Parents, how do you finding time to work out?



  • vet272
    vet272 Posts: 183
    I have 5 kids. When the older ones go to school I strap the baby in a jogging pushchair. I went from couch to 5 K with no problems. Training for 10K now.. Babe gets a little whiny towards the end of the 60 mins but we're hanging on in.
    I do this 3 times a week, mon, wed and fri.
    On tues,thurs and sats, I do an nhs strength programme in my living room - no equipment required. That's about 45 mins a time.

    Sometimes I don't feel like doing it. 5 kids as a single mother is hard work. But I make myself. Nobody's going to wave a magic wand and make everything come together for me. I make do with what I do have.

    Good luck
  • gensteele1
    gensteele1 Posts: 60 Member
    I like many and a working mom to an 18month old and the best time to workout for me has been when the doors open at the gym, 5AM! He is still sleeping and I am content knowing that I can focus on "me" time because he is not missing me, or that I am neglecting any of life's other chores...other than sleeping. Besides, a good morning workout puts me in a good mood, which in turn keeps him in a good mood.
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    I have two girls 16 month old and a just turned 3 year old...they are full of some energy!! lol...i stay at home with my kids (full time college student)...i will workout in the same room as them (i like workout videos ex: p90x, turbofire, taebo, etc.)..which they will sometimes grab my equipment or climb on me while im doing a push up or something....its cute when they try to copy me though..but...i still work through it lol....or i will wait till nap time or bedtime...sometimes i will end up working out really early or super late (1 or 2 am) but i get it done...thats what matters to very exhausted sometimes but i know that its all good once i get up and start doing it ill enjoy it...its just the initial step of getting up and starting...i tell myself i will never see the results i want if i dont get up and do this!
  • BChanFit
    BChanFit Posts: 209 Member
    Someone else suggested the Y, which is great advice. I work full time and have two boys 5 and 7 and they love the Y. If you can find something to do all together that's awesome. Otherwise I get up early to work out or do it late at night. Good luck! :)
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm lucky and hubby and I take it in turns to go to the gym in the evening. On the nights he goes to the gym I run when he comes in. It can be hard and we normally have to fit all round after school clubs too. Have also just bought a treadmill so i can run while the kids play as its school holidays.

    It does get easier as they get older ( we have 4 from 3 to 14)
  • DavidNT
    DavidNT Posts: 2
    That's silly, there is no rule that says you have to exercise by a certain time or it's not possible. ;)

    Well, sure, there's always the option of staying up late to work out and showing up at work the next day looking like a train wreck. ;-)
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    i am one of those people that really can't work out in the morning. I'm sluggish walking my little guy to daycare!

    I find the moment to work out during the day while I'm at work... i run three times / week and i try to do *something* the other days (30 day shred, cycling, etc)

    I also try to just be more active. We take our bikes to the store for an outing; baby in a bike trailer... kids get a treat, i get a water. we all get a little workout.

    The trick is balance. And i know all about the guilt, but if you work, can you manipulate your schedule to squeeze some hours within daycare times? (i used to work M-W-F until 4 instead of 4:30 and i would make up the 1.5 hours by coming in early and staying a little later the other days because daycare ran from 7-6 or something) Yea it was long days for the kids, but they weren't being moved around and they barely noticed the extra time.

    If you are not working, childcare at the gym is a great opportunity for your children to meet other children.

    If your husband is home in the evening, cook dinner, but don't eat yours... head to the gym while your husband eats and feeds the kids,then have your dinner when you come home then take over.

    You just have to find what will work in your own life, since one size fits all fits nobody (I have beaten myself up for years about working out in the morning, i just CAN'T do it)
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    It's changed with time- when LO was Itty bitty, it was the jogging stroller.
    Then I found a gym with a daycare.
    Now that my son is 6 and in school activities and camp inthe Summer and refuses to go to the daycare, I joined a gym near my office so I can workout at lunch only so I workout every day at lunch and we go bike riding toegther in the evenings.
  • JerZRob
    JerZRob Posts: 68
    I go during work. Lucky enough to have a boss that is really into the gym and feels if someone wants to take an extra hour on top of their lunch, go for it!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I don't work, so it's relatively easy, at night after the kids are in bed or I use the gym daycare, or do home workouts when they are in school.

    Something that always works though, if you watch any tv at all, is to just jog in place while watching. That way you still get to relax but you still get some exercise in.
  • quiltlovinlisa
    quiltlovinlisa Posts: 1,710 Member
    When my twins were little, the bike trailer helped tremendously! I've hauled kids all over creation.

    I'll gladly admit to being a little too joyous over not having too now.
  • sc10985
    sc10985 Posts: 347 Member
    When I'm off, I workout during my 2yr old's nap. When I work, I just get up before she does. When there's a will there's a way!!
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Many YMCAs have been renovated to compete with local health clubs.
    At the Y, you only pay what you can afford.
    Some offer child care for people while they workout.

