convinced thinspired :)

hi everyone,

i started my weight plan 10 days ago, i'll finish in about 6 monts...aaaaahhh!!
i'm scared of give up, and this is why i find this site...that is fantastic
i need costant support to go on. thank you bye


  • DDfitness89
    Good luck with it all! Just remember no matter how hard it feels at times, the sacrifice will be worth the final outcome :-)
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    This site can offer great support, but don't expect it to be constant. Learn how to keep yourself going and you'll do much better.

    For me it's about making a commitment. I don't rely on motivation because motivation is pretty fickle. You're not always going to feel like doing what you have to do, but if you've made a commitment to do it regardless that will carry you through until the next wave of motivation hits.
  • saradella91
    thanks :)