Trying something new

Hi all I'm Trucker904 I join gym in Dec 2012 to lose weight I've been working out regularly 3 to 4 times a week since @ my heaviest I was 282 I'm 5'11, got a 2 year membership by end I wanna be 200 pounds. I down to 264 now & seem to be losing more inches than weight now down to 38 inch waist from a 44 & had bad eating habits so I decide to give this a try to keep me in check. I do a lot of cardio at gym mostly treadmill I'm up to 5 miles takes me bout an hour ( 7 months ) & I lift weights once a week. Decided to get setious on my diet to help me get to my goal. I was very athletic when I was younger & its not as easy as it used to be but I'm highly motivated also looking for friends to keep me on track thru the app, so add me I'll accept all.


  • carollynch09
    carollynch09 Posts: 111
    you are so's not as easy as it used to be :) But we plug along! add me :) AND KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK :D

  • Freshstart132
    Awesome! welcome to MFP. :drinker: what you put in your mouth is just as important as working out! Add me