    Look into it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just wondering how those of you who are parents are finding time to exercise. I'm the father of a very energetic 1 year old boy. I used to work out regularly in the evenings, but find myself struggling with regularity since his birth, either due to parental obligations, or, occasionally, just being completely drained by my boy when he refuses to go to sleep at his bedtime. Any of you who has been though this have any tips?

    Father of a 3 year old boy and 1 year old boy. Time is an illusive thing...if you're trying to find time, you likely never have to make that time...finding time is passive and there will always be something else to occupy that time.

    For me, that meant getting my tired *kitten* out of bed at 4-4:30 in the morning so I could get my run in or my cycle in or whatever and be home in time to get ready for work and help get the kids ready for day care, breakfast, etc. I still do that some, but I also train some at lunch as well...I just forgo my lunch break to workout and I eat my lunch at my desk while I'm working.

    My wife an I also ponied up a little more cash and switched gyms to a more family friendly club that has a 2 hour child care drop-off. Our gym nights (Tues and Thurs) are rough in that we don't usually get home until 7:30 and we're rushing to get the kids ready for bed, etc and have little time to relax on those evenings...but those are the breaks. It's important to us, so we make the time to do it.
  • KatiesNewGoals
    KatiesNewGoals Posts: 29 Member
    I get my workouts in after my 15 month old goes to sleep. So I'm usually at the gym around 9:30 at night, even if I'm super tired, I just make myself go, because I know I'll feel better afterward. On the weekends, I go to a Zumba class and my husband watchers the baby. We also try to incorporate activities as family, like hiking or swimming. Good Luck!!
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    SInce summer vacation started I noticed I am relying more on low cal days than on workouts which I can't seem to make time for.

    It's harder when they are little like one because you may be getting up at night still.

    It will be very hard to have energy AFTER he sleeps so I'd suggest waking up BEFORE HIM.

    Another option is during his naptime. Usually mom's are supposed to nap when the baby does, not sure if that applies to men though. If not I think you could do some things while the baby naps. Unless you need the nap. Single fathers I know do. OR stay at home dads or whatnot.

    Kids wear you out. Completely.

    I'd also suggest working a babysitting trade off with someone. They dont' need to know why you want to switch babysitting or have the same intentions as you. You could take your baby and someone elses in a double stroller for a walk while she shops. THen switch and the next day she does the babysiting while you lift weights or hit the gym or something. I think that could work really well as soon as you find someone rational and trustworthy to handle your kid for a short bit of time. Congrats on your little baby. They grow up so fast. Enjoy this time.:flowerforyou:
  • cecilia113
    cecilia113 Posts: 3 Member
    I work out whenever I can. I work full-time and have a 4 year old. So on days when I can go at lunch, I go at lunch. On days I can't, I wake up at 5:30AM, 6AM and work out to a DVD in my basement or hit the pavement for a run. If I don't wake up in time and I couldn't work out at lunch, I do the DVD or run in the evenings leaving the kid to play next to me or with my husband. If NONE of the above work, I walk from the train station to my office (30 mins) instead of taking transportation.

    You don't HAVE to work out for 30 mins or an hour at a time. Take 10 mins at a time if you can. Take your child to the playground and do pull ups on the monkey bars, jump up and down the steps of the slides 10 mins at a time. Run around the playground while keeping an eye on your kid. Stand up instead of sit down watching TV, oh and while you are standing, do squats. Find the time, if it's 10 mins, do 10, 20 mins do 20...anything is better than nothing.

    Just my 2 cents..
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    I wait until my wife and daughter are in bed and then I go. Occasionally I go for a run on my way home from work instead of being up all night...
  • CaeliGirl11
    CaeliGirl11 Posts: 108 Member
    I cannot speak highly enough of the Y. Both my husband and I work. But I go to the gym right after work. And granted I leave my child in daycare until I am finished but if I had to I would pick her up and put her in the childwatch program at the Y while I worked out. We do that on the weekends when we work out. The Y has just about every cardio machine you can ever want. They have machines to do weights or free weights if you want to go that direction. They offer personal training at great prices. Most have pools and tracks (indoors or outdoors). They also have community things like runs, walks, pick-up basketball games, triathlons etc. And what I find best of all is as your child grows you can start engaging them in sports and other rec activities right there knowing how wonderful the people are. Its a great community and place. Since joining and thinking about getting myself in shape I know I have put my daughter's wellbeing onto a good track as well.
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    My two boys are 6 & 9. I wake up at 5 a.m. and workout then or if I am too lazy to get up that early I do it when I get home from work.

    On the weekends I do it whenever I feel like it while dad hangs out with them.

    When my kids were younger I would exercise while they napped or I would get their dad to watch them while I did my thing.