September Weight Loss Group



  • I'M IN.
    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5)
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Great job on the losses Mollie! I am happy to see the scale moving for you! Weight training can do that, but it's def worth it once the scale starts to move!

    Also great job to tiara, judswi, and trusunshine! Keep workin it girls!

    Good job maintaining ebonia, I hope you are over tom quickly and back at it!!

    Well guys, the month is already 1/4 over! Have you been working hard and putting it out there? Are you achieving your goals? Keep making those healthy choices and sticking with your workouts! Together we can do this!

    I tried on my goal pants earlier this week, and they fit better! Still not quite loose enough for me to wear them comfortably though. I have been trying really hard to eat super clean for the last week or so, and I have been eating only vegetarian/vegan meals. I am seeing a huge difference in the way my body looks as a result, and I cannot WAIT for weigh in on Friday!

    Thanks Jessica! and yes the month is moving too fast! You will be back in your goal pants very soon. I need to find a garment to do this with. I think I will do this over the weekend. It will not be hard to do since quite a bite of stuff is too small. Keep up the good work Jessica!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    I'm down another pound to 161 x
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Welcome newbies!!

    Outstanding job Tiarapants, Sunshine, and Mollie way to stand your ground and stay dedicated and I am glad to see it paid off for you awesome job!!

    Great job Ebonia maintaining!!

    Jessica I know you will be in those goal pants very soon you are awesome keep up the great work!!

    As for me I fell down the steps yesterday and today my leg is swollen hoping that is the reason for my weight gain this morning will definitely see come Sunday!! I am planning to work out today even through the pain!
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5 :flowerforyou: :bigsmile:
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member

    I tried on my goal pants earlier this week, and they fit better! Still not quite loose enough for me to wear them comfortably though. I have been trying really hard to eat super clean for the last week or so, and I have been eating only vegetarian/vegan meals. I am seeing a huge difference in the way my body looks as a result, and I cannot WAIT for weigh in on Friday!

    I got into my goal pants, last weekend and they were a little loose in the waist :bigsmile: Now my goal is to get down to 125lbs by 1st of november and 120lbs by th new year!!! Hope i can make it!!!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Congrats Tiariapants, GiGi and Dounia!! Keep up the good work!

    Hope your leg gets better soon Cnbethea!!
  • HerbieSue
    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
  • runcdizzy
    New to the group and excited :happy:

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    cdistor: Will lost 6 lbs in September (Start : 160 --> Goal: 154lbs)
  • luv4mart
    luv4mart....just started yesterday want to lose 5 pounds by the end of the month
  • EboniA
    EboniA Posts: 181 Member
    I am still not back on track. I don't want to bring the group down but I need help. My mind knows what to do but I don't want to do it! :sad: I'll try again tonight to workout.

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds + gained 2 lbs = 7 remaining
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    cdistor: Will lost 6 lbs in September (Start : 160 --> Goal: 154lbs)
    luv4mart - to lose 5 pounds
  • Palermo1121
    Hello all!! New to the group! My goal this month is 5 pounds :) (SW 160)

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    Palermo1121: lose 5 lbs (SW 160)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds + gained 2 lbs = 7 remaining
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    cdistor: Will lost 6 lbs in September (Start : 160 --> Goal: 154lbs)
    luv4mart - to lose 5 pounds
    Palermo1121: lose 5 lbs (SW 160)
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Good morning Septemberers!

    cnbethea- how is your leg feeling today? I hope it gets better quickly!

    Gigi- congrats on getting into your goal pants!!! SUPER job!!!! You should post a pic!!

    Ebonia- I have soooo been there. It's so hard to do this as it is, and when your head just isn't in it, it is so much harder! But you can do this! Look how far you have come already! Forget about backsliding, those days are past. Dig your heels in and move forward. Make a commitment that you WILL work out today. Don't make it a maybe, even if you don't feel like it. If you leave that "maybe" door open, you will always find a way to talk yourself out of it. Does anything have you down? If you've got something personal going on and need a shoulder, I am happy to listen. Just message me. ((((((Hugs)))))) to you. You can do this. I know you can!!!

