5x a week workout/1200 calories a day no change ;/ WTF



  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    I've made my diary public, so if someone can kinda take a glance over it and see what the hell im doing wrong lol. I would realllly appreciate it!

    What you are doing wrong is thinking bigger deficit is better - it isn't.

    If it was better, just stop eating - the ultimate deficit, until you reach goal weight.

    Too much? Well, what is too much.

    So you use to eat over 2000 daily and did NOT exercise.

    Now you eat 1200 and exercise.

    Huge deficit, huge stress on body, huge problem.

    I'm just glad and actually surprised you aren't losing muscle mass and still some weight, body must have been so stressed it just slowed way down.

    Eat 2000 and keep exercising, that is eating less than what you burn daily.

    Set MFP activity level to correct - Sedentary is 40 hr desk job and sitting on butt all day except exercise. Probably Lightly Active, or more.
    Then set 1 lb weekly goal loss.

    Log your exercise, and correctly eat it back to maintain ONLY that 1 lb goal loss, don't increase it.

    Hope you didn't do too much damage to your body already.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    i should have said.... i am adding my excercise calories back into my diet... i am follwing MFP to a T

    You follow it to a T yet nothing is tracked for the month of July?

    Look at the dates - old thread someone brought back.
  • MexicanOsmosis
    MexicanOsmosis Posts: 382 Member
  • mmabdull99
    mmabdull99 Posts: 13
    Thanks for the suggestion,

    I will fix my MFP activity level and do 1lbs a week instead. I think I started off a little too aggressive lol, it really is hard eating over a certain amount of calories when I have started cooking at home/ I do think I sometimes underestimate my calories since I dont measure them every single time.

    However, I checked today and have lost 2 inches off my waist. The scale has still not moved, soooo I guess time to up my intake and just continue working out and hope I see some results. I am due for cheat day too I think my body is getting comfortable with this routine.

    If you guys have anymore feedback on this I would appreciate it. I am totally new to this and do want to sustain a healthy lifestyle i'm not looking for quick weight loss I just want to tone down and feel healthy.
  • DawnEH612
    DawnEH612 Posts: 574 Member
    I hope this post is a joke... 1200 calories IF you arent exercising isnt even enough...
  • mmabdull99
    mmabdull99 Posts: 13
    Ha its def not a joke, I mean it was hard at first but I just dont even feel hungry anymore. Some days I go over 1200 and some days I don't. I am not strict on it being 1200 only, but I try to not go over 1400 or so. Im only going 3-4 times a week to the gym and that too for an hour so I dont consider myself more than lightly active. I just changed my goal 1lb per week and lightly active and MFP still suggests that I eat 1350 cals. I mean I didnt choose this magic number MFP did lol, I dont know what is the magic number to be eating in order to reach my goal and thats why im asking for suggestions from people who actually know their **** unlike me lol.