back down???
    Actually the son did say something when it was snowing and she kept making excuses about not going to the gym. He said what about the gym in the living room and she still did not do anything. She was pretty good at making excuses and not taking responsibility
  • trobbin88
    trobbin88 Posts: 38 Member
    i didn't see that but i do know that when after hardcore dieting, i gain weight rather fast if i'm not careful. 10lbs a weeks tho....not likely (and i know how to eat!)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    She admitted to eating pizza, cake, donuts, etc. It's entirely possible if you completely crash. I don't think I've heard Chris curse that much!

    What I don't get is the other nurses. The one was like 217 and lost 80 some pounds in a year, yay! The heaviest was over 400 lbs and lost only 14. What happened there??

    I was thinking the exact same thing as you about the nurses. I hope Chris reaches out to that particular nurse that hardly lost any weight.

    This episode really made me tear up. The woman was super sweet and you could tell she had a lot of hurt and pain in her life. It also PISSED me off at how her children and husband didn't try to keep her accountable and active while she was home. She kept saying what a wonderful family she had but why didn't they say something when they saw her spiraling back down???
    Actually the son did say something when it was snowing and she kept making excuses about not going to the gym. He said what about the gym in the living room and she still did not do anything. She was pretty good at making excuses and not taking responsibility

    IMHO, the snow was a pretty BS excuse as well.
  • dnunny70
    dnunny70 Posts: 411 Member
    I'm watching the show now on Hulu. Already crying. Her mom-OMG! I know that my family would be happy for me.

    I started at 285 about 40 days ago...down 9lbs. I know it will take time.
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    I didn't see it, but I'm really good at gaining weight so I could easily see myself gaining that much (unfortunately).

    Same. I just got back from a 7 week study abroad trip (in which I went to the gym twice a week and tried at least somewhat to practice portion control) and came back 19 pounds heavier.
  • jgarrett731
    jgarrett731 Posts: 36 Member
    Yes, my BF and I were amazed...but if you were following a stringent diet and exercise plan (I mean she lost 107 pounds in 6 months...), then stopped, you would put on weight fast. I can't see how she gained 32 pounds back - but then again did you see what she ate? It's just proof that going back to your "original" habits can erase all that hard work in a matter of weeks or months...

    On an other note...I wanted to reach through the screen and strangle her mother and I'm not a violent person. People like her should be tarred and feathered...

    Oh me too! Her mother drove me crazy! & then she had the nerve to ask if she could go to the Grand Canyon with them??? I would have said NO.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    I was surprised at the weight gain too. I know it snows heavily in the north, but she had an elliptical machine at home! She didn't have to make excuses about driving in the cold to the YMCA. She just had to go to another room in her own house to workout. Chris had shown her various ways to workout. Sheesh.
    I was in shock at the gain. I noticed how they did not focus very long on the nurse that lost 14lbs. I was expecting to see her come out with some huge transformation as well. Just glad to see they all had the scale moving though. Hopefully Trina can keep this group motivated for some long-term results. Her weight gain scared me though..i would hate t know I have been working this hard for that much to come back on that quick. She did look amazing at the end of the show.

    I noticed that too. The show quickly cut away after her weigh in. I felt bad for her. She lost something like only 20 pounds and she weighed something like 434 pounds. You'd think she would have some of the biggest losses since heavier people can have more pounds lost per week than someone closer to their true normal weight. But she lost only 20 pounds in 9 months. I thought she'd have a huge transformation going from like 434 pounds to maybe something like 375 pounds. But she was still in the 400s. The amount of calories she'd have to taken in to maintain 434 pounds has to be a lot. I wonder if she felt obligated to join the other nurses in the weight loss because she didn't come off as motivated as the others. The others dropped like 49-70 something pounds.
  • 24redwine
    24redwine Posts: 43
    Guys, let's not forget this is REALITY TV....and often VERY scripted and edited for our entertainment. Don't assume what you see is how it happended. I found her to be not very credible -- seemed to be a bad actor at times, crying without tears or snot -- sorry, but a clear sign of deceptive drama. Ask anyone in law enforcement who has studied how to obtain confessions and detect deception.

    I don't like the show's emphasis on intense work outs for the severely obese. It is dangerous and sends the wrong message to regular folks who don't have a trainer or a physician close by. Running in sand pulling someone? Really? She should have been walking a fast pace and working her way up to more intense workouts gradually.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    cupcakes_and_cardio Posts: 369 Member
    10lbs a week?! That made me gain just reading that! haha wow!