Tupler technique-diastasis recti

After finally confirming that my bulging belly is not excess fat or as a result of needing to lift more weights....I have embarked on a Journey to fix my diastasis recti. I started the Tupler Technique only 7 days ago and already my stomach is looking pretty flat. It's only the beginning of the 18 week program and I wanted to see if anybody else out there is suffering from the same condition. I want to start a group on mfp so we can be support for each other....guidelines say to try and find several members you know want to join before creating group....
For almost 5 years I have felt alone in my quest to figure out what is wrong with my belly....I exercised like crazy, dieted, you name it...bu I still looked pregnant.....people basically brushed off my complaints bc a first glance I am skinny....nobody believed me when I said I thought there was something damaged.....why did I wait 4 1/2 years to google "separated ab muscles" . At this point I am down to 100 pounds and starting to look skeleton like in some areas of my body...yet my stomach has not shrunk even 1/2 an inch!
It is shameful that ob/gyns do not educate us about this condition....it's hardly touched upon in the pregnancy books....yet women everywhere suffer from it. I have been doing crunches, push ups, planks, etc for years......and all this time I was worsening the condition!
So if you are in the same boat let me know so I Can start the group and we can all be supportive of each other and share our stories and progress!


  • gnarlynoodle
    gnarlynoodle Posts: 99 Member
    I just realized (even though I knew about the condition) that I have this, though mine isn't severe. I can get 3 fingers down in there at nave level. I'd love to join your group.

    Would you mind linking me to program you're following?
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    Sure.....go to diastasisrehab.com to check out tupler technique. I'm only on day 10....I see a huge difference in my belly already (my belly button has become an innie again) but won't re measure the diastasis til week three. The initial measurement at the belly button was between three and four finger widths. Before i started when i would I eat I look five months pregnant. With the tupler technique you wear a splint that helps pull your muscles back together....it's supposed to make it easier for the connective tissue to heal.....only cardio for first six weeks is walking or light jogging and no strength training.....this part kills me...I love all sorts of cardio and weights but I'm willing to tone it down for a few weeks if it helps. Then three times a day you do specific exercises designed to strengthen your transverse abdominals......no more crunches, etc. I've read tons of great reviews on the Internet, I just hope it works because surgery is just not something I'm willing to do :smile:
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I am just realizing I have it, although it is mild. I've been noticing after working out (Jillian M Body Revolution) my belly seemed bigger. I'm like I'm doing planks, crunches etc why is it worse. Now I know why. Plus after eating my stomach pushes out. Do you have the binder? I was wondering if its worth the $50. I havent started the program yet or bought any of the materials.
  • mrsmarquez11
    mrsmarquez11 Posts: 27 Member
    I too have diastasis recti. I had my second child 9 months ago and I'm having a heck of a time correcting it!
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    Yes I bought the $80 kit....it comes with the splint, DVD and a guidebook to keep track of your exercises and measurements. I am on my last day of week 5. I wear the splint 24/7 except when showering or when I wash it. I have seen amazing results so far. Diastasis was definitely getting smaller when I measured at 3 weeks. After week six I need to re measure again. The hardest part is that the first six weeks the only cardio allowed is walking or light jogging....I only have one week left of this thankfully. I have been walking on treadmill everyday....boring so looking forward to starting aerobics and weights again. It definitely takes getting used to wearing the splint. I try to wear loose fitting tanks and tops out of the house so it's not noticeable. I will try to post a before pic and progress pic for you to see
  • mommy3457
    mommy3457 Posts: 361 Member
    Yes I bought the $80 kit....it comes with the splint, DVD and a guidebook to keep track of your exercises and measurements. I am on my last day of week 5. I wear the splint 24/7 except when showering or when I wash it. I have seen amazing results so far. Diastasis was definitely getting smaller when I measured at 3 weeks. After week six I need to re measure again. The hardest part is that the first six weeks the only cardio allowed is walking or light jogging....I only have one week left of this thankfully. I have been walking on treadmill everyday....boring so looking forward to starting aerobics and weights again. It definitely takes getting used to wearing the splint. I try to wear loose fitting tanks and tops out of the house so it's not noticeable. I will try to post a before pic and progress pic for you to see

