

  • allie7383
    allie7383 Posts: 865 Member
    Hey all! Count me in on this thread as well! I'm 27, and have been chubby all my life, and just once I'd like to get to the beach in a two-piece!
    I danced for about 15 years, from elementary school all through high school. In HS I also did colorguard so having those activities kept a little of the weight off. That was my exercise. I never really did anything outside of those things. I was about 150-160 when I went to college, and by the time senior year rolled around I joined Curves and remember weighing in at about 179. After college my highest weight was about 198-199 and I was devastated. I tried watching what I ate for a while and got down to about 193. A few months ago at work we started a biggest loser challenge and a bunch of people, including myself signed up. That, plus my friend introducing me to MFP is what started the serious journey I'm on now. Having the accountability with the BL challenge with weighing in kind of kept me thinking about what I was eating, and by the end of it, I had lost about 8 pounds. Since then I've kept up with logging in meals, and making exercise a regular part of my day. This is the first time in my life that I've had the mindset of, "I gotta get a workout in today." Besides the weight loss, I've found I have sooo much more energy that I had a year ago, when all I was doing was working, sleeping, and eating. I work the night shift, so I have to adjust my schedule in regards to a lot of things. I'm tired of making excuses, of being sick and tired, and complaining about not feeling good in my body. Today at work 2 people who I don't see a lot told me I looked really good, and noticed I had lost weight, which was def motivational. By summer next year I want to look great, and feel great... This site has been a great help to me, and all the support from everyone is just amazing! Please feel free to add me!
  • bonniejo
    bonniejo Posts: 787 Member
    Today I ate cookies at math club and cake at my movie party at my apartment :( Not much of either (maybe half a cookie and a half a slice of cake) but I'm very disappointed in myself :( How do you stay away from temptation?
  • MeganKS
    I have always had an issue with weight, 220lbs was the heaviest I've been. then all of a sudden when I was 15 I lost over 60lbs and ended up down to a size 6 by the time I was 18-19 yrs old. Then I got pregnant and put all that hard earned weight loss back on. It's over a year later and I have still not lost the weight I've wanted to. I got on a scale this past weekend and was floored as to how much I weigh. It was scary for me because I realized another 8-10lbs and I'll be back up to my heaviest weight. I nearly broke down and cried right there. not to mention all the bad talk i've been getting from family about how much weight I've put on since before I got pregnant and such. So I went home and pulled out my size 6 jeans. Looking at how little they were and knowing how big I've gotten, that was my wake up call. I knew right then and there the time was now to lose the weight, that I had been putting it off long enough. And the next day when a good friend of mine told me about this website I really did take it as a sign that it was going to work this time. I'm so glad and feel absolutely lucky to be on MFP!

    Good Luck to you all!

  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    27 and in :D
  • Thea_N
    hey girls! i like this thread! not going to lie, im not chubby... BUT that's only because I got it under control. i would love to be a part of this group and support:) i was 171 now im 134... all in less than a year and have kept it off.. if i can do it YOU CAN TOO!
  • spikess
    spikess Posts: 113 Member
    i'd like to join too, 27 here.. lost a bit of weight.. but recently i can feel myself wanting to just sit infront of the laptop an munch all day like i used to!
  • vikki2203
    I'll join - I'm 22.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I just turned 28 and it is definitely my plan to lose weight before I'm 30. I spent my entire 20's (so far) overweight and it would be awesome to be HOT and healthy in my 30s.

    I was thin growing up, and in college I put on MAJOR WEIGHT. I possibly got up to 240, I'm not sure. I started this site at 210 and I want to be 150.

    My Fitness Pal has helped me so much. The community is great, and it has given me a lot of perspective on serving sizes. I was floored when I realized how many calories I was eating. I probably ate more calories than I should in a whole day before lunch!!! Now I am eating 1400 calories. Fast food? No way, I wouldn't be able to eat for the rest of the day!

    I use this site on and off. I have been "back on the wagon" for 9 days. I really want to do it this time!!!!!
  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
    Let's do this! I have a hard time cause I am at school or work all day and eat on-the-go.. anyone else have this problem?

    I think that's the reason I got so big actually.
    I'm making a huge effort to rarely eat out now.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm IN :) I'm 23 and I've been overweight my whole life.... Until now, at least :) But I'm still too chubby for my twenties and I'm on my way to a healhier, sexier me! Over the last year (11 months but who's counting) I've lost 45lbs and I'm feeling great - It's so possible!

    Hopefully we can all serve as motivation for each other. It would be great to hear how everyone works exercise into their dieting plans - For a bunch of youngens, working out should be a go-to for stress relief and is a great way to see results fast. I took up jogging in March once I was feeling a bit better about my weight loss and it has really helped. Turns out I'm pretty well addicted to it now - worse things can happen! Anyone else in the same boat, or want to be?
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Today I ate cookies at math club and cake at my movie party at my apartment :( Not much of either (maybe half a cookie and a half a slice of cake) but I'm very disappointed in myself :( How do you stay away from temptation?

    It's really, really hard! Finding healthy alternatives is my best suggestion... I always bring fruit or veg or something else with me when I know I'm going to be around tempting snacks - I work at a bar on the weekend and people are always going out for greasy, awful bar food after work. I *always* bring some fruit or a salad to eat after a long shift. It's a great way to go out with the guys and have a good time after work, without feeling the temptation to eat the high-fat stuff they are eating.