    And welcome to our newest members! Please, if you have not updated the list with your name, add yourself at the bottom so you don't get missed.

    Well, weigh in was not the stellar event that I had hoped for it to be. I am up .2 this week, but I am not discouraged at all. I am seeing huge changes in my body. My muscle definition is popping out all over the place. I am seeing muscle lines and dents appearing. This week I wore two pairs of shorts that I have not worn in 3 years. I had some workout stiffness after every workout this week, so I am sure I have gained at least some muscle mass. I also had a stomach bug for the last 5 days, so probably eating a bit less than I should. Couple that with a baby who has not slept well and has been up several times a night this week, and the adjustment to 6 am wake up time for school, and my whole system is out of whack. I had hoped for a loss, just because I am itching to finally hit goal. But I am totally ok with my progress this week. :)

    I'm just sleeeeeeepppppyyyyyyyyyy.....

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!! - up .2 pounds - 3.2 to go
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds + gained 2 lbs = 7 remaining
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    cdistor: Will lost 6 lbs in September (Start : 160 --> Goal: 154lbs)
    luv4mart - to lose 5 pounds
    Palermo1121: lose 5 lbs (SW 160)
  • NewImprovedCnbethea1
    Thanks Jessica my leg feels better now I played soccer with my kids and walked the fields during practice yesterday and it felt good so I think Monday I will be ready to hit it hard!! Just walking and things light til then!! To be sure!!

    Ebonia- We have all hit that point at one time or another this is a tough task but you can and will get through it. Think back to what got you started on this journey and how important that goal was to you then it is equally important now it just may not seem like your reaching it fast enough but you are you just have to hang in there and keep pushing strong on days when you don't feel like doing anything at least get in 5 mins make things harder for yourself by taking the stairs when possible parking further away from stores and in the school parking lot if it applies. Bottom line don't sell your self short it easy to walk away but your stronger than that so stand up and fight you will win!! There is no stopping mid flight once the plane starts it must reach it's destination your that plane in mid flight plz keep pushing til you reach paradise!!! OK this is like my favorite analogy I am such a dork I hope you get the point and that is you deserve it so work for it!!

    Jessica hope you can get some rest this weekend it definitely sound like your schedule played with the scale for you this week hope things get better and the baby feels better as well so you both can sleep at night and I know your body will adjust to the school schedule very soon I am going through that this week also!!

    I am like a roller coaster trying to get to the airpor to be able to take off I don't know what's wrog with my body at this point it's been 5mnths and no real progress talk about frustration I am going to keep pushing foward I joined another group and it is the count down til New Years which is only 17wks away crazy right this year has flown by and I really need to buckle down we all know what can happen this time of the year. For me it is heavier cooking and holidays that are going to be my challenge I will prevail I will hit my goal one day!!
  • usmcwifeb15
    usmcwifeb15 Posts: 470 Member
    Hello all! Adding myself to the list and hoping to lose 5lbs this month! Good luck everyone.

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    Palermo1121: lose 5 lbs (SW 160)
    usmcwifeb15: lose 5lbs (148 to 143)
  • wendytobin
    Hi to all,

    well done on the losses so far with a 1/3rd of the way into september

    Ebonia - i certainly feel for you, i have been in the same situation a couple of weeks ago, i had no motivation to do any exercise, couldnt explain why i felt so low, but then soon enough i picked myself and got back to it.
    you can do this, you know you can, just look at how far you have come so far and think back to why you first started on this journey.

    my weight hadnt changed since my last report of a loss in the middle of august, but yesterday when i done my daily weigh in there was a 1lb loss, when the scales show i am down i have to step off the scales and get back on about another 3 times to make sure its the same reading, if it goes back up then i dont count it for my weekly weigh in, so yesterday i ws fortunate that it showed the same for the 3 times, so i thought thats it i am taking this loss this week. the weight loss seems to have slowed down, its very hard at the moment to get rid of the last couple of pounds i am aiming at.

