Quinoa & Risotto

ashley0314 Posts: 26 Member
I'm trying my best to get into this whole eating healthier habit. I finally convinced my husband that it isn't just about portion control but eating healthy stuff (he's been trying to convince me that if I ate like crap but controlled my portions it would be okay). So, last night I was able to find quinoa & arborio rice at my local WalMart. I've never made either one and have never eaten quinoa, but have had risotto once and absolutely fell in love with it.

What are your favorite recipes for Quinoa & Risotto and what do you serve with yours?


  • jaz050465
    jaz050465 Posts: 3,508 Member
    I just do roast veg and then chicken or prawns for OH and quorn/chickpeas/ halloumi for me (I'm a veggie).
  • claireydafairy
    claireydafairy Posts: 11 Member
    I haven't been overly inventive with my quinoa yet but I have it for lunch with turkey or tuna and green beans. I cook it with a little vegetable stock dissolved in the water before adding it to the quinoa and I throw in some chopped mushrooms. I love the stuff. I used to have brown rice but much prefer quinoa.
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,001 Member
    I have never put the two together, but I would put quinoa in just about any type of meal. I've put it with breakfast in a burrito. Put it with mixed fruit salad. Put it in regular salad with lettuce vegies. It's good on its own as a side dish or mixed with vegies. And it's definitely good with siracha if you like hot sauce. A main lunch dish for me is quinoa or brown rice, black beans, mixed steamed vegies and melted cheese on top with salsa or hot sauce.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    Quinoa is pretty much like rice. 2 parts liquid to 1 part quinoa, bring to a boil then cover and simmer for 15-20 minutes, until the liquid is gone. Water works fine, but I prefer it with some chicken or beef broth.

    Can't help on the risotto, never made it but I need to because it is delicious.

    Also, just because I have to, your husband is right, it is all about portion control. Although many people find that their portions are easier to control if they generally eat foods that are more nutritious and less calorie dense than many "junk" foods.
  • Patrick0321
    Patrick0321 Posts: 102 Member
    Here is a good simple risotto recipe

    Once you've mastered the cooking of the rice you can add anything you like. We had pea and chicken the other night, kept the chicken really moist.
  • ashley0314
    ashley0314 Posts: 26 Member
    timbrom, I agree portion control is important, but the argument was that if you ate junk food you just had to exercise portion control and it wasn't bad. I disagree with that.

    Thanks for the ideas, keep them coming. Hopefully I can try some out this weekend.
  • betho217
    betho217 Posts: 50 Member
    I make quinoa salad with sliced almonds, dried cranberries, diced red onion, mint and lemon vinegrette. Let it chll in the fridge. It's great at cook outs and camping trips.
  • happysherri
    happysherri Posts: 1,360 Member
    HA, I have the same arguement with my 65 yr old father! He gets all uppety and says "Calorie intake and outtake". My daughter and I say yes the nutrients going into your body matter!

    I have had quinoa, but only when others have made it. I liked it. I've never tried Risotto.
  • copp9
    copp9 Posts: 33
    I use Quinoa to stuff bell peppers with ground turkey, whatever spices I'm in the mood for, and a little low fat shredded cheese on top. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes. Very fulfilling!
  • FritzTheCat1030
    FritzTheCat1030 Posts: 7 Member
    Bacon Quinoa with Almonds and Herbs

    1/3 C slivered almonds
    1 tsp vegetable oil
    2 thick slices of applewood-smoked bacon, cut into 1/4 inch dice
    1 small shallot, minced
    1 cup quinoa, rinsed
    2 cups chicken stock
    1 sage sprig
    1 T minced chives
    1 T chopped parsley
    salt and freshly ground white pepper

    In a small skillet or 350° oven, toast the almonds until golden brown, ~4 minutes. Let cool.

    In a medium saucepan, heat the oil. Add the bacon and cook over moderately high heat until the fat has rendered, about 2 minutes. Add the shallot and cook, stirring a few times, until softened but not browned, about 1 minute. Add the quinoa, stock and sage and bring to a boil. Cover and cook over low heat until the stock has been absorbed, about 17 minutes. Remove the quinoa from the heat and let stand, covered, for 5 minutes. Discard the sage and fluff the quinoa with a fork. Stir in the chives, parsley and toasted almonds. Season the quinoa with salt and pepper and serve.

    Servings:4 Cal: 317 Carbs: 31 Fat: 14 Protein: 16 Sodium: 388 Sugar: 0
  • Rossa59
    Rossa59 Posts: 20 Member
    Risotto is really easy though you do need to keep an eye on it as you keep adding stock/broth to the rice and keep stirring it from time to time until that is absorbed before adding some more liquid.

    Basic recipe

    30g diced shallot or onion
    2 finely chopped garlic cloves (optional)
    30g celery - finely diced (optional)
    2 tsp oil
    150-200g arborio or cannaroli rice
    1 pint stock/broth
    butter or cream and grated parmesan to finish (optional)

    Fry off the onion, garlic and celery in the oil for 5 mins, add rice and stir to coat in the oil. Start adding hot stock/broth a ladleful at a time and simmer gently until it is nearly all absorbed. Repeat until all the stock is used up. Takes 20 mins to cook.

    Add butter or cream (I use creme fraiche) and season to taste. In Italy risotto is often 'soupy' with some liquid around the rice like a sauce. Parmesan can be added if you have cals spare.

    All other ingredients are usually added at the end. Cooked veg such as squash, tomatoes, mushrooms, mangetout (snow peas), chicken, prawns, fresh herbs, whatever you fancy. It's a good way to use up any leftovers. Add some fresh chilli at the beginning if you like it spicy. In Spain it would be Paella.

    You can bake a risotto in a covered dish in the oven. Add all the stock and take it out after 15 mins to stir and add more liquid if it needs it. Will take 30-40 mins this way. Basically this is a savoury rice pudding so you can make sweet ones too with chocolate, fruit, nuts etc instead.

    I do the same with orzo pasta, wholegrain couscous, pearl barley and pearled spelt (Sharpham Park - UK) for a speltotto. Orzo and the couscous only take 8-10 mins, barley 30 mins, spelt 15 mins.