I am not losing and my wedding is in 2 months

I have been excercising and watching what I eat for the past few months and I feel like instead of losing weight I am putting it on!!!! I work out anywhere from 3-5 times a week and feel like I am always watching what I am eating. Two big pitfall I have is that I do enjoy my beer on the weekends and I tend to bing at night when I am home alone. I keep most junk food out of my house because I know that my will power is not always at a high but the pitfall is that my fiance doesn't really have a problem with weight and he loves his treats. I do all the grocery shopping so his selection is very limited but... If anyone has a great solution or help towards my binging I would greatly appreciate it. When I say binging I don't mean that I eat a whole bag/box of anything. My binging consists of after eating dinner I proceed to eat 2-3 tablespoons of trail mix and (emphasizing and) 6-8 wheat crackers with pb & j.


  • Sherwood89
    Sherwood89 Posts: 21
    if night time is when your 'grazing' the most my suggestion is this, it worked for me!

    i work out at night.

    keeps my mind occupied and after a good workout i dont feel like eating as i feel fresh and 'clean' im not sure if you can work out at night due to commitments ect but it really did stop me from my night time grazing!

  • doggiesnot
    doggiesnot Posts: 334 Member
    If you log everything, including the beer and late night snacks, you will see if you're under your calorie goal, or over it. I'm guessing you're going over. That being said, don't get hung up on "losing weight before the wedding". Just be happy with yourself, and be understanding as you take this journey. Know that it takes time, but make sure you're doing the right things. Be forgiving to yourself. :)
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Two big pitfall I have is that I do enjoy my beer on the weekends and I tend to bing at night when I am home alone..

    I think the answer is pretty obvious. If you REALLY want this, you have to get a handle on this and be willing to give up these things that are counter productive.
  • southerndream24
    southerndream24 Posts: 303 Member
    Open your diary so we can see what the issue is.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Open your diary so we can see what the issue is.

  • Gaynze
    Gaynze Posts: 7 Member
    Keep away from the peanut butter and jam, this alone is high in calorie. Why not try drinking lots of water whilst having your dinner and a cup of herbal tea later. To detract you further, start a project and do a little bit of it each night for about an half an hour to an hour before bedtime. I think having your beer on the weekends is fine as long as you put in that extra hour of really exercise during the week like a swim or bicycle ride.
  • coreyreichle
    coreyreichle Posts: 1,031 Member
    Sounds like you are consuming more calories than you burn.

    Are you accurately logging your beer and food; that come with the late nights and weekends? If so, then perhaps you are recording too many calories for your workout sessions.

    Of course, it's all speculation if we can't see your diary.
  • stardancer7
    stardancer7 Posts: 276 Member
    Two to three tablespoons of trail mix is calorie dense--find a satisfying substitute that is equally nutritious. And weigh it, so you know for sure! Enjoy!

    edit to add: 2 tablespoons is about 28 grams or one ounce, which, when I looked up a trail mix with choc chips (don't know your brand), is about 136 calories.
  • kbeardmore22
    kbeardmore22 Posts: 283 Member
    What has been working for me at night when I feel like I want to have something is I make myself a hot cup of either coffee or tea and drink a lot of water. I put truvia sweetener in the coffee or tea so it has hardly any calories, but the hot beverage seems to satisfy my need to have something in the evening w/o setting me back. Good luck!
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Open your diary so we can see what the issue is.

    You say you are watching what you are eating but that's very different from logging calories. Log your calories, eat TDEE-20% and don't overestimate your calories burned.

    I love eating in the evening too so make sure I eat lightly during the day so I can still snack in the evening. I usually save around 200 calories to play with in the evening and often it's something like icecream or peanut butter I have. It's worth having a small breakfast and no snacks during the day so that I don't feel deprived in the evenings.
  • LizL217
    LizL217 Posts: 217 Member
    It depends on whether the reason for your nighttime snacking is 1) that you are bored, or 2) that you aren't eating enough throughout the day.

    If you're snacking because you're bored, find a way to occupy yourself (given that your wedding is in 2 months I'm sure there are some tasks you still need to complete that you can focus on instead of eating, no? At least that was the case with my wedding.) One little trick I use is to tell myself "I can have some trail mix if I do 10 push-ups first". Usually doing the push-ups is enough for me to get my focus back on being awesome and away from snacking.

    If you're snacking because you aren't eating enough during the day, or because what you're eating during the day isn't satisfying enough, try increasing your daily protein consumption. Without being able to see your diary I can't give much more informed advice than that.

