Women over 40 with 40lbs to lose



  • Kinepella
    Kinepella Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all, feel free to add me, as I fit these categories, too. I have about 10lbs to go to reach target, and will then look to keep increasing my general fitness level. I've flicked between MFP and another app, but have settled now with MFP and I'd like to start making use of the social aspect of it for sharing ideas and encouragement. :)
  • luvlilyn
    luvlilyn Posts: 1 Member
    I am Lyn and am 49 years old. I have got health issues which I believe are weight related so I have promised myself a challenge for my 50th Birthday. I want to be ten and a half stone!. I have been overweight now for 12 years and owe it to myself to achieve my goal. I have 9 months. Any encouragement will be greatly received. All we need to do is to be honest with the facts we are entering on this programme and then try and up our exercise (even if it is just going for a walk) and WE WILL GET THERE! I need to shift 63 lbs.
  • Miffylou
    Miffylou Posts: 307 Member
    Over 40, I've lost about that much with still a bit to go feel free to add me as we'll.
  • mumtoonegirl
    mumtoonegirl Posts: 586 Member
    feel free to add me, I am 40, I had 80lbs to loose and have lost 75 of them.
  • kbeardmore22
    kbeardmore22 Posts: 283 Member
    Feel free to add me, I'm in my last year of the 40's, but want to be a fabulous 50 in 2014! I'll send you a friend request!
  • Please feel free to add me. I have lost 28 lbs, then I joined Myfitnesspal.com - my current goal is to lose 50 lbs. Once that is lost, I need to lose 50 more (100 lbs total). I am 45 years old, I work full time, and I am a full time graduate student working on my master's degree. I tend to eat when I am stressed out and really need supportive friends.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    I am over 40, I don't have 40 to lose anymore. Since I joined here, I have dropped over 40 and still 10-15 to go. You can do this. Add me as a friend if you would like!

    me too!
  • I'm 50, and have lost 40 lbs of my 50lb goal .Also a fitbit user. Feel free to add me
  • jennb44
    jennb44 Posts: 81 Member
    I am 46 and doing a low-carb eating plan of my own and have lost 23 lbs since January. I want to lose an additional 20-30 by the end of this year (hopefully). Feel free to add me.
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I'm over 40...I've lost 50lbs so far, have another 65 to go. I'm looking for friends to support and to receive support from. I've been through a rough time lately, need some friends. Feel free to add me. Good luck to you in your weight loss journey!!
  • tallen3687
    tallen3687 Posts: 244 Member
    HI! Way over 40 here (56). I have about 40 to lose although I don't know if that is a realistic goal for me. But I will keep working on it.Its more of a lifestyle change for me so as long as I keep running and eating pretty well I will be happy. Feel free to friend me. One can never have too many friends. Especially ones in the same "boat." Enjoy your Friday!
  • yamsteroo
    yamsteroo Posts: 480 Member
    44 here with at least another 20lb or so still to go (started with 49lb).
  • My husband is deployed overseas. I am 49 could use all the support I can get. I would be happy to support others too. Feel free to add me. I really want to suprise him when he gets home in December.
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    Over 40 here, closing in on 60 lost with another 20-30 to go, would love to add more friends on the same path.
  • Rolande55
    Rolande55 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 56 and am back on track once and for all time. I have 40 lbs to drop and I don't believe that it's any harder to lose weight as we age. It's mainly because we aren't active enough. I also made a major life decision to stop drinking for a year because you know,... just one glass of wine is 110 calories and it adds up fast, often undoing all our hard work during the weekdays. I need female friends for support and encouragement! Feel free to add me please!
  • cwojo
    cwojo Posts: 156 Member
    I turned 49 today. I don't have that much too lose but I also use the fitbit and love it. If you would like to add me as a friend you can.
  • LovesPink8741
    LovesPink8741 Posts: 12 Member
    Hello! I'm 44 and have about 100 pounds to lose. Please feel free to add me as a friend :bigsmile:
  • Badjinn
    Badjinn Posts: 12 Member
    I'll join the fun :-) over 40, just got fitbit with 40 to loose. :glasses:
  • slimmer189
    slimmer189 Posts: 135 Member
    :bigsmile: Ok I fell off the wagon for a bit but I am now back on and darn it, I still have that same 40lbs too lose - anyone else? Feel free to add me
  • cyndyjlo
    cyndyjlo Posts: 17 Member
    Hi! I'm 41 and I have about 50 lbs to lose. I am also a working mom and reading about how others are getting it done each day really motivates me. Please add me as a friend if you'd like!