I Love Fast Food

Hi Everyone. My name is Robin. I just joined MFP a little over a week ago. One of my biggest problems is going to be bypassing the fast food places. I indulged last week and felt terrible afterwards. But today, after my doctor's appointment, I was so thirsty, so I stopped at the Arby's I pass on the way home to get an iced tea. It was such a temptation to order the wrap I usually get, but I am proud to say I made it home with only the iced tea.

I have a lot of health issues that would improved a great deal if I can lose weight, so I'm seeing a dietician, who is the person who told me about MFP. I'm determined to reach my goal, so I'm trying to stay strong with my fast food addiction.


  • I wouldn't say I have an addiction..but...I have a hectic life and I have committed to thirty days fast food free...I am hoping that at the end of thirty days I will be able to start making decisions and staying away from fast food.. if you want some support i am sending a FR now :)
  • SweetieMelissa
    SweetieMelissa Posts: 68 Member
    Hi. :) I just added you. Welcome to the site and also your kitty is cute :D
  • Robin,
    I hear ya. I started MFP 3 weeks ago. So far I am down 12 lbs. and counting. I don't see the harm in fast food as long as you watch what you eat (calories in/calories out). I sat down and made a "cheat" sheet of all the restaurants I eat at including the fast food ones. I have selected 3-4 items from each place that fall in the 400-600 range. That way I know I can grab something and stay true. For me its about the calories at this point, not the fat/protein/etc. Hope that helps. Good luck!
  • ethompso0105
    ethompso0105 Posts: 418 Member
    There was another post on MFP today about "Just for today", and I think it's great for people who have issues resisting things. Most people can resolve to do something for just a single day. If you renew that promise to yourself on a daily basis, it can help to create a long-term change.

    For instance, if fast food is your worry, you can say, "Just for today, no fast food". Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Then the next day, you could say the same thing again. It's so much easier than saying "no fast food for a week," or "no more fast food ever". :)
  • neesha1024
    neesha1024 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi Robin, I'm Jen. YAY for passing on the Arby's wrap! It sounds like you've taken positive steps towards losing weight and getting healthy!
  • I feel your pain with the fast food addiction. I was in love with the McDonald's Mushroom and Swiss burger and was angry when they did away with it but to be honest with you it was the best thing for me. I also used to love their fries but they changed the way they fry them and they just don't taste the same. Needless to say, I can easily pull in there now and get a snack wrap which is around 250 calories and an unsweetened ice tea and leave.
    You can do this, it just takes time. This is my third time on here and so far the third times the charm. I also learned that I can't do this for anyone but me. Weight loss as well as the gain is a personal journey and until we come to terms with the why it will be a struggle. Right now,I'm struggling with sugar and getting headaches so I need to find things that I can eat, that aren't calorie laden to counter this problem.
    Good luck to you! Stay strong and when you do fall, pick yourself up and say the next meal will be better!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    Welcome Robin! I strongly agree with the "make a list of things you can eat" suggestion. Also figure out ways to make healthier versions of fast food yourself BUT IT HAS TO TASTE GOOD TOO else you obviously won't make it anymore ; ) I've got burger and pizza recipes that I like, but Chipotle is my weakness. I can't make chicken that tastes like Chipotle's, so I still go but instead of getting a burrito with rice, beans, chicken, cheese, sour cream, and hot sauce I will get a salad with chicken, fajita veggies, and pico. Still super delicious flavor but none of the guilt. You'll figure it out!
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    Welcome! There are other posts about Fast Food and ways to make healthy choices ... in spite of ... so hopefully you will pick up some good ideas. :-)

    One idea: Start packing a large water bottle where ever you go, then you don't have to drive through Arby's anymore when you are thirsty. If you have a hard time incorporating water into your day, try infusing your water with fruits, etc Fill a big glass pitcher with water and then throw in some citrus slices, berries, etc. The water will pick up the flavors of the fruit and then you can use this water to fill your water bottle with. Or try the little packets of 0 calorie/low calorie drink flavors that can be added to your water bottle. I use one tube for a whole liter of water. I have totally eliminated soda from my diet and carry water where ever I go. By the end of the day, I have consumed 2-3 liters without even thinking about it.

    Good luck. Lots of helpful people on this site!!
  • DRTChic
    DRTChic Posts: 40 Member
    I hear ya. I started MFP 3 weeks ago. So far I am down 12 lbs. and counting. I don't see the harm in fast food as long as you watch what you eat (calories in/calories out). I sat down and made a "cheat" sheet of all the restaurants I eat at including the fast food ones. I have selected 3-4 items from each place that fall in the 400-600 range. That way I know I can grab something and stay true. For me its about the calories at this point, not the fat/protein/etc. Hope that helps. Good luck!

    ^^This...I too am a Fast Foodaholic...my husband works nights, so it is much easier to swing through a drive thru. But I am happy to report the 5 wks I have been on MFP I have only gone through about 4 times. When I did I got a wrap with no fries or a chicken sandwich. Like Teardrop said, you can go to any of their websites and get the nutrition values. Pick and choose wisely. You can do it!:happy:
  • ze_hombre
    ze_hombre Posts: 377 Member
    Hi Everyone. My name is Robin. I just joined MFP a little over a week ago. One of my biggest problems is going to be bypassing the fast food places. I indulged last week and felt terrible afterwards. But today, after my doctor's appointment, I was so thirsty, so I stopped at the Arby's I pass on the way home to get an iced tea. It was such a temptation to order the wrap I usually get, but I am proud to say I made it home with only the iced tea.

    I have a lot of health issues that would improved a great deal if I can lose weight, so I'm seeing a dietician, who is the person who told me about MFP. I'm determined to reach my goal, so I'm trying to stay strong with my fast food addiction.