    But, if you do cave and have a little bit of something sweet remember: Every day is a new day and should be counted as such. Just start fresh the next day and don't beat yourself up. Feeling disappointed in yourself is only going to sabotage the rest of your week. We all make crappy choices every once in a while. Just have to get back on the wagon and keep going! Your body will definitely forgive you for 1/2 a cookie and a small piece of cake!
  • kennedar
    kennedar Posts: 306 Member
    Today I ate cookies at math club and cake at my movie party at my apartment :( Not much of either (maybe half a cookie and a half a slice of cake) but I'm very disappointed in myself :( How do you stay away from temptation?

    You had a bad day, we all have them every once in a while. But you can't let it get you down. You should be proud of yourself for stopping after half a cookie and a small slice of cake. Most people could not! For today, just let it go. See if you can get in a trip to the gym or a walk and focus on eating only the calories alloted. Forget what happened yesterday, today is a new day.
  • raspberiswrl
    raspberiswrl Posts: 3 Member
    A 28 y/o here who is battling back from a few years' worth of weight gain. Count me in!
  • maroon58
    maroon58 Posts: 289 Member
    hey! i decided to lose weight because i wasn't feeling good in my clothes and wanted to change my eating habits as well. i am not overweight but would like to be 120. my sw was 134 and i have lost 5lbs so far. i also agree with the poster who said 'this is not a diet' but a lifestyle change. honestly, exercising has become fun for me and i feel such a great accomplishment when i am done. really gets you in a positive mood!
  • scolnik
    Definitely count me in! I'm a 22 year old recent college grad. I was always kind of a big kid growing up, but I was constantly playing sports so I didn't have to worry too much. Then came college and I put school work ahead of taking care of my body. I just couldn't manage to eat right and exercise in between all my school work.

    But now that I'm out of the dorm in an apartment (with a great kitchen!) I'm discovering that eating healthy doesn't have to be that hard. And it can be tasty too! And now that I don't have homework anymore, I can make time to go to the gym at night. I LOVE the group exercise classes-- I would never push myself as hard as the instructors do.

    I was at 175 in June and I've lost 10 lbs over the past three months. The pounds aren't melting away as fast I'd like them to, but I'm not going to give up. Hoping to shed another 20 lbs by the end of the year.
  • MrsSki
    MrsSki Posts: 196
    I'm in! I'm 24, and never had a weight problem until I met my husband almost 3 years ago. I was happy, and we ate out ALL THE TIME, and that's when I started gaining weight. Then I worked a few jobs after graduating college that I HATED, and so I ate candy and chocolate to get through the day. Now I love my job, and my husband and I are trying to lose weight together. He's got a headstart on my, he has lost about 40 lbs since we got married in December. He has about 20 lbs to lose, I have about 40 lbs to go. Our goal weight is the same, about 160 lbs. I currently weigh 198, (finally under the 200's!!!!). I'm hoping by my birthday in April I will be at my goal weight!
  • mkpeacock
    Today has started Ok:happy: ! My DH got up and got ready for work let me sleep and checked on our 1 yr old little girl who has been sick for the past week with double ear infection and has had a fever for 3 days strait,,, :drinker: Fever finally broke Thank goodness so he said he was going to let me stay in bed and try to leave very quiet so as to not wake the babies! I got to sleep tell 8:30am which was very nice!!! on the other hand I woke up to a nice Visit from TOM for the week Ughhh:grumble: cramps and Craving chocolate Cake:grumble: !!! babies had breakfast and begged to go outside and play which Sarah (1yrold) hasnt done in about 4 or 5 days so we got ready :glasses: and went out to play in the morning cool but it's gotten hot out so we came in for there naps before lunch time!!! I managed to get about 5 min of leisure walking in so far and sweat about a gallon off its 91degrees out today which is alot cooler then it has been being!! I got a few pic's of the first fall leaves in my yard :ohwell: I love fall its great weather for walking and exercising outside here:bigsmile: !!! This also means that Winter is just around the corner again :brokenheart: !!! Well DH home for lunch TTYL!!!
  • abbetiteforlife
    I'm 26 and I'm in. I know we can all use all the support we can get. My goal is to run a half-marathon by the time I'm 30. I know it's a long way to go, but I know I can do it. We all can!
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    I'm 26 and I'm in. I know we can all use all the support we can get. My goal is to run a half-marathon by the time I'm 30. I know it's a long way to go, but I know I can do it. We all can!

    That's a great goal! I'm hoping to run a 10k sometime in 2011, but hopefully I'll be running a half marathon within 4 years too!! Are you running/training now? What sort of things keep you motivated?
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Today I ate cookies at math club and cake at my movie party at my apartment :( Not much of either (maybe half a cookie and a half a slice of cake) but I'm very disappointed in myself :( How do you stay away from temptation?

    Hey bonnie - I just have to remind myself #1 that I can have cake and cookies whenever, it's not a once a year treat (like say pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving) and #2 that it's not worth an extra hour of cardio to burn it off! Try to be prepared with your own healthy snacks in your purse and car.