    Good luck, and congrats on the upcoming wedding!
  • Mustang_Susie
    Mustang_Susie Posts: 7,045 Member
    Sounds like you are consuming more calories than you burn.

    Are you accurately logging your beer and food; that come with the late nights and weekends? If so, then perhaps you are recording too many calories for your workout sessions.

    Of course, it's all speculation if we can't see your diary.

  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    Two big pitfall I have is that I do enjoy my beer on the weekends and I tend to bing at night when I am home alone..

    I think the answer is pretty obvious. If you REALLY want this, you have to get a handle on this and be willing to give up these things that are counter productive.

    This for sure.
  • johnrossmckay
    johnrossmckay Posts: 66 Member
    Reality bites. Your body consumes calories to maintain weight. If you eat too many you store them as fat, if you eat too few you dig in to your fat stores. Use MFP and track EVERYTHING that goes in your mouth. If you stick to the limits you have to lose weight. It's just a matter of how badly you want it. If you aren't losing weight then you are eating too much.

    I went out of control for a brief period one day this week and then caught myself because this time I really want it. I don't know whether I can keep it up but my weight dropped again this morning so I am encouraged at least until the cravings start. I've heard that nothing tastes as good as thin feels but I haven't tasted that yet so I'm no authority.
  • FrankiesSaysRelax
    FrankiesSaysRelax Posts: 403 Member
    Two big pitfall I have is that I do enjoy my beer on the weekends and I tend to bing at night when I am home alone..

    I think the answer is pretty obvious. If you REALLY want this, you have to get a handle on this and be willing to give up these things that are counter productive.


    Watching what you eat and counting calories are two entirely separate things. You can fit beer and those other things into your day, but you need to plan around them and make them fit into your allotted calories. If you really want to lose weight- calulate your TDEE, eat 20% less than that and log EVERY SINGLE THING you eat.
  • Amanda993
    Amanda993 Posts: 51
    If you log everything, including the beer and late night snacks, you will see if you're under your calorie goal, or over it. I'm guessing you're going over. That being said, don't get hung up on "losing weight before the wedding". Just be happy with yourself, and be understanding as you take this journey. Know that it takes time, but make sure you're doing the right things. Be forgiving to yourself. :)

    I agree! Love yourself and look forward to your wedding! Don't get hung up on weight. It doesn't define your self worth. You will be a beautiful, happy, radiant bride. Don't be so hard on yourself. Work out and eat what makes you feel good. Do it with the intention of FEELING great, instead of becoming smaller. You don't have to be small to be a gorgeous bride. Please let go of the negative feelings and embrace this wonderful moment in your life! :)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I think everyone has it covered. :)

    In the most basic terms, you are consuming more calories then you are burning. It's pretty simple....cut the calories back.
  • natashapridham
    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding! I myself just got married a year ago. I tried to lose weight before I got married and nothing seemed to work for me, especially with the stress of planning a wedding! I now look at my wedding pictures ( I've lost 60lbs) since the wedding and think "why didn't I try harder." I asked my husband why didn't he push me to lose weight and his response is "its not my job to tell you your fat, it's my job to tell you your beautiful." You obviously have found a man that loves you for who you are. My advice to you is keep trying, cut out the unneccessary habits like eating at night ( I don't eat anything after 8pm) and drinking, but if you don't lose any weight before the wedding don't worry about it! Good luck with your weight loss and feel free to add me as a friend so we can continue to motivate each other!
  • NadirToZenith
    NadirToZenith Posts: 62 Member
    Congratulations on your wedding! I'm sure that it can feel extra stressful to have an event as important as that coming up...

    I can completely understand your tendency to binge at night. I join the people above me by saying try working out at night but that's kind of hard for me because then I find it tough to sleep. I also have the tendency to binge at night when I sit down to watch my shows with a glass of wine. So, when I think that might happen I skip TV and go to sleep or get on the computer or read a book. Anything that will break me of the unconscious eating habit.

    Good luck to you! This is a great place with tons of supportive people :)
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm also getting married in about 2 months (early October)...congratulations!!

    It sounds like you already know what's wrong, honestly.

    Maybe cut back to drinking just 1-2 times per month.

    If you feel the need to binge at night, maybe you're not getting enough calories throughout the day? For me that is the only time I feel super hungry at night. The fact that PB is a part of these small "binges" tells me you could be lacking something nutritionally. Years ago I went on an overly limited diet and I would head straight for the PB jar sometimes like a zombie. That is not good.

    Also...the whole key to my own loss has been to LOG EVERYTHING, EVERY DAY! Good luck!