Amount of exercise to keep weight off?

Andi_Mo Posts: 243
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello Friends : )

Just a quick question....I used to weigh 272lbs and then dropped almost 100lbs back in 2004. I have managed to never get back up that high but have had my ups and downs. Right now, I want to lose about 20 more pounds but I know that to lose this and keep off all of the weight I must exercise alot! I workout almost everyday for about an hour. Some people are telling me it is too much. So to anyone who has lost much do you exercise per day, per week....I know everyone is different but just wanted to see what everyone else is doing. Thanks in advance!


  • carrieberrie
    carrieberrie Posts: 356 Member
    I guess it would matter on how your eating is. You can eat whatever you want and exercise but still be over your calories and gain weight or are you eating good and staying within your calorie goal here on MFP?
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 237 Member
    Hi Tallandi!

    I work out for the most part 6 days a week, but if I don't make the 6 days I make sure that I get in at least 5 and my workouts are btwn 45 min - 1 hr. I'm fairly new to this weight loss journey infact this makes my 2nd week on MFP. I lost 1 lb my first week, but the inches are definitely coming off because I have quite a bit of room in the waist so I'm happy!!! :happy:
  • RaeN81
    RaeN81 Posts: 534 Member
    It really depends. I am nearly at goal and I am thinking I may even want to increase my workouts to continue to tone my body after the weight loss is over. I belong to a weight loss support group called TOPS and from the literature they have provided, it is clear that those that have lost a significant amount of weight actually need to keep their calorie count lower than someone who has never been heavy (in order to maintain their weight). For instance, in my case, I would like to be around 150 pounds, so maintenance calories (or net calories if you are thinking in terms of MFP) should be around 1500 per day. In order to have a little more to eat, I'll need to exercise to compensate, especially when I go out for dinner or to special family meal. Currently I workout about 3-4 times a week for an hour or so. I'd like to get up to 5 times a week and burn at least 500 calories each workout. I'm not sure if this completely answers your question, but I too would love to hear from others that are maintaining successfully!
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    Thanks so much ladies! Great input! I am following my calorie allowance on here but wondered if I was doing too much. I usually have alot of exercise calorie left so I guess I'm going it right. Thanks for taking the time to respond!
  • Hi A., Say away from the exercise calories, unless your really. really desperate. An hour a day is really not that bad. The only one who can answer the question is you. How do you feel after the hour? I don't think four hours a day, three times a week is bad for me, but I know there will be a time when my body wont be able to but to handle it. So then I will do a little less. It's your body it will let you know. Your doing great "sexy mom". You lost quite bit and I'm sure your body has adjusted to it, it will again but it's up to you listen to your self. kEEP UP THE ZUMBA.
  • Andi_Mo
    Andi_Mo Posts: 243
    Hey thanks Big C! I appreciate the compliments and the advice! I know you've worked hard and lost a huge amount so that means alot! Thank you!!!!
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