Hi! New Here! :)

I joined here a few days ago, and while I may be considered "new" I'm not really new to this site. I have used it in the past, but that was rare. Now I'm back, and plan to log-in here everyday. I'm a 22 year old female from Michigan. I'm currently attending college, majoring in psychology: behavioral analysis. Psychology is my passion, and I want to become a psychotherapist in the future.

I've had my fair share of traumas since I was around 6, which in return has shaped the kind ,of person I am physically, mentally/emotionally. I will admit I have my flaws in these areas, and suffer from borderline personality disorder, major depressive disorder, neurotiscm, social and general anxiety disorder. In someway these flaws have made me a stronger person.

Besides psychology, I am also interested in learning about health/nutrition, reading, writing, animals, music, and more. I like to think of myself as being a very empathetic girl. I am not judgmental, and try to give everyone a chance. My weight truly has been an issue for me up until around 10 years old. A certain traumatic event probably sparked my weight gain, a long with my lifestyle. When I was 16 I joined Weight Watchers with my brother and his girlfriend. I was 200lbs at the start, by the end I reached 135lbs. It wasn't my exact goal weight, but I looked, and felt a lot better. I only maintained it for a short period of time, before my mental health took a turn for the worse. I ended up being severely depressed with the darkest thoughts any human being should ever have. I am so proud of myself for fighting through the horrid times and still being alive today.

Since around 18 years old, I had gained over double the amount of weight I had lost. While it's upsetting, embarrassing, and I beat myself up a lot about it, I finally came to realize it's not permanent and something that can be done again. I feel like I am in a much better spot in my life, and if I feel out of control with everything else, at least I can have some control over my body, and in return once my weight plummets, I know I will feel better in the long run.

I am doing Weight Watchers again, I started back up at the end of April 2013. My weight then was 275.8lbs. I'm a short girl, only 5'1". As of yesterday I weigh 254.2lbs. I have a long journey ahead, but I hope to meet some great people on here that can help cheer me on! Anyone and everyone is welcome to message or add me on here!


  • akafede
    akafede Posts: 52 Member
    I was really depressed too and I can give a couple tips to you:
    The best thing you can do is leave that depressing crap back alone, kickbutt yourself to move (thing that you are starting to do), hang with people who REALLY cares about you and get serious about your goals.
    It's easier said than done but it's possible and you WILL feel better.
  • nmuwildcat
    nmuwildcat Posts: 32 Member
    I was really depressed too and I can give a couple tips to you:
    The best thing you can do is leave that depressing crap back alone, kickbutt yourself to move (thing that you are starting to do), hang with people who REALLY cares about you and get serious about your goals.
    It's easier said than done but it's possible and you WILL feel better.
    Thank you for your advice!!! :)

    Yeah, it surely is easier said than done. I know the medications I've been on have helped immensely, but have also helped me gain weight. :( I try to hangout with the people I know care, but sometimes I feel like no one cares at all. I'm trying to be more positive these days, and want to be off my medications sooner than later!
  • udagreat92
    udagreat92 Posts: 1 Member

    that is the greatest gift I can give you :)
  • 201rainbow
    201rainbow Posts: 18 Member
    Sure, ill friend you. If you ever need tips or advice, feel free to ask!
  • Adolan08
    Adolan08 Posts: 4
    Hi there! I just wanted to reply to your post. I think its great what you are doing! Always remember to take EVERYTHING in your life one minute, hour, day or week at a time. Its a long tough road, but you have all of us on here to lean on for support and ask questions.

    I'm new"er" to this site too. I signed up about a year ago, but never really did anything on here. Its hard to finally say to yourself "ok, its time to make a change."

    You can do it!!!! :)
  • lighterbytheday21
    lighterbytheday21 Posts: 9 Member
    Just wanted to say Welcome :) You can do this :) I find that by just reading on this site helps to sooo much, I realize that I am not the only one who is struggling..... we are all here to give support and to also to receive support ... I look at each day as a new day and baby steps is the best for me :)
  • nmuwildcat
    nmuwildcat Posts: 32 Member

    that is the greatest gift I can give you :)
    Interesting... I will check it out.
  • nmuwildcat
    nmuwildcat Posts: 32 Member
    Sure, ill friend you. If you ever need tips or advice, feel free to ask!
    Thank you!!! :)
  • nmuwildcat
    nmuwildcat Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there! I just wanted to reply to your post. I think its great what you are doing! Always remember to take EVERYTHING in your life one minute, hour, day or week at a time. Its a long tough road, but you have all of us on here to lean on for support and ask questions.

    I'm new"er" to this site too. I signed up about a year ago, but never really did anything on here. Its hard to finally say to yourself "ok, its time to make a change."

    You can do it!!!! :)
    Thanks for replying and offering your advice and support. Now that my depression isn't as bad, I truly look at life differently. in ways I feel as if I've been reborn! Starting this weight loss journey, feeling excited about my academics, and things looking more positive in general make me feel as if life IS worth living! :D
  • nmuwildcat
    nmuwildcat Posts: 32 Member
    Just wanted to say Welcome :) You can do this :) I find that by just reading on this site helps to sooo much, I realize that I am not the only one who is struggling..... we are all here to give support and to also to receive support ... I look at each day as a new day and baby steps is the best for me :)
    Thank you! :) Everyone seems super nice here, and love seeing all the progress and successes! Everyone's story is inspirational to me. I am happy to finally get more involved here. <3
  • I'm very sorry to hear about your struggles and I'm very impressed by what you've already overcome. Depression sucks. I've been there. Still there some days :) But that's what I love about MFP. Everyone is so supportive and friendly. I've also done MFP in the past, but life got in the way or I just made some lame excuse because that's what I do. But now I'm here and I'm back to do it. Feel free to add me and we can do this together :-)