Havnt lost a pound this week:(

Bit dissapointed this week seems I havnt lost a pound of weight been doing loads on my bike to 1 hr every other day and 1/2 an hour in between I eat 1200 kcals a day so very unhappy this week I do have what I call a spoil day on a Friday having pizza and gbread now I know it's not ideal but I need the incentive to keep good rest of the week is it normal to sometimes not lose although I'm doing things mostly right.



  • eblakes93
    eblakes93 Posts: 372 Member
    You might want to think about increasing your calories? Your diary is not public so I can't see.

    I'm a 20 year old girl who does less cardio then you, I net 1800-2000 calories a day, and I'm still losing weight.

    Good luck to you.
  • born2drum
    born2drum Posts: 731 Member
    Bit dissapointed this week seems I havnt lost a pound of weight been doing loads on my bike to 1 hr every other day and 1/2 an hour in between I eat 1200 kcals a day so very unhappy this week I do have what I call a spoil day on a Friday having pizza and gbread now I know it's not ideal but I need the incentive to keep good rest of the week is it normal to sometimes not lose although I'm doing things mostly right.


    Don't sweat it. I havent lost weight in 2 weeks but lost inches so something's up lol. If you don't lose in the next two weeks then you obviously need to change your workout and diet routine
  • jasonchampion
    Public now feel free,to take a look at my diary and tell me where I'm going wrong tbh I can't work out how eating less kcals would slow loss butifull am no expert just wanna lose my damn tummy sigh.
  • chelstakencharge
    chelstakencharge Posts: 1,021 Member
    This happens to us all. You probably need to increase calories.
  • Reecebullet
    Reecebullet Posts: 141 Member
    Same thing happened to me not even a few weeks ago. Went from losing 1-2 pounds each week, to losing around 0.3 each week for 2 weeks straight, though I'd changed nothing at all (same calories each day consumed, same amount of exercise). Decided to up my calories (from 1200 to 1350) and now I'm back to losing 2 pounds again last week. Increase your calories, see how that goes. :)
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Shoot, I honestly would say up the cals you are consuming.


    Use the above link to calculate your TDEE, and if you want loss, go 20% below the TDEE. For my gender, age, height and weight, my BMR (basal metabolic rate = enough to sustain my body) is 1650 cals. So even resting, I need more cals than what you are eating.

    This being said EAT EAT EAT!! (I know it sounds like an oxymoron on a fitness site, but true.) Your body needs fuel to run (a lot like a car)
  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    I looked at your diary .you don't seem to be really consistent with your logging...up until recent..I wouldn't say consume more,,,just trade up those foods first ... I would trade the some of those carbs for more protein and lean meats.
  • mervswerve
    Personally I don't see the need to weigh every week. We all know that loosing weight is a long term process and our weight and amount of weight we loose will fluctuate. I have only been going six weeks but am only weighing in once a month and avoiding these disappointments. I think we are all aware that in the long term if we eat properly we will lose weight.It's not individual weighings but the long term trend that counts. So cheer up and use your average weight loss to calculate tour weight Christmas or next summer.
  • jasonchampion
    I looked at your diary .you don't seem to be really consistent with your logging...up until recent..I wouldn't say consume more,,,just trade up those foods first ... I would trade the some of those carbs for more protein and lean meats.

    I fell from my logging at Christmas and struggled to get back on to the diet up till a few weeks back I have high cholesterol so I've been avoiding meats eggs n cheese
  • Shibuh
    Shibuh Posts: 6 Member
    You can still have meats, just refrain from frying them. Chicken is best to have because it's higher in protein and protein is fantastic for you. It's ideal to have at least 25% of each meal as some source of protein. You can get it from vegetables too ,just make sure they aren't "carb-y" ones, those will metabolize into sugars and just be counter-productive. As for the cholesterol, try to incorporate more good fats like avocado and nuts. They're a little higher in calories, but you need more calories in your diet. Fish is good for that (lowering cholesterol) as well or take some fish oil at night if you don't like to eat fish. If you aren't losing weight now, it could be your body going into "starvation mode" where it thinks you are starving so it's holding onto everything you eat in order to sustain itself.
  • Afura
    Afura Posts: 2,054 Member
    It sounds counter-intuitive to eat more to weigh less, and it's a terrible mentality to get over, I know. When I lost weight a few years ago I'd watch every calorie like a hawk, and wouldn't eat more than 1200, because that's what the daily calories thing on the box said you should be eating. Boy was I a goofball. 1200 may or may not be the amount of calories that your body needs to sustain itself.
    If you don't have enough to eat, then your body won't lose weight properly. It's not 'starvation' as so many people (guilty!) call it, just think of it as necessary fuel needed, and when it doesn't have enough, it doesn't work properly. Check your TDEE to see what it is you need to be at (if you choose no exercise, remember that will put you at a bigger - and bad- calorie deficit) to make sure what you need to be eating at.

    Also, it's important to try and eat back at least some of your exercise calories, if not all. As long as you are at a (appropriate) calorie deficit, you will lose weight, but exercise with proper eating is what makes you healthy. As it is, you are putting yourself at a large calorie deficit by not eating them back.