What is your goal?



  • h4hiraayub
    h4hiraayub Posts: 25
    Hi everyone there:)
    I am female with height 5'2'' and weight 140.8 lbs (65 kgs)
    Single 21:)
    Feel free to add me! Lets get into better shape together motivating eachother:)

    SW . 141 lbs
    CW . 140
    Goal . 115

    On my way to Jilliam Micheals 30 DS...just completed my Day 10 of Level 1 Yesterday:)
    Super Excited to get into shape this time...!!
  • Determined82
    Determined82 Posts: 455 Member

    SW: 213
    CW: 193.2
    GW: 145
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    24 Years Old

    4ft 8.5

    SW: 122 lbs
    CW: 109 lbs
    GW: 95 -100 lbs

  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    26, 5'3"

    Highest weight: 170
    Lowest: 110
    Now: 139 - 142
    Goal: 120
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Highest weight - 150 Ibs.
    Start weight - 142Ibs
    Current weight - 140Ibs, having dropped down to 123, put it back on, started weights, did a cut and added some muscle after. 123 was too light for me.
    14% bodyfat which is preferably where I wish to remain. Would like to get down to 133-135, but not overly fussed about it.
    My primary goal right now is being as fit as I possibly can be, within the limitations of having COPD and improving my boxing.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member

    Original SW - 245 (5 1/2 years ago)
    Original goal - around 16%bf, which would have put me around 145

    I realized I'm far more mentally healthy on the higher side of 150, so I've started a slow bulk. Hope after a few bulk/cut cycles to be able to be above 150 AND around 16% body fat.
  • AlongCame_Molly
    AlongCame_Molly Posts: 2,835 Member
    5'0". Goal 15% body fat and/or looking good naked!
  • 5'6"
    Highest Weight - 260
    Start Weight - 234
    Current Weight - 220
    Short Term Goal - Get below 200 for the first time in almost 10 years
    Long Term Goal - Between 130 - 140 (I have a quite small frame under all the... erm... padding...)
  • DavidHusky
    DavidHusky Posts: 112 Member
    5'8" 26 years old

    SW: 270 (Nov 2012)
    CW: 191
    GW: 170 (body comp based after that)

    Ultimate Goal: Complete a Marathon in 4 hours or less (long ways to go!)

    That is impressive

  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    5'4 starting weight 208
    cw: 159
    goal weight: 155

    probably should be less, but I am happy. I am 60 and my legs are not skinny so I wear size 10 and 12, ok with me, sure better than over 200 and wearing 16 which was 2 years ago
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    5'11, 35 years old.

    Started April 9, 2013 (for the last and final time)

    Starting weight: 251.6
    Current weight: 204.6
    Goal weight: 175ish (will depend on how I look/feel)

    45 lbs since april?! Great job! Whats your diet plan?

    I don't really have a plan. Just eat healthier stuff. I just exercise a lot lately. Mainly biking. Try to do 10-15 miles per day and go to the gym 4 times per week. I don't put much thought into it. Sometimes I'm negative calories. Sometimes I eat exercise calories back. Sometimes I don't.

    I follow the wisdom of Woody Harrelson in "Friends with Benefits"...

    "You wanna lose weight? Stop eating, fattie" (That's directed at me and just a joke so no one get offended please) :)

    And if you want to see my diary, add me as a friend ;)
  • 45 yo female

    Highest Weight 235 lb

    SW 222 lb
    CW 165 lb
    GW 150 lb
  • cherio256
    cherio256 Posts: 219
    29 yrs old, 5'3
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    What is your weight loss goal? How tall are you? What was your starting weight, current weight, & goal weight?

    I'm 5'5" & a little.

    S.W. 188.8
    C.W. 162
    G.W. 145

    34 year old female
    5'5" tall

    My goal is to have 16% body fat. I currently have about 21-22% body fat.

    S.W. 191
    C.W. 134
    G.W. 125? (I think I will weigh around 125 when I get to my goal body fat percentage.

    I actually started MFP when I weighed 150 pounds, but I was 191 pounds when I ultimately started on this journey. I was a classic yo-yo'er. I've been as low as 128 pounds and had been bouncing between 140-150 pounds for the past couple of years. I broke through that plateau this year when I started eating more (TDEE-15%) and doing less cardio. I am about 10 or so pounds away from goal.
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    I'm 5'8.5" I think -174 cm

    S.W. 105kg (231 lb)
    C.W. 84kg (185 lb)
    G.W. 75 kg (165 lb)

    my goal was to get back the body I had when I moved here. new goal is to have the body I had in my teens, with bigger boobs.

    I suspect that 75 kg 165 lb will be too little for me but it's a place to head.
  • eileen0515
    eileen0515 Posts: 408 Member
    55 years
    SW: 218
    CW: 159
    GW: 155

    I may decide to go a little lower with my goal weight. When I started this It seemed so daunting, to get to where I am now. Everyone always says how hard it is to lose weight at my age. I was pleasantly surprised at just how easy it was. Of course it took work, most of which I've enjoyed. Feeling pretty proud right now.

    My new goals when I lose the last bit, will be fitness related.
  • jenswan70
    jenswan70 Posts: 40 Member
    5"4' - 43 (next month) woman

    SW - 252
    CW - 156
    GW - 120
  • DeeC01
    DeeC01 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm 5'5'' and I started loosing weight before I joined MFP.

    SW 188.75
    CW 146.25
    GW 140

    I may go lower depending on how i feel then :)
  • M8R5on8ym
    M8R5on8ym Posts: 23 Member
    Started Nov 2012 joined here May 2013

    5' 3"

    SW: 216 lbs
    CW: 189 lbs
    GW: 140 -160 (all depends on look/feel)

    My main goal is to get rid of my CPAP machine. Had the pressure turned down yesterday from 16.5 to 12 :bigsmile:
  • SingingPilgrim
    SingingPilgrim Posts: 45 Member
    5'7", 27

    S.W: 278
    C.W: 242
    G.W: 150