Being the only fatty in the gym class...

Hi Guys,

Just trying to get my internal thoughts clear on this one!

I've just started back doing classes at the gym and have noticed that I am the *only* person there who is fat. I really struggle with the classes (Legs, Bums & Tums, Yoga, PIlates and Zumba) and am literally dripping with sweat after 5 minutes.

In short, I don't know whether to feel motivated that everyone else is thin, or to feel that everyone is disgusted with me and wondering why there is a fat person struggling with the class.

Does anyone else ever feel like this??


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • rahlpn
    rahlpn Posts: 551 Member
    Try not to think about it so much. The "fit" people in class were probably not always that way. They may look at you and think "good for her. I remember being there once". If you exude confidence and stick with it they may start noticing changes and you may even get some compliments! I'm also sure you're not the only one in class not happy with your body at the moment, everyone is there for a reason.
  • sdpeklo
    sdpeklo Posts: 82
    For what it is worth I sweat 5 min into every class I go to. Remember ......the sweat is the fat crying when it leaves your body. : ) Plus I just plain sweat easily. I have learned to love the sweat....makes me feel like I am getting a great workout in.
    No one in their right mind is paying any attention to what you are doing or how you look. When I go to the gym it is all about me. The precious hour I get there child free I am gonna focus soley on me.I don't give a rats what anyone else looks like fat ...skinny....whatever.
    I took a step class a few times and couldn't follow the moves very well . But hey I went....and I do my best. Remember.....nearly everyone who hits the gym is or was a "fatty" at one point or another. Nearly everyone feels uncomfortable in a class for awhile for some reason or another which leads me to......
    Most people are so involved or they should be with their own workout one has time to judge anyone else. If they do they aren't using the gym for its true intent and purpose . I go to my local Y as it is focused on community and values...if your gym isn't a good fit find one that is. All the best on your journey. : )
  • miracole
    miracole Posts: 492 Member
    Trust me, people are more impressed that you're out there than anything. I've come to realize that at most gym classes people spend 90% of their time trying to make sure that they look their best while doing the exercises, and 10% actually listening to the class instructor, they don't have any focus left to give those around them more than a passing thought!
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    Maybe the people in your class were a lot heavier before they starting going to the gym and sticking to it. I can almost guarantee you they didn't all start that class because they were super model skinny.
  • katkins3
    katkins3 Posts: 1,360 Member
    I know how you feel.
    When I started Jazzercise I described myself as "the fat chick in the last row that's always out of step". I'd get so discourages that I'd leave the class in frustration. I'd sit in my car and cry.
    I kept going back for two reasons. I knew I really wanted to dance and the ladies there were friendly. I started asking the instructor, after class, to show me the steps that I needed help with. She was glad to help. I also saw that there were women of all ages and fitness levels there.
    Now, I've been been going to Jazzercise since 2004 and have made many friends there. I try to greet new people, like I was welcomed.
    Hang in there. Don't be shy to request modifications to any moves that you need help with. Try not to compare yourself with others, but concentrate on your own progress. If possible, say hi to some one else who looks like they need encouragement.
  • mushroomsontoast
    mushroomsontoast Posts: 118 Member
    I'd feel the same - who wouldn't? No-one likes to be the odd one out.
    Why not buy a fitness DVD and work out at home for a while until you feel better and fitter about working out with the skinnies at gym?
  • lolalament
    lolalament Posts: 73 Member
    You're probably too busy struggling with the exercise to see when others are struggling!

    There's always going to be somebody better than you, or thinner than you, so don't worry about that. By going, you're trying to change yourself and that's the important thing.
  • zytah
    zytah Posts: 153
    Hi Guys,

    Just trying to get my internal thoughts clear on this one!

    I've just started back doing classes at the gym and have noticed that I am the *only* person there who is fat. I really struggle with the classes (Legs, Bums & Tums, Yoga, PIlates and Zumba) and am literally dripping with sweat after 5 minutes.