    I'm so happy to hear that! You just basically suck in your stomach a lot so when you do cardio, you can just do that. It is what I do myself to help my diastasis recti.
  • april1445
    april1445 Posts: 334
    I have it too. I'm going to check out tupler technique, (thank you by the way), but am basically resigned to surgery if I ever reach my goal weight.
  • aas1277
    aas1277 Posts: 67
    I am going to create a group on myfitnesspal for people with this condition can communicate with each other....I am going to send invites so we can all chat about our success, roadblocks, frustrations, etc!
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    I am familiar with the condition: had it after the birth of my second. That was also the reason I started working out to get back in shape when my son was more then 9 months old. It just took that long to heal enough...
  • Hi! I just started the program on Monday, so Im 3 days in. I am looking forward to seeing great results. Anyone further along and seeing progress?
  • glowkitteny
    glowkitteny Posts: 5 Member
    I have this. I gave birth 8 months ago and still look 5 months pregnant.
    Please include me in your group!
  • Just received the splinter.will wear 1st day tomorrow.I fully understand that like me i will miss the gym but still will try to do some cardio and exercise without lifting shoulders.Hope this wil help get rid of my mummy tummy as gym and diet haven't
    Yes include me in ur group!
  • jellyMom
    jellyMom Posts: 11
    Yes, this is me! My kids are 11 & 8 and I had no idea I had this until earlier this year! Good old pinterest helped me figure it out, lol! I think mine is improving thanks to the exercises I found to do, but I would be very interested in this group!
  • fit4ever_OHIO
    fit4ever_OHIO Posts: 4 Member
    I just bought the splint! So you belly was flat in just 7 days?! I hope that I will have that kind of results!
  • fit4ever_OHIO
    fit4ever_OHIO Posts: 4 Member
    I just found out about this last week and purchased the splint today. I was excited to find out that this was actually a "condition" AND treatable. I came home and told my husband and he kinda just laughed at me...very discouraging :(
  • jchm
    jchm Posts: 1
    hi - i just found out about Diastasis Recti last Friday when I went to a consult for lipo. the dr said i need a full Tummy Tuck and that is the only way to repair the torn ligament or muscles. I don't want that kind of invasive surgery but I am so tired of people asking me "when are you due?" my youngest will be 7 in march and i have tried everything - i am skiiny everywhere except for my belly. so i bought the splint and dvd and started yesterday. my back hurts and i am not sleeping well with this thing on. i would love to have the support and encouragement from this group. how do i sign up? thanks for starting it!
  • cortney_weiss
    cortney_weiss Posts: 57 Member
    Yup, I have it too, I'm currently splinting with my fitness. I heard the Tupler Technique wrap or whatever it's called stretches out quickly, so I opted for a different type of wrap called a fit splint. You can google fitsplint, and it should come right up. It's adjustable and velcro and easy to clean. Mine appears to be getting smaller too :)
  • armymom5
    armymom5 Posts: 115
    I honestly didn't know that this was considered a condition. My kids are adults but were all born by a vertical c-section cut. Maybe there is hope for my stomach?
  • I ordered the Tupler Technique back in June. I did it faithfully for 4 weeks, saw great results, and then my Velcro stopped sticking :(. My tummy immediately went back. Has anyone else had an issue with the Velcro? I can't afford a new one right now. Any suggestions?
  • Hi, I'm new to these boards, I have been doing MFP for a week and a half and came across this discussion when I was googling "Successful Tupler technique stories", so I was wondering how the original poster got on, did it work, has it stayed flat?

    I've tried Tupler technique before and yeah it made my belly look awesomely flat but once that splint comes off for more than a day it's back to pooch, so let me know how you all went. Hopefully people are still reading this discussion :)