Naked juice cleanse?

I've always wanted to try a juice cleanse but they're so expensive! Im thinking about doing a cleanse using Naked juices because theyre supposed to be really good for you and i can get them at my grocery store. I would drink quite a few of them to get all my calories and they have ones with lots of protein so I would get all my nutrients. I've been doing bad lately on eating healthy so I just want to jump start healthy eating again and I've heard juice cleanses are a good way to do that. I would only do it for a day or two. Just wondering what you guys think. Here's a link to their products if you're not familiar with them.


  • KatLifter
    KatLifter Posts: 1,314 Member
    Please don't do a juice cleanse! Juicing removes a lot of the healthy things from veggies, like fiber to keep you full. Just do a search in the forums on this and you'll read a lot of different experiences. People losing muscle, getting sick, but then of course people who say it will cure all ills. EAT REAL FOOD!!!!! EAT your fruits and veggies. Eat lean protein. Don't eat processed things. You don't have to do a drastic fast/cleanse to start eating healthy. Take it 1 step at a time and make it a REAL lifestyle change.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I am pretty sure that if you did the math, the juicer plus ingredients wouldn't cost much more than buying the pre packaged juice.

    However, I agree that this is not a good idea. Cleanses are only advise able in extreme medical situations.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Another way to "jump start" eating healthy is to just... eat healthy. No cleanse needed.
  • suv_hater
    suv_hater Posts: 374 Member
    Naked juices are dead, pasteurized. Just buy fruit and eat it. It's cheaper.
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    I did a lot of research online, as you should, and found out that juicing and cleansing are deeply flawed concepts. If you juice or blend the hell out of something, you destroy a lot of the fiber. That means your juices, if you use fruit, will contain a lot of sugar that will hit your system all at once. Take the fiber out of fruit and vegetables and it acts more like regular sugar.

    But aside from all that, juicing to detox or cleanse is a flawed concept. Your liver and kidneys don't need any extra help. As long as you eat healthy foods with lots of color (as in, more fruits and vegetables) your system will do fine on its own. Just drinking the juice taken from these foods is not a healthy approach to eating. It removes a lot of the healthier ingredients and likely unbalances the natural synergy of getting micronutrients from intact foods.

    While I use a blender to blend a bunch of produce for _just one_ meal replacement per day, I eat regular foods the rest of the day. I'm a near vegetarian, but I do eat fish, eggs, and dairy. That technically makes me a pescetarian.

    That said, there is a big difference between juicing and using a blender for *one* meal replacement. I still eat the entire food, not just the liquid. Even if I destroy the insoluble fiber by blending the crap out of it, I still get the nutrients.

    If you do more research, you'll find that a lot of critics challenge whether juicing is safe. And a lot of people will report unpleasant side effects, like hair loss. Anyone can feel good about a change in diet early on. I think a lot of the juicing community feels really good about their diet, but it just seems reckless to me.

    If you want to reduce your calories and eat healthy, consider using a blender and making a cocktail of vegetables and just do that to replace _only one_ of your meals for the day. I'd have to warn you, that the taste won't be that good. I'm extraordinarily not picky when it comes to food. I add a couple packets of fake sugar sweetener to my blends to make them more palatable. But I want to emphasize, that I consume at least 1,600 calories every day and that, for most of the day, I eat whole foods.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    If you want to start drinking juice, just make your own. Pre-made juices will always cost more than the equivalent amount made at home.

    Also, there are pros and cons to pretty much every version of every diet out there, you can do all of the research and come up with your own ideas on what you may or may not want to do. But if you do choose to go on a juice fast (cleanse is misnomer), get a juicer and make your own juices.

    Would I do a juice fast? No, I don't think they are necessary or helpful. Do I enjoy the occasional meal replacement of a homemade green smoothie (made in a blender, about 80% veggies)? Yes, they're quite tasty and I like being able to get so many veggies and nutrients in one easy package.

    Have I had Naked juices? Yup, had a Berry Veggie yesterday. Would I make it a regular habit? Nope, the calories, carbs, and sugar levels are WAY too high for regular consumption. But I just haven't had the urge to make my own smoothies the last week or so, was missing my veggie kick, and they happened to be on sale.
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    I honestly think NO..

    Just eat your Fruit and veggies, its wayyy more fun..
  • TheDevastator
    TheDevastator Posts: 1,626 Member
    Why are cleanses with Naked juice popular? Is it a marketing campaign? Although I do believe in cleanses I wouldn't recommend store bought juice. Store bought juice has little to no vitamins, It can have high levels of methanol like orange juice since it's not fresh and no fiber to stop you from digest a bunch of sugar at one time.

    If you want to do a cleansing diet read the book "Clean" by Dr. Junger. It's a balanced diet.
  • theseus82
    theseus82 Posts: 255 Member
    Why are cleanses with Naked juice popular? Is it a marketing campaign? Although I do believe in cleanses I wouldn't recommend store bought juice. Store bought juice has little to no vitamins, It can have high levels of methanol like orange juice since it's not fresh and no fiber to stop you from digest a bunch of sugar at one time.

    If you want to do a cleansing diet read the book "Clean" by Dr. Junger. It's a balanced diet.

    This is true. Fresh made juice would definitely be better. Store bought ones require companies to think of things like "shelf-life". The juicing diet generally recommends that you consume the juice immediately, and make it fresh. They don't recommend making a batch and storing it for the rest of the day. Buy produce and make your concoctions. That would save you money and be more in line with the premise of a juice diet.

    But again, I think the concept of replacing all of your meals with juice blends is a bad idea. Maybe try it as a single meal replacement for one meal per day. But I would still recommend a blender (cheaper) and you will keep the pulp in the vegetables and fruits (where a lot of the nutrients are). I see a blender as a vast improvement over the concept of the juicer.
  • I've done almost 200 days of cleansing. ONLY do it on fresh juice, NEVER pasteurized juice.
  • barebon
    barebon Posts: 80 Member
    Save you money. The best kind of cleanse is simply eating clean foods. Eating foods that you can pick, pluck, shoot, or catch. By doing this it clears your system of all the chemicals and nastiness built up in your system from the processed foods that we tend to eat. I also like to think drinking warm water helps clear out your system but that's my personal preference :) I've heard any other cleanse or fast just kicks your body into starvation mode and kicks up cortisol production and everything you don't want.
  • fullofquirks
    fullofquirks Posts: 182 Member
    After watching Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead I did a 40 day juice only fast.

    It was the hardest most insane thing I have ever done. I don't regret it, I dropped 40lbs while doing it. I felt like I need a jump start.

    That being said, I would never do it again. I was miserable cooking for the fam and so on. I still juice in conjunction with healthy eating.

    If you are going to do it, invest in a juicer and get the produce. Naked juices and such are fine in a pinch but like another poster said those juice are not as good as fresh. I got a Jack LaLane juicer at Costco for $89.

    Good luck to you in whatever you choose!
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I've always wanted to try a juice cleanse but they're so expensive! Im thinking about doing a cleanse using Naked juices because theyre supposed to be really good for you and i can get them at my grocery store. I would drink quite a few of them to get all my calories and they have ones with lots of protein so I would get all my nutrients. I've been doing bad lately on eating healthy so I just want to jump start healthy eating again and I've heard juice cleanses are a good way to do that. I would only do it for a day or two. Just wondering what you guys think. Here's a link to their products if you're not familiar with them.

    Naked Juice is a scam dude.

    if you do a cleanse, do it with fresh juice that you make. Naked juice is horribly overpriced and it's got more sugar than Coca Cola. juice you buy from a factory is dead juice. it's got nowhere near the enzymes and cleansing power of fresh homemade juice.
  • CoachReddy
    CoachReddy Posts: 3,949 Member
    I've done almost 200 days of cleansing. ONLY do it on fresh juice, NEVER pasteurized juice.

    in a row? wtf? that ain't good.
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    I was on a business trip last week and needed a quick breakfast on the go. I picked up a Naked Juice Banana Chocolate drink. It seemed interesting - 30 gms of protein. It was the nastiest drink I have consumed in a long time. Yuk.

    In hindsight, I wish I had gotten out of bed an hour earlier and had a proper breakfast.

    Also, the concept of "cleansing" is complete BS.
  • krr88a
    krr88a Posts: 1
    I actually think store bought juices are pretty great if you need a sub for those pricey pricey juice cleanse brands. I'll usually just do a one-day juice cleanse if I had a particularly disgusting meal the day before (like when husbands drag you to Freebirds). Naked does have a TON of sugar but their Green juice is fantastic. I would recommend Bolthouse Farms instead. I find it gets me back on track immediately and prevents me from continuing to indulge.
  • Mdin1029
    Mdin1029 Posts: 456 Member
    No!!!! Naked juices are so full of sugar! Try something like this instead:

    Wake up-
    Lemon water
    Green smoothie= 2 cups baby spinach, 1/2 banana, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup frozen berries blended


    Lean protein and salad

    Vegetable soup/salad
    and lean protien

    Lots of water
  • If you juice or blend the hell out of something, you destroy a lot of the fiber. That means your juices, if you use fruit, will contain a lot of sugar that will hit your system all at once. Take the fiber out of fruit and vegetables and it acts more like regular sugar.

    I just gotta jump in here and say that blending does not destroy fiber. Blending fruits and vegetables will actually break down the fiber into finer molecules, kinda like the fiber-powder mixes, which allow the body to more effectively absorb the fiber ( The colon actually attempts to do exactly what the blender does through a complex, yet inefficient series of steps.
  • cebiginalaska
    cebiginalaska Posts: 280 Member
    I am confused. Do you get naked then drink the juice? :laugh: LMAO sorry couldn't resist. :bigsmile: Listen to the people above and don't even think about trying the cleanse.
  • schmizz
    schmizz Posts: 1
    Thanx 4 this!