    In short, I don't know whether to feel motivated that everyone else is thin, or to feel that everyone is disgusted with me and wondering why there is a fat person struggling with the class.

    Does anyone else ever feel like this??

    honestly, if i saw you at the gym, id be in awe of you and turn into your cheerleader. you have the balls to get in there. to see someone willing to try and then try their hardest is very inspiring to me. keep up the great work!!
  • Taylor0212
    Taylor0212 Posts: 72 Member
    I lost over 20 pounds and I still sweat like a pig within 5 minutes of a cardio class! I was also one of the heavier ones in my class when I first started, as it was kickboxing and people simply thought I couldn't do it. Prove them wrong, and quite honestly who cares what you look like. You're still doing better than everyone else not exercising! Keep up the good work :)
  • MyJourney1960
    MyJourney1960 Posts: 1,133 Member
    but but but you are there to learn and to become more fit. if you are going to feel discouarged at every step of the way - this won't work. the point is that there are always always always going to be people who are thinner, taller, smarter, prettier, richer, more talented than you (made ya feel better, huh?:wink: ). so? embrace the experience, learn from it. nobody started out 100% fit, and even those who are very fit are still going to class to stay fit and improve. JUST. LIKE.YOU.

    I sweat buckets. you think that is going to stop me from going to the gym and working out? no way. i'm also fat - i look horrible in a bathin suit. so? I still go to the pool once in a while becaause that is what i want to do.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    Maybe there's a lot of former fatties in your class. Don't worry about it, definitely don't let it stop you going!
  • stefjc
    stefjc Posts: 484 Member
    Most of the time that happened to me I was the instructor! No, really. I was and overweight instructor, taught 15- 20 classes a week, some to some extremely fit people.

    I am aiming to go back to classes in a month or so, as a participant. Again I will be the fattest person there - and I won't care. I'll be too busy trying to get the moves right.

    Enjoy it. Your instructor should enjoy you, new and in need of help and friendly guidance.
  • horndave
    horndave Posts: 565
    every day. we all start somehwere. Screw those other people, I am doing this for me.
  • are822
    are822 Posts: 46 Member
    Agree with what everyone else is saying. I consistently go to classes several days a week since last November and am always so impressed when new people come and stick with it. Don't worry about what you look like, just envision what you are going to look like in a few months and how great it feels to get through the workout!
  • Rosamia41
    Rosamia41 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm heavy too and recently started working out at the gym taking the group classes. Believe me I started dripping in sweat after the first five minutes too while everyone else was nice and pretty. At the beginning I did feel embarrassed but after class I was proud of myself for finishing it. I never realized how strong I was for finishing the class. Now instead of being embarrassed I push more so I can get the results and everyone at my gym will see how much weight I've lost. Remember this is for you, and no one else.
  • Cheekies_
    Cheekies_ Posts: 319 Member
    Remember ......the sweat is the fat crying when it leaves your body. : ) Plus I just plain sweat easily. I have learned to love the sweat....makes me feel like I am getting a great workout in.

    ^^^ LOVE this! ^^^
  • lripson28
    lripson28 Posts: 213 Member
    Everyone's gotta start somewhere. Like others have said, I'm sure all those other fit people in the class were not always that way. They are probably thinking, good for her for getting out and trying to make a change. Don't worry about anything, just focus on you and what you are doing.
  • chrisloveslife
    chrisloveslife Posts: 180 Member
    I know how you feel.
    When I started Jazzercise I described myself as "the fat chick in the last row that's always out of step".
    This is how I feel about myself at Zumba. But I keep going back and getting used to the moves every class. I also hate watching myself in the mirror because my moves don't look like the instructor's.
  • framingsammie
    framingsammie Posts: 144 Member
    If it helps, I start to drip with sweat literally 5/10 minutes into any class I do. As others have said they were probably once where you are at the moment. Honestly, whenever I see a bigger person exercising I feel proud of them. Also, the others in your class are probably struggling too but all you're seeing is that they are slimmer than you. Keep up the good work. :) xo