    Fast food isn't 'bad' for you in moderation in terms of losing weight. You just have to learn to watch the macros as its usually loaded with sodium which can cause you to retain water and usually very calorie dense.

    Fast food isn't healthy though, so you don't want to eat it regularly. If all you are after is losing weight then you can eat fast food regularly and feel guilt free as long as you stay under your calorie goal. If you want to be healthy you need to eat more nutrient dense foods. Think of this is a lifestyle change, not just a goal of losing weight.

    Welcome to MFP, and good luck!
  • admila82
    admila82 Posts: 14
    Hi! I added you back. Thanks. That's one of my two babies, Ruffles. The other one is her sister, Coco. They are both 14, from the same litter. Your kitty is gorgeous. :)
  • Anony1023
    Anony1023 Posts: 19 Member
    I think the key is to keep healthy snacks in the car and just keep driving. Plan your meals ahead so you aren't hungry when you pass by the fast food places. If you know your schedule for the day plan out what and when you will eat. Sometimes I log my whole day the night before and my lunch box and water w/ ice is always with me!
  • TribeHokie
    TribeHokie Posts: 711 Member
    There was another post on MFP today about "Just for today", and I think it's great for people who have issues resisting things. Most people can resolve to do something for just a single day. If you renew that promise to yourself on a daily basis, it can help to create a long-term change.

    For instance, if fast food is your worry, you can say, "Just for today, no fast food". Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Then the next day, you could say the same thing again. It's so much easier than saying "no fast food for a week," or "no more fast food ever". :)

    This is also very true. The future seems super intimidating when you think about the fact that you're committing yourself to a major behavioral change for the rest of your life, but just take it day by day and you'll get through.
  • admila82
    admila82 Posts: 14
    I wouldn't say I have an addiction..but...I have a hectic life and I have committed to thirty days fast food free...I am hoping that at the end of thirty days I will be able to start making decisions and staying away from fast food.. if you want some support i am sending a FR now :)

    That sounds like a good idea . I think I will make that same commitment to keep away from fast food for 30 days. Thanks! I added you as a friend.
  • SweetieMelissa
    SweetieMelissa Posts: 68 Member
    Hi! I added you back. Thanks. That's one of my two babies, Ruffles. The other one is her sister, Coco. They are both 14, from the same litter. Your kitty is gorgeous. :)

    Ruffles! That's an amazing name :D

    Thank you but he is in heaven right now. :(
  • admila82
    admila82 Posts: 14
    I think the key is to keep healthy snacks in the car and just keep driving. Plan your meals ahead so you aren't hungry when you pass by the fast food places. If you know your schedule for the day plan out what and when you will eat. Sometimes I log my whole day the night before and my lunch box and water w/ ice is always with me!

    I was going to bring the wrap home for lunch. Arby's wraps are quite large. My appointment was for 1:00 and I ate breakfast before I left. I came home and had what I had planned - veggie burgers on buns. Much better than the wrap. :smile:
  • admila82
    admila82 Posts: 14
    Hi! I added you back. Thanks. That's one of my two babies, Ruffles. The other one is her sister, Coco. They are both 14, from the same litter. Your kitty is gorgeous. :)

    Ruffles! That's an amazing name :D

    Thank you but he is in heaven right now. :(

    I am so sorry for your loss. It's so hard to lose a family member, even one who has fur and a tail.

    My nephew named her Ruffles because of her fluffy ruff. He also named my other one Coco because she is a caliCO. :happy:
  • admila82
    admila82 Posts: 14
    Hi Everyone. My name is Robin. I just joined MFP a little over a week ago. One of my biggest problems is going to be bypassing the fast food places. I indulged last week and felt terrible afterwards. But today, after my doctor's appointment, I was so thirsty, so I stopped at the Arby's I pass on the way home to get an iced tea. It was such a temptation to order the wrap I usually get, but I am proud to say I made it home with only the iced tea.

    I have a lot of health issues that would improved a great deal if I can lose weight, so I'm seeing a dietician, who is the person who told me about MFP. I'm determined to reach my goal, so I'm trying to stay strong with my fast food addiction.

    Fast food isn't 'bad' for you in moderation in terms of losing weight. You just have to learn to watch the macros as its usually loaded with sodium which can cause you to retain water and usually very calorie dense.

    Fast food isn't healthy though, so you don't want to eat it regularly. If all you are after is losing weight then you can eat fast food regularly and feel guilt free as long as you stay under your calorie goal. If you want to be healthy you need to eat more nutrient dense foods. Think of this is a lifestyle change, not just a goal of losing weight.

    Welcome to MFP, and good luck!

    Sodium is my number one enemy for so many reasons. What is ok as a daily amount of sodium is way to much for me. That's one of the main reasons I need to get away from fast food. I have high blood pressure, I have congestive heart failure, I have emphysema - all of which are aggravated by too much sodium.
  • LindaPena13
    LindaPena13 Posts: 2 Member
    Great job with not getting anything else, it took me awhile to be able to do that to. It will get easier the more you start getting healthy and losing more weight. :) good luck and stay strong!
  • admila82
    admila82 Posts: 14
    I hear ya. I started MFP 3 weeks ago. So far I am down 12 lbs. and counting. I don't see the harm in fast food as long as you watch what you eat (calories in/calories out). I sat down and made a "cheat" sheet of all the restaurants I eat at including the fast food ones. I have selected 3-4 items from each place that fall in the 400-600 range. That way I know I can grab something and stay true. For me its about the calories at this point, not the fat/protein/etc. Hope that helps. Good luck!

    Losing 12 pounds is fantastic. :happy:

    I really have to watch the sodium, so I think I need to do what you did and check out the nutrition info for each and see what I can safely eat. Thanks for that idea. :smile: