Phentermine & Topamax Combination



  • psue321
    psue321 Posts: 2
    Hi. I'm new and just looking around. I've been taking phen (37.5 once a day) and following the 17 Day Diet since 3/22. Have lost 19 lbs (my ticker wouldn't let me put that in so had to start with todays weight. If anybody knows a way to change that please let me know). Been thinking about the phen/topamax combo. I'm not doing too bad right now so maybe should save that for when loss slows down more. Side effects sound a little scary. Phen just causes dry mouth and hard to get to sleep, which I can live with. Anyway, just wanted to say hello. Going to go look around the site some more.
  • SouthernStyleMaMa
    SouthernStyleMaMa Posts: 4 Member
    why would anyone want to take this with only 20 lbs to lose?????
  • SouthernStyleMaMa
    SouthernStyleMaMa Posts: 4 Member
    Just started on Wednesday July 24, 2013 Phentermine 37.5 mg/ Topiramate 25/mg. Starting weight was 287. I'm 40 years old and sick and tired of being 'tired'.:sad: I have NO health problems other than I just want to get this weight off.. it takes a lot of effort to move this body around with this 5'3 inch frame. anyhoo.. i'm on it! Fired up! :laugh: I report into myfitnesspal every day and will be posting on here once a month.. lets get this party started..:smile:

    5'4 40yr Female
    Starting weight: 287
    2X tops
    20 pants

    I'm chubby from my nose to my toes but I am encourage by those who wanna be accountable with me. :blushing:

    I have no adverse side affects thus far!

    Lets be friends and do this! Add me! :):flowerforyou:
  • Mcgrawhaha
    Mcgrawhaha Posts: 1,596 Member
    back when i was searching for pills to make me lose weight, i took a phentermine type med, from a diet clinic... i lost about 10 pounds in 4 weeks, however, in that 4 weeks, i also was taken by ambulance about 5 times to the er because i kept having horrible anxiety attacks because my heart felt like it was going to beat clear out of my chest. i actually thought i was having a heart attack, and thought i was dying. i quit that stuff after 4 weeks... never would i recommend it to anyone! decided to do it the good old fashion way, calories in, energy out, and the weight melted off just as fast as with the pills... only difference is im not affecting my heart like the pills were!
  • blc1971
    blc1971 Posts: 170 Member
    The only experience I have regarding Topamax is my cousin who took it for migraines and it did cause her to lose weight but she also lost hair. Her hair thinned drastically and noticeably, and it took a long time for it to come back in.

    I took phentermine and lost over 63 lbs about 14 years ago. It took about 8 months and I was thrilled with the results in spite of the dry mouth, heart palpitations, and headaches. However, when I quit taking the meds (and I slowly weaned off of them) I had not really learned how to eat so I immediately began gaining back the weight. I was working out and running on a daily basis, but in spite of that I gained it all back. Over the years I attempted to go back on the meds to jump-start weight loss and they didn't work as well. I believe the phentermine slowed down my metabolism and since then I have been working to repair that.

    I decided in September, 2012, that I would try to get this weight off using the old-fashioned "eat less-move more" tactic. It has worked well for me, but definitely more slowly than using the drugs. That being said, I know the changes I've made are sustainable. I decided I want to be strong and healthy more than I want to be thin. However, being thinner has been a really nice side-effect! LOL!!

    I don't judge anyone who decides they need weight loss drugs to help them reach their goals. I would caution anyone to make sure you are being monitored by a doctor and that you are making long-term, sustainable changes to your lifestyle. That is the only way you will be able to keep the weight off.

    Good luck on your journey!!
  • MFPRat
    MFPRat Posts: 201 Member
    I tried it for about a week. I called the doctor because I was having tingling in my feet. She told me to stop it right away. So I did.

    Phentermine alone only gave me more energy and clarity. I didn't lose any weight, but I felt great.
  • anna_lisa
    anna_lisa Posts: 486 Member
  • buffermarie
    buffermarie Posts: 54 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Just wondering if anyone else has been on the combination of Phentermine & Topamax ?
    I went to the DR today. I had lost about 13 lbs, but today it was back up 6 lbs again. I am
    a type 2 diabetic, and every medication he has given me - with the exception of Actos has
    made me sicker than a dog. There is just no medications that help my blood sugars without
    adverse effects. So today he prescribed this combination to help speed up my metabolism
    and hopefully get the weight off quicker which will help my blood sugars. I am extremely
    sensitive to medications so he is starting me on very low doses, but I am very nervous to
    start this program tomorrow. Does anyone have advice or experiences they can share?

    Thanks so much!
    Kim McNamara
    Future Healthy Person.

    I was prescribed Topamax for binge eating disorder. While extremely effective, it TOTALLY messed with my cognitive skills. One day I actually thought that Walgreens had put hits of acid in the pills because I was "trippin" out!!!!! I lost my train of thought frequently, came to work with my shirt on inside-out and backwards.. Just be really careful! That stuff is nasty!
    I've since been given Naltrexone which works the same way without all that crazy side effect stuff.
    Good luck!
  • jdm_taco
    jdm_taco Posts: 999 Member
    I hope you don't like carbonated drinks. All of them tasted flat when I took Topamax for migraines.
  • laylaness
    laylaness Posts: 262 Member
    I hope you don't like carbonated drinks. All of them tasted flat when I took Topamax for migraines.

    This happened to me too, I thought I was going crazy. Well, crazier.

    I was on 100mg/day of Topamax for migraines. I went off of it a couple of months ago after being on it for 4 months. At first, I wasn't hungry, but that side effect went away in a couple of weeks. Everything else, like carbonated drinks tasting flat and mental fogginess, stayed.

    Wasn't worth it.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The soda side effect has stayed, as has the loss of appetite, but food tastes good so all is well.

    I am only on 25 mg for my migraines and it is working because I also have drastically changed my diet. I think I found my biggest trigger by accident. GLUTEN!

    When I had no hunger, I chose to not eat white. I figured I would eat protein first, then veggies, and if I could get it down some potato or rice. Turned out bread/pasta just didn't fit. So after some research I decided to cut gluten.

    Long story short, I have done a 4 month experiment and it definitely is the gluten. Hoping I can get off the Topamax at some point.

    2 good things : 1 no migraines when I take the meds and no gluten and 2 I have lost 15 more lbs:drinker:

    Oh and who needs soda, tea still tasted good :laugh:
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    The only experience I have regarding Topamax is my cousin who took it for migraines and it did cause her to lose weight but she also lost hair. Her hair thinned drastically and noticeably, and it took a long time for it to come back in.

    I took phentermine and lost over 63 lbs about 14 years ago. It took about 8 months and I was thrilled with the results in spite of the dry mouth, heart palpitations, and headaches. However, when I quit taking the meds (and I slowly weaned off of them) I had not really learned how to eat so I immediately began gaining back the weight. I was working out and running on a daily basis, but in spite of that I gained it all back. Over the years I attempted to go back on the meds to jump-start weight loss and they didn't work as well. I believe the phentermine slowed down my metabolism and since then I have been working to repair that.

    I decided in September, 2012, that I would try to get this weight off using the old-fashioned "eat less-move more" tactic. It has worked well for me, but definitely more slowly than using the drugs. That being said, I know the changes I've made are sustainable. I decided I want to be strong and healthy more than I want to be thin. However, being thinner has been a really nice side-effect! LOL!!

    I don't judge anyone who decides they need weight loss drugs to help them reach their goals. I would caution anyone to make sure you are being monitored by a doctor and that you are making long-term, sustainable changes to your lifestyle. That is the only way you will be able to keep the weight off.

    Good luck on your journey!!

    IMHO that is because people stop eating and don't watch their vitamin and protein intake. I love my hair, and I only went on the Topamax as a last resort after a full month of migraines. NOT a day....... or a few a week.........a MONTH on a migraine day and night. Thank God for MFP because I knew to watch my macros, and I haven't lost hair on my chinny chin chin.......:love:

    I totally agree with the eat less, exercise more tactic for weight loss. Everyone I have met on here who started with pills, stopped in a short time and continued to lose weight because of the great tools and supportive help from us!! :drinker:
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    I admit I was taking Phen..and I stopped about 6 weeks ago.. I gained a FEW lbs back, but other than I haven't noticed that much of a difference as far as being more or less hungry,. When I was on it, I ate healthy and exercised... I'm off of it..and I'm still eating healthy and exercising. After about a month of the phentermine, it really didn't work anymore, so its not much difference. They started me on topamax, and I saw no difference except weird tingling in my feet and hands, and the soda.. I didn't care for it at all... I took it for maybe a week, and stopped.. now I am clear of any medicine.. I take a b complex sub lingual vitamin (that I buy, not a shot I go and get which I used to do) and I'm still feeling great...this has been a life change...not a fad diet. (can't take those meds for the rest of my life)
  • skibunny2k
    I've been on Phen for three weeks as of tomorrow. So far I have lost 9.2 lbs. I am happy with the speed of my weight loss. Since I am not hungry as much, I am finding it easier to enjoy healthier options instead of high calorie bad foods. I am trying to keep my calories between 1,000 and 1,200. I have a significant amount to lose so the lower the better, but not too low to put myself in starvation mode. I have a check up with my Dr. at the 3 month mark, at which time she is hoping I will have weened myself off it a bit. Depending on how the effectiveness goes, I may do one month on, a week off, a month on and so on until I can get to like the last 20 or so lbs. I know the last 20 are usually the slowest to come off so I'm hoping that I can go off the Phen by that point and really amp up exercise and really tailor my dieting to be as clean as possible.

    Anyone out there have any positive experience with taking Phen and not gaining it back? Can you give some tips on how to cycle off it at the end of weight loss in hopes of not gaining back?
  • jpalocy77
    jpalocy77 Posts: 114 Member
    I haven't taken it in 6 weeks and have been up and down 5lbs. Eat healthy choices and exercise and you will keep it off. It's all about self discipline in the end
  • lmland
    I started this combination a week ago, I'm not diabetic though. I've lost 10 lbs so far. Now I can't stand the taste or smell of sweets especially chocolate and so far all carbonated beverages taste horrid. I'm only able to choke down about 800 calories a day, anymore than that and I feel nauseous. My doctor advised me to stick to a low carb menu, lean meat and dairy, vegetables, some fruit. No juices, sweets, breads, or processed foods. That hasn't been a problem because my cravings have absolutely disappeared. The only time I have thought about food this last week is a reminder I had to put on my cell phone to eat and record my calorie intake. I'm hoping this doesn't change. I hope you are able to find something that works for you.
  • I take 300 mg Topamax, 37.5 mg phentermine (it's supposed to be the equivalent of Qsymia) it worked for awhile and along with maintaining weight with help of lap-band I stayed at 160. When I stopped and got sick had to go on steroids and various other meds shot up to 189 within a few months... Going on a week now back on track. How did yours work for you??
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Oddly enough I believe I have found Gluten to be a trigger as well.
  • hixona
    hixona Posts: 7 Member
    I started the combination 2 weeks ago and I am down 12lbs with light exercise after knee surgery. My doc said she wanted me to lose 10 by the time I came back in two months.
  • cindyb327
    cindyb327 Posts: 15 Member
    have you tried everything else? i just worry about these meds. what about more nuts and beans?more protein. more walking. no sugar, no white flour. adding some weights to work outs. i just care.:)