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs (my weight loss is slowing down i guess cause im about 10lbs from my goal)
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds - lost 1pound - 2 pounds to go
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    Palermo1121: lose 5 lbs (SW 160)
  • GiGi76
    GiGi76 Posts: 876 Member
    Ebonia: You have been doing Great, dont let a few set backs keep you from moving forward!!! You can do this, just get back on track.... tell yourself no matter what im going to get a workout in tomorrow and if all you can do is go for a 30min walk thats fine its bettter than nothing at all!!! I have faith in you, you can do this!!!:wink:

    Cnbethea: Glad to see you leg is better... i think its a good idea that you are taking it easy till monday (just to be on the safe side)... a few days is better than having to be sideline for a few weeks!!! Take care!!!:flowerforyou:

    Tattoodfreek: Maybe i will take a pic in my goal pants.... i need another pair of goal pants now.... but thats the smallest size that i held on to.... I will just shot for a size 4 now!!! going to take me several months to get there but hey im in this for the long haul!!! Oh and keep it up with the workouts and before you know it you will be at your goal and beyond!!! :drinker:

    As for me.... Im down 1.5lbs today bring me to 133.5lbs!!! Im so looking forward to getting into my 120's.... its coming!!! :bigsmile:

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!!
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs -1.5lbs = 1.5lbs to go
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds - lost 1pound - 2 pounds to go
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    Palermo1121: lose 5 lbs (SW 160)
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Congrats GiGi and Wendy on losses!

    Tattoodfreek - Congrats on NSV's!! I am with you I love seeing changes in my body and clothes size!

    Cnbethea - Glad leg is doing better.

    EboniA and Cnbetha - Important to never give up and if you do that half the battle is accomplished. A journey has ups and downs. The important thing is getting there. How long this takes depends on us. Slow and Steady wins the race also. So don't despair. Over the weekend I am going to post some links for you both and anyone else who wants to read.

    Everyone have a good weekend!!! :flowerforyou:

    ******************************* Corrected List ***********************************

    Tiarapants - 3 pound down - 4 pounds to go (starting 165 lbs)
    Cnbethea - to lose 10 pounds SW 165.2
    Ifychudy - to lose 10 lbs SW 215.4
    Tattoodfreek- lose 3 pounds and HIT GOAL!! - up .2 pounds - 3.2 to go
    GiGi76 - to lose 3lbs -1.5lbs = 1.5lbs to go
    EboniA - to lose 5 pounds + gained 2 lbs = 7 remaining
    Mollie1037 - To lose 7 pounds - SW 366, CW 362, GW 359 -- lost 4 pounds, 3 to go.
    Krysta150 - to lose 8 pounds
    wendytobin - to lose 3 pounds - lost 1pound - 2 pounds to go
    xcbballuver-to lose 5 pounds (from 128.4 to 123.4)
    TruSunshine- to lose 5lbs (SW on 9/1 is 191.2) -1.6 (3.4 remaining)
    Fatfreelolly- to lose 8 pounds
    Reign - to lose 3lbs
    Exercisediva - to lose 10 lbs
    Dounia - lose 5 pounds (SW on 9/1 ==> 126.5) ; CW on 9/9/2010 = 124.5
    SugaNess- to lose 5 pounds
    Pattisosnowski- to lose 8 pounds
    BigGail - 10lbs for September but I'm only weighing every 10 days
    Herewego - lose 6lbs in Sept taking me to a total loss of -10lbs
    davischiky - lose 5lbs
    andrewsa - lose 6lbs
    Ad73163 - lose 8lbs
    pink_butterfly - lose 5 pounds
    Jengarabrant - lose 4lbs
    Tkwilliams67 - lose 8 lbs (s/w 244.6) In time for my 43rd birthday.
    HeatherH - lose 5lb this month.
    FayeMal - lose 6lb
    LShunter- lose 5 lbs before son's 1st birthday
    Jodie_t ...S/W 145, want to be at least 2 lbs down by end of the month.
    Texemgirl: 7 lbs (147 to 140)
    tffnrod25: 10 lbs 262.8 to 252.8
    HerbieSue: lose 4 pounds to get back to goal and weigh-in for free!
    cdistor: Will lost 6 lbs in September (Start : 160 --> Goal: 154lbs)
    luv4mart - to lose 5 pounds
    Palermo1121: lose 5 lbs (SW 160)
    usmcwifeb15: lose 5lbs (148 to 143)