
Trying to just do great at eating clean and staying focused on working my body! I haven't seen a difference this past week I have been pushing myself harder than ever, I know that I can do it! I have lost a lot of weight this far already. I want to have a beach body dang it! From going from a size 22 to a now size 8-10 makes me feel incredible already though!!


  • rockchalkgrove
    rockchalkgrove Posts: 44 Member
    Great job on your loss!
    Taking the weight off the right way is the best thing you can do for your body! You're doing everything right. Just stick with it. Nothing angers me more than hearing people go on a "fad" diet, or diet pills, or starving themselves. Saying they "forget to eat". REALLY?!?! Nobody forgets to eat!! Our bodies always remind us to eat. They may lose a lot of weight fast, but then they gain it back because they never learned how to eat!! GRRRR!!!!

    Remember, this is a life journey you have chosen for yourself! It's not a sprint, it's a marathon.

    Typing all the above comments keeps ME motivated too! Sometimes we just need to hear it (again)!

    Keep up the good work!
  • jensaturday
    aww this is so great! thank you very much for your thoughts and advice!
  • Run4Me2Day
    Run4Me2Day Posts: 344 Member
    It is a life change I agree. Doing it the right way you are more likely to keep it off. You have done an amazing job so far. Just keep on doing what you are doing and you will be fine. The other thing to look at is measurements...I try to focus on that more then I do the scale, because the scale can be quite stubborn.
  • KelleyGirl74
    KelleyGirl74 Posts: 182 Member
    Trying to just do great at eating clean and staying focused on working my body! I haven't seen a difference this past week I have been pushing myself harder than ever, I know that I can do it! I have lost a lot of weight this far already. I want to have a beach body dang it! From going from a size 22 to a now size 8-10 makes me feel incredible already though!!

    What did you do? I'm trying to do the same thing...dress size that is. I'm just starting and have gym phobias. And I don't have access to other workout equipment. If I were in CA I'd be on the beach walking the sand or playing volleyball. But I live in the desert and it's roughly 120 degrees hot to go outside much less workout.

    I want to be you when I grow up... :D have a wonderful day.
  • lovelaughrun
    lovelaughrun Posts: 45 Member
    Keep at it! I've never been someone that loses a little bit each week - I think that's why I always gave up on trying to change over the years because I didn't see results straight up.. My body works in the sense that after about 4 weeks or a major change (normally cleaner eating as I never stop the exercise) one day I'm like "hey I look different" and the scales confirm it. I think maybe hormones, they types of food and exercise I have been doing play a part in this.

    "This months diet is next months body"
  • jensaturday
    To you ladies.. you have got to change your attitudes on "dieting" its not "dieting" it's a lifestyle change, and you have seriously got to change everything about it, "everything involving I can't do something bc"... I did that for years, actually my whole life! I was a victim of child abuse growing up, it had alot to do with my self esteem, especially eating. I hated myself, I still have serious insecurities bc of the way I look now after all the weight I lost, But that is alot better than being over weight.