Why am i always hungry?

why am I all of a sudden ALWAYS hungry?? Ive been still eating relatively the same things but I need to eat like twice as much to feel full. I drink a lot of water and take in a lot of protein, but I cant stay full!


  • redskiednight
    redskiednight Posts: 32 Member
    Couldn't be hormones, could it? I often get a few days prior to my TOM when i am practically a black hole for food and have to stop myself hoovering up everything in sight!
  • battyg13
    battyg13 Posts: 508 Member
    I cant see your diary so im unable to offer any advice.
  • this probably makes me sound dumb, but what is TOM?
  • battyg13
    battyg13 Posts: 508 Member
    Time Of Month
  • my calorie limit is 1200, and there's days ive hit 2000. I just don't know what to do. I still have a lot of weight to lose, but when I ignore my hunger I get light headed and drowsy
  • oh, gotcha, well not to make this post awkward for all males, but that was like a week ago, that's what my mom had suggested too, but it just doesn't work
  • viliwa
    viliwa Posts: 6 Member
    my calorie limit is 1200

    there is your answer
  • my calorie limit is 1200

    there is your answer

    haha, exactly! but I don't know how to get around that
  • jim9097
    jim9097 Posts: 341 Member
    A couple of things. As already said by someone else; have no idea what you are eating. Have no idea what kind of workouts you are doing so it is hard to give any advice here. But you may want to look at the things you are eating. If many of your calories are coming from simple carbs change those out with complex carbs. If you are doing an intense workout routine; you may need those calories. Just because MFP say 1200 does not mean that is what you should have. There are several factors that go into it.
  • Rarity2013
    Rarity2013 Posts: 196 Member
    I generally find it quite easy to keep to my calorie limit because I'm not a big eater (for the most part- my downfall is usually alcohol!) But, that said, I sometimes have days where I am just hungry. I usually don't snack at all, but on those hungry days, I just want to spend all day eating- it can be healthy, it can be unhealthy, but I am genuinely hungry for about 80% of the time I'm awake.

    It almost always results in an instant weight loss. I try and take it as a message from my body that it's short on something for whatever reason. My eating habits and hunger usually ping right back afterwards.
  • A couple of things. As already said by someone else; have no idea what you are eating. Have no idea what kind of workouts you are doing so it is hard to give any advice here. But you may want to look at the things you are eating. If many of your calories are coming from simple carbs change those out with complex carbs. If you are doing an intense workout routine; you may need those calories. Just because MFP say 1200 does not mean that is what you should have. There are several factors that go into it.
    I do insanity and run, I log my workouts and that often helps, but then days that Im resting, Im still equally hungry
  • mcibty
    mcibty Posts: 1,252 Member
    Your body won't lie to you. You need to eat more.
  • Your body won't lie to you. You need to eat more.
    im just afraid of gaining weight
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    Got it....

    If you are not eating back exercise calories and you are only eating 1200 Cals per day whilst working out you are simply not eating enough!

    Also - I find that I'm hungry the day after a big work out (I do long distance running) rather than the day I do it so it makes complete sence that you are hungry on rest days.

    so - Increase base calories to about 1400, eat back exercise calories and try and get an average over a week rather than looking at each day at a time - its OK to 'save' calories from a work out day for a rest day.
  • Got it....

    If you are not eating back exercise calories and you are only eating 1200 Cals per day whilst working out you are simply not eating enough!

    Also - I find that I'm hungry the day after a big work out (I do long distance running) rather than the day I do it so it makes complete sence that you are hungry on rest days.

    so - Increase base calories to about 1400, eat back exercise calories and try and get an average over a week rather than looking at each day at a time - its OK to 'save' calories from a work out day for a rest day.
    awesome, so should I increase my limit to 1400 even when I don't do anything cause like, I have a higher metabolism now?
  • choijanro
    choijanro Posts: 754 Member
    maybe you have a fast metabolism
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I would say so, yes - 1200 is the smallest possible intake someone can healthily sustain. I know a lot of people who work out and say that they actually lost quicker when they increased their intake a small amount (whilst maintaining a deficit) because they had more energy and were therefore more motivated to train hard.

    Also - I recommend you look at recovery drinks for after your work outs - you generally recover more quickly and feel less hungry.

    Finally, what are your goals? Because pure weight loss is different to fitness and / or maintenance.
  • mp_deep
    mp_deep Posts: 85 Member
    Calculate your BMR and TDEE


    and you will find out the reason.
  • Calculate your BMR and TDEE


    and you will find out the reason.
    wow, it told me 2142, what a difference!
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    As soon as I saw the topic I knew you would be eating 1,200 cals. As someone else said you have to up your cals. I started off on 1,200 cals aswell, as you think that is what you should be doing but after being on here a while and seeing that people were eating a lot more and losing weight. I decided I wanted a piece of that action lol. I upper my cals slowing 100 at a time until I am now eating 1,600 cals and still losing (I mostly don't eat back exercise cals though). I don't know what height you are but I am only 5' 2.5" so if I can lose weight on those cals anyone can :smile: