Not achieving ketosis... Help!

poetlba Posts: 10
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
Has anyone else tried Lindora?

I'm on day three of the program, doing it with my buddy (my wife), and she's already achieved ketosis, but I have not. we're eating about the same things, except i have more water and she has about 10g of carbs less than i do. Can those 10 measly grams of carbs be making that much of a difference?

Any ideas on how to boost to ketosis?


  • How do you know you haven't? Are you testing your urine for ketones?
  • charny164
    charny164 Posts: 175 Member
    For me, I had to have no more than 25g of carbs per day to reach ketosis and drink so much water I thought I was going to float away. Are you using the strips?
    I was doing Atkins though, I am not familiar with Lindora.
  • justsomemodgirl
    justsomemodgirl Posts: 18 Member
    Hey there,
    I am not familiar with this at all- would someone share with me what this is about and what it entails?
  • yeah - i'm peeing on a stick at the Lindora clinic every morning! I'm still at trace signs of ketosis.
  • Can those 10 measly grams of carbs be making that much of a difference?

    I think it's probably those 10 carbs! Believe it or not!
  • Actually, i was just doing some more research on ketosis myself.

    Apparently it's a highly scientific process that leads to the conclusion that if you have an incredibly low number of carbs a day, your body will produce ketones that burn your stored fat rather than sugars (carbs) from your daily consumption.

    I understand that it is a highly effective strategy for the Atkins and Lindora diet programs, but has also been used historically to control epilepsy in children and some adults.

    You basically eat protein, try very hard to eliminate almost all of your carbs, and drink a LOT of water.

    For example, yesterday i had 96 oz of water - 12 cups! For someone who used to hardly drink water before, that's a huge deal for me.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    yes that's essentially the basics of ketosis. I'm curious for the reasons you want to go into ketosis though. Are you doing it for weight loss?

    People choose ketosis for many valid reasons, but weight loss has never been proven as one of them. Other than the possibility of psychological addictions to carbohydrates that is. There have been a lot of good solid studies done on this, and universally the results are that no carb is not better for long term weight loss than a normal, reduced calorie diet. Short term you'll see dramatic loss, but much of that is because when the body goes into ketosis it immediately expels a large volume of water from muscle cell sites and the liver, usually anywhere from 6 to 20 lbs. But it's just water basically, you didn't drop significant fat in that time (or not any more than you would on any other reasonable diet with the same amount of calorie deficit).

    Hopefully you reviewed the reasoning behind ketosis, and are well aware of the risks of ketosis (primarily the risk of severe dehydration, which can be quite dangerous if not monitored). If you have, then ignore my post as you are probably doing what you need to for correct management, but if you haven't, I'd read up on it, because it is not something to take lightly.

    good luck,

  • net carbs gota be <30g per day and protein 1g per/lb of lbm and the rest fats. this is the fastest and safest most muscle preserving way to go into ketosis. ketostix do squat, there not that accurate. when 1st in ketosis ull xperience brain fog and lethargy but that resolves within 2days. be sure to have a carb up day every week other wise ur body can be harmed. google CKD diet.
  • yes that's essentially the basics of ketosis. I'm curious for the reasons you want to go into ketosis though. Are you doing it for weight loss?

    People choose ketosis for many valid reasons, but weight loss has never been proven as one of them. Other than the possibility of psychological addictions to carbohydrates that is. There have been a lot of good solid studies done on this, and universally the results are that no carb is not better for long term weight loss than a normal, reduced calorie diet. Short term you'll see dramatic loss, but much of that is because when the body goes into ketosis it immediately expels a large volume of water from muscle cell sites and the liver, usually anywhere from 6 to 20 lbs. But it's just water basically, you didn't drop significant fat in that time (or not any more than you would on any other reasonable diet with the same amount of calorie deficit).

    Hopefully you reviewed the reasoning behind ketosis, and are well aware of the risks of ketosis (primarily the risk of severe dehydration, which can be quite dangerous if not monitored). If you have, then ignore my post as you are probably doing what you need to for correct management, but if you haven't, I'd read up on it, because it is not something to take lightly.

    good luck,

    also when your in ketosis ur body switches from using glucose as a main source of energy (carbs) to ketones and glucagon. this means as long as your lbm is reached in protein and the rest of your diet is fats and trace carbs from fibrous veggies your body will expend energy from the ketones. one must make sure to drink a lot of water daily and keep the protein to the recommended amount otherwise you will lose hard earned muscle. also if one does a carb up 1 day a week this shocks the body and keeps your glycogen levels full enough to weight train for the following week. the carb up is a big factor, w/o it you will be very lethargic
  • I'm on the Lindora diet program, which asks you to eat only proteins for 3-4 days until you reach ketosis. Once you've reached ketosis, you can integrate fruits and vegetables, by still keeping to a less than 30 carb and less than 1000 calorie diet. This is only done at the beginning of the diet, i assume to expel all the water weight first.

    I think i'm finally past the brain fog stage, though I certainly experienced it over the last coupel of days. Today is day for of proteins only, and tomorrow i get to integrate fruits and vegetables back into my meal plan. At my daily weigh-in this morning, the keto stick did not reveal successful ketosis. But around 10am, i tested again, and I had finally turned the stick pink! So I think it's safe to assume I finally made it into ketosis.

    I am drinking plenty of water. At least 80oz a day.

    Thank you for all the comments and concern. I truly appreciate the feedback!
  • I am a big fan of the Lindora program.. when i use to live in LA i i joined and lost 15 pds and now living in SF there is no clinic to join...

    I found with lindora.. working out was very very important
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