How do you rewards youself?

*Reward* I am having trouble finding the motivation to make the time to exercise. I was thinking that maybe if i rewarded myself in some small way ONLY after exercising, it might help. I'd prefer it wasn't food of any kind. Maybe a smoothie or something though. Any ideas?


  • lbmade2crave
    lbmade2crave Posts: 29 Member
    Another way to put it is....I can't do this (watch tv, get on facebook, call my friends) until I exercise. Then whatever you want to do is your reward.
  • My Friend and my Sister and I have set goals with small incentives. With every 5 kilos we've lost, we plan a date together.
    Hopefully, if the scale permits it ;-), we'll go to the movies together. It gives us a chance to dress up in things other than your home and office wear, so u also appreciate the new you at every big mark. Dress up a bit and show it off!
  • elkahallick
    elkahallick Posts: 1,138 Member
    My reward is how great I feel after a workout.... My reward is the changes I see in the mirror or on the scale........ My reward is going back the next day to do it again.......
  • Alidecker
    Alidecker Posts: 1,262 Member
    I used to download new music when I lost 5 lbs or 10 lbs.
  • winodini
    winodini Posts: 135 Member
    clothes. Which is both needed with weight loss... AND a reward :)
  • Gizziemoto
    Gizziemoto Posts: 430 Member
    A book or music I want. Right now I am doing a 500 plus virtual walk and at the end will reward myself with a couple of books or new music.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Wine works for me. No exercise, no wine with dinner. As I put on my workout clothes I'd often remark to my husband "Time to go earn some wine." 2.5 years later and I'm still doing it regularly. I love wine.
  • SherryL0419
    SherryL0419 Posts: 44 Member
    If you are meaning after each time you exercise, maybe a bubblebath or some time to read a good book or give yourself an at-home facial or mani/pedi. (if these things aren't your type of thing, pretty much anything that would be something you enjoy that would be "your" time)

    Also once you get into a routine and find an exercise you really enjoy, just the feeling of finishing and pushing yourself harder each time will be a reward!!
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    At the nearby mall they have massage cairs on coins. 5 min massage is 1 €. I also reward myself with new book, ticket to a concert, ticket to swimming pool, free time, manicure, new dress....Don't reward yourself with (caloric!) food as you are sending your body the wrong message!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    My reward is how great I feel after a workout.... My reward is the changes I see in the mirror or on the scale........ My reward is going back the next day to do it again.......


    My reward is stuff like the above...but also, buying new clothes. I'm frugal and don't go nuts, but it is so much fun to buy something I love that fits well and have people complimenting me and saying that it shows off my progress!
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    Since I am doing Beach Body programs I reward myself when I finish a program. The last reward I gave myself was a massage. I have also done rewards of fitness related items, heart rate monitor, clothing, shoes.
  • action_figure
    action_figure Posts: 511 Member
    Definitely don't reward yourself with food. You want a healthy relationship with food which means using it as it was intended: something that fuels your activity and repairs your body. I have used different rewards: gotta finish my workout before I use the Internet, if I do my crossfit, THEN I get to go kayaking, etc. For a while I was buying myself a new color of nail polish for every week that I stuck to my diet and exercise routine. But then I had all the colors I wanted. I like the built in rewards: if I get stronger, I get to buy a new set of dumbbells, or a new kettlebell, new running shoes, etc. etc. Also, see if you can get involved with a local club. I go out on Thursdays with our local running club for a 5K run and there's always a sponsor there with swag. Last week I scored a new pair of bright yellow and orange running socks from our sponsor. There's also beer after. Mmmm. Beer. Edit: forgot to add, thrift store, new clothes, win.
  • I know this is probably NOT what you want to hear but losing weight is its own reward. I find myself more and more motivated when I see losses in weight and gains in strength. I know that everyone is different and all but if you are serious about losing weight you should push yourself to motivate yourself. I had a hard time at first and yes, I thought I needed motivation from another source but as soon as I saw results I wanted to push on to get even better. Hope you can find your motivation.
  • I have rewards set up like so:

    5 pounds lighter: Movie date
    10 pounds: Make up haul! (Except for me..I want a haircut.)
    15 pounds: Whoever in the house reaches this point first has no chores for a week. You can arrange that with your family.
    and so on and so forth. The more weight you lose, the better the prize will be.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    I rewards myself with a Quadricorn.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    Since I am doing Beach Body programs I reward myself when I finish a program. The last reward I gave myself was a massage. I have also done rewards of fitness related items, heart rate monitor, clothing, shoes.

    I love the idea of fitness related rewards. I don't do this currently but I do set aside money for those items from time to time...for example I got a bonus at work and designated that for hiking sandals, a nice bicycle helmet, and a new jump rope. I may have to consider finess related rewards! Thanks for the idea.
  • blt0087
    blt0087 Posts: 115
    Try putting a dollar in a jar anytime you work out, the more you workout the more you'll save. Then when you reach a goal, go buy yourself something! That's what I'm doing, I'm saving for a new tattoo :)
  • vinylscratch
    vinylscratch Posts: 218 Member
    Maybe not so healthy, but I know if I get inside I won't move.. so lately when I get done with my commute I immediately walk around the neighborhood, even for 15-20 minutes, before I'm allowed to go inside.. and usually I have to pee SO bad (boston traffic!) that I hustle!!
  • amsipub
    amsipub Posts: 84 Member
    I use Xbox for exercising so it gives rewards such as badges and videos. I also get stars for doing the actions correctly so it makes it fun and makes me want to exercise. Outside of that, I like to on occasion give myself things that will help me stay motivated like the Fitbit Flex, new workout clothes, new sport bras and such. Exercise gives me so many rewards on its own: being able to sleep better, having more energy, keeps me toned, and aware of what my body needs. I also love being able to look at my abs and see the muscle definition that wasn't there last year.
  • javajinny
    javajinny Posts: 78
    I have weight goals with rewards attached. Like there are weight limits for sky diving and this awesome zip-line obstacle course. So when I reach the weight limit for each, I'm doing them. I've got to work out to get to those weights, so when I don't feel like exercising, I try to think that the more I put off exercising, the longer I can't go sky diving, and I'm not going to live forever so I better hurry up and work out so I can go ahead on my adventures. :) Also, blt0087 has a great idea. I'll have to start donig that so I can make sure to have the money for my reward adventures.