

Set myself a personal challenge to complete before the end of summer, I'd like to be able to do do 15 pull-ups, can currently do only 3.

I'm still 267lbs @ ~29%B.F so a lot of *kitten* to haul over the bar, lifting heavy on a 4 day split, lat pull is at 100kg on 4sets 12, but pull-ups don't seem to be increasing.

Any tips?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member

    Set myself a personal challenge to complete before the end of summer, I'd like to be able to do do 15 pull-ups, can currently do only 3.

    I'm still 267lbs @ ~29%B.F so a lot of *kitten* to haul over the bar, lifting heavy on a 4 day split, lat pull is at 100kg on 4sets 12, but pull-ups don't seem to be increasing.

    Any tips?

    Do assisted pull ups in conjunction with lat pulls, and do at least 1 set of unassisted pull ups to failure, even if it's only 2 or 3.
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    keep doing the unassisted pull-ups...if you can do 3, then do 3x3 and on the last set go for max reps
  • d8v3yb
    d8v3yb Posts: 4
    Would that just be on my back days, or would you suggest doing pull-ups (& assisted) on other days too?

    Currently do:

    Mon: shoulders & tri's
    Tue: back
    Wed: cardio & abs
    Thurs: chest & bi's
    Fri: legs
    Sun: cardio & abs
  • mryak750
    mryak750 Posts: 198 Member
    Would that just be on my back days, or would you suggest doing pull-ups (& assisted) on other days too?

    Currently do:

    Mon: shoulders & tri's
    Tue: back
    Wed: cardio & abs
    Thurs: chest & bi's
    Fri: legs
    Sun: cardio & abs

    To really get good at them you should do them every other day...or everyday...its up to you...the more you do them, the more your body will adapt to perform them....i couldnt do any...now I can do 8-9...I started with jumping up and slowly bringing myself down..(neg reps)
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    If it's just pullups, you could do them every other day, say, Tue, Thur, Sun. I like to put a weight between my feet, go to failure, drop the weight (while still in the set), and go to failure again.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    watch this guys should help you

  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    watch this guys should help you


    This is what I was going to post!
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    Working on negatives really helped me.
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    my husband was only able to do 5 in a row. so we created a program that he does everyday. pull ups, pushups and situps . he does it everyday and increases it by 1-2 every week he can bust out 16 pullups in a row now. Its very impressive and nice to watch. he basically goes to muscle failure everytime and has seen amazing results
  • JNick77
    JNick77 Posts: 3,783 Member
    There's a lot of ways to approach improving your pull-ups, but I wouldn't limit pull-ups to just one day of the week either. Until you really get better at them or hit your goal I would say do some at least every day youre in the gym.

    1. Rest-Pause: Do as many reps as you can and then rest about 15-seconds and do as many as you can, rest 15, do as many as you can, rest 15, etc., etc., until you hit 15-reps.

    2. Do as many as you can and then hold it at the top and just hold it as long as you can on the last rep.

    3. Jump and do one by using the momentum of the jump to the top, then do a very slow negative rep and then repeat for 15 reps

    I went from doing 3 chin-ups to 15 by doing different combinations of that. I've been slacking lately myself. LOL

    Back Day: Back Day could look like this for example:
    A) Chin-ups: Rest-Pause method
    B) Heavy Barbell Rows: 6-8 reps
    C) Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns: 8-10 reps
    D1) Straight-Arm Rope Pulldowns: 10-12 reps (this eliminates the bicep's involvement)
    D2) Kneeling Rope Pulldowns: Max Reps / rep-out using the same weight in D1 (do this immediately follwing the last rep on D1)
    D3) Kneeling Rope rows: Lean back and do slow controlled rows (immediately following D2)
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    Would that just be on my back days, or would you suggest doing pull-ups (& assisted) on other days too?

    Currently do:

    Mon: shoulders & tri's
    Tue: back
    Wed: cardio & abs
    Thurs: chest & bi's
    Fri: legs
    Sun: cardio & abs

    To really get good at them you should do them every other day...or everyday...its up to you...the more you do them, the more your body will adapt to perform them....i couldnt do any...now I can do 8-9...I started with jumping up and slowly bringing myself down..(neg reps)

    this (neg reps) is how im gonna start i cant